Frackers Are Saving Western Civilization


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
One reason the left hate fracking.

America Is Flush with Shale Gas, Just in Time for Winter.

The United States has never entered a winter with more natural gas at the ready, according to the latest data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). During the warmer months of the year, countries pump drilled natural gas into storage, anticipating a cyclical spike in demand when temperatures start falling. As we head into those colder months now, the amount of natural gas in storage here in the United States has just hit an all-time high, as the EIA reports. . . .

But while the exact rate at which households and businesses consume natural gas in the United States this winter remains to be seen, we do know that we’ve never been in a better position with respect to natural gas. This abundance isn’t just a boon to energy security, it also corresponds to cheaper prices, a development that is especially helpful for poorer families for whom their heating bills make up a larger slice of the monthly budget.

We’d be remiss to not give credit where credit is due for this unprecedented hoard of natural gas: Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal well-drilling of shale formations around the country are entirely responsible for this resurgence in oil and natural gas production over the past eight years.
One reason the left hate fracking.

America Is Flush with Shale Gas, Just in Time for Winter.

The United States has never entered a winter with more natural gas at the ready, according to the latest data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). During the warmer months of the year, countries pump drilled natural gas into storage, anticipating a cyclical spike in demand when temperatures start falling. As we head into those colder months now, the amount of natural gas in storage here in the United States has just hit an all-time high, as the EIA reports. . . .

But while the exact rate at which households and businesses consume natural gas in the United States this winter remains to be seen, we do know that we’ve never been in a better position with respect to natural gas. This abundance isn’t just a boon to energy security, it also corresponds to cheaper prices, a development that is especially helpful for poorer families for whom their heating bills make up a larger slice of the monthly budget.

We’d be remiss to not give credit where credit is due for this unprecedented hoard of natural gas: Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal well-drilling of shale formations around the country are entirely responsible for this resurgence in oil and natural gas production over the past eight years.
Fracking around the western part of Ft Worth goes on 24/7/365. For the past year, about 500 yards from my house, the noise from the operation is like a white noise machine helping me sleep. It's even better than the outdoor gun range just down the street. The only downside is the thousands of water trucks causing potholes in the road that continuously need fixing.
One reason the left hate fracking.

America Is Flush with Shale Gas, Just in Time for Winter.

The United States has never entered a winter with more natural gas at the ready, according to the latest data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). During the warmer months of the year, countries pump drilled natural gas into storage, anticipating a cyclical spike in demand when temperatures start falling. As we head into those colder months now, the amount of natural gas in storage here in the United States has just hit an all-time high, as the EIA reports. . . .

But while the exact rate at which households and businesses consume natural gas in the United States this winter remains to be seen, we do know that we’ve never been in a better position with respect to natural gas. This abundance isn’t just a boon to energy security, it also corresponds to cheaper prices, a development that is especially helpful for poorer families for whom their heating bills make up a larger slice of the monthly budget.

We’d be remiss to not give credit where credit is due for this unprecedented hoard of natural gas: Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal well-drilling of shale formations around the country are entirely responsible for this resurgence in oil and natural gas production over the past eight years.
I love Luling Texas. Love it! Keep it up!
One reason the left hate fracking.

America Is Flush with Shale Gas, Just in Time for Winter.

The United States has never entered a winter with more natural gas at the ready, according to the latest data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). During the warmer months of the year, countries pump drilled natural gas into storage, anticipating a cyclical spike in demand when temperatures start falling. As we head into those colder months now, the amount of natural gas in storage here in the United States has just hit an all-time high, as the EIA reports. . . .

But while the exact rate at which households and businesses consume natural gas in the United States this winter remains to be seen, we do know that we’ve never been in a better position with respect to natural gas. This abundance isn’t just a boon to energy security, it also corresponds to cheaper prices, a development that is especially helpful for poorer families for whom their heating bills make up a larger slice of the monthly budget.

We’d be remiss to not give credit where credit is due for this unprecedented hoard of natural gas: Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal well-drilling of shale formations around the country are entirely responsible for this resurgence in oil and natural gas production over the past eight years.
I love Luling Texas. Love it! Keep it up!
In my housing development in Ft Worth the home owners each have 5-10 acres. Each home owner who has mineral rights gets a check each month for $2500 to $5000 depending on lot size. I built a house on my daughters property so I don't get any but my daughter does. Texas is beautiful
and increased earthquakes in Oklahoma from 1.5 earthquakes a year 3.0 or above, to 2.5 earthquakes per day, 3.0 or above.

These seismic events are almost certainly and exclusively attributed to commercial disposal wells which are used by many other industries in addition to oil and natural gas. You either already knew this and are being a dick, or you're just an ignorant dick. :slap:

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