Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

I would say youre right but when you look at it you have to call bullshit. Whites tipped the scales in their favor for over 400 years. Look what they now have. Control of the vast majority of all the institutions, resources, and jobs in the US. So you cant tell me tilting the scales makes the problem worse unless you are saying whites are going to fight to keep Blacks in poverty. Now if upsetting whites is the reason for not having AA again I have to call bullshit. I couldn't care less what they think of me. Theyre simply pions. My dignity is not determined by whites. Its determined by what I think.

What difference does past history make? There is not a damn thing in this world that anyone will ever be able to do to erase history!

Some white people DO want to keep you in poverty! They want to pat you on the head and patronize you because you can't help it that you're black. "Here's a program for you because you're incapable of doing for yourself, because we all know you are ignorant and black, and you can't help that! If you had been born with white skin, things would have been different. So here is a little something to make you feel like things are more "fair" while the world around you continues to look down at you because you've got the wrong color skin. You're never going to accomplish anything because you're black and you can't help that... so we'll take care of you by giving you just enough to survive, okay?"

Look, I totally understand your sentiments but the answer is not more government hand outs to minorities. It hasn't helped the black community, it has served to SHACKLE them! Break those chains! Set yourself FREE! You don't need guilty white liberal racists feeding you crumbs out of pity! All that serves to do is destroy your self-esteem and pride. Realize that you have unlimited potential as a human being regardless of your skin color. If people are prejudiced, prove them wrong about you, make an example of yourself. Don't line up to take their handouts, be offended by that! You don't need to be coddled or taken care of, you're a grown ass man!
The difference past history makes is that if it was done for whites whats the issue with it being done for Blacks so we can have equity?

I dont care about their motivations even if that was true. I care about the end result which would be employed Black people able to leave behind poverty.

The only thing that has shackled Black people is racism in its many forms. From the covert physiological warfare on the Black people in this country to the overt. Again. AA wouldnt destroy my self esteem. I dont have time for pride and nor do I care what some random white boy thinks.. I'm trying to feed my family and make sure my kids have it better than I did. I'm also not offended because I dont consider them handouts. They still havent compensated my ancestors for their work in generating the wealth that made this country an economic power. Getting AA is not coddling. Its just another option to get ahead in my arsenal should I ever need it. I dont get to keep a job because I'm Black I have to perform on my own merits.
I had a thought. AA isn't the problem in Detroit. The problem is there are no jobs in places like Detroit. I don't mean the heart of the city I'm talking about the other 75% of it.

I can agree racism plays a part but even you agree there is no solution to take the ghetto out of the poor blacks. There is no way to break the cycle of poverty, right? We have to give them good paying jobs first or they'll just keep breeding like rabbits? Because corporations won't go to places that are so dangerous. So dangerous kids worry they won't live to 18

Because I'd like to solve the cycle of poverty.

Well the problem in Detroit is the base of the economy (the auto industry) tanked or sent all their jobs elsewhere so they don't have to be held hostage to the labor union. Once the economy collapses, the civil societal structure crumbles.

If you honestly want to solve the cycle of poverty you'd stop supporting democrat policies designed to "help" people and advocate policies designed to motivate people instead. But then, who would do those jobs you don't want to do?
I would say youre right but when you look at it you have to call bullshit. Whites tipped the scales in their favor for over 400 years. Look what they now have. Control of the vast majority of all the institutions, resources, and jobs in the US. So you cant tell me tilting the scales makes the problem worse unless you are saying whites are going to fight to keep Blacks in poverty. Now if upsetting whites is the reason for not having AA again I have to call bullshit. I couldn't care less what they think of me. Theyre simply pions. My dignity is not determined by whites. Its determined by what I think.

What difference does past history make? There is not a damn thing in this world that anyone will ever be able to do to erase history!

Some white people DO want to keep you in poverty! They want to pat you on the head and patronize you because you can't help it that you're black. "Here's a program for you because you're incapable of doing for yourself, because we all know you are ignorant and black, and you can't help that! If you had been born with white skin, things would have been different. So here is a little something to make you feel like things are more "fair" while the world around you continues to look down at you because you've got the wrong color skin. You're never going to accomplish anything because you're black and you can't help that... so we'll take care of you by giving you just enough to survive, okay?"

Look, I totally understand your sentiments but the answer is not more government hand outs to minorities. It hasn't helped the black community, it has served to SHACKLE them! Break those chains! Set yourself FREE! You don't need guilty white liberal racists feeding you crumbs out of pity! All that serves to do is destroy your self-esteem and pride. Realize that you have unlimited potential as a human being regardless of your skin color. If people are prejudiced, prove them wrong about you, make an example of yourself. Don't line up to take their handouts, be offended by that! You don't need to be coddled or taken care of, you're a grown ass man!
The difference past history makes is that if it was done for whites whats the issue with it being done for Blacks so we can have equity?

I dont care about their motivations even if that was true. I care about the end result which would be employed Black people able to leave behind poverty.

The only thing that has shackled Black people is racism in its many forms. From the covert physiological warfare on the Black people in this country to the overt. Again. AA wouldnt destroy my self esteem. I dont have time for pride and nor do I care what some random white boy thinks.. I'm trying to feed my family and make sure my kids have it better than I did. I'm also not offended because I dont consider them handouts. They still havent compensated my ancestors for their work in generating the wealth that made this country an economic power. Getting AA is not coddling. Its just another option to get ahead in my arsenal should I ever need it. I dont get to keep a job because I'm Black I have to perform on my own merits.
I had a thought. AA isn't the problem in Detroit. The problem is there are no jobs in places like Detroit. I don't mean the heart of the city I'm talking about the other 75% of it.

I can agree racism plays a part but even you agree there is no solution to take the ghetto out of the poor blacks. There is no way to break the cycle of poverty, right? We have to give them good paying jobs first or they'll just keep breeding like rabbits? Because corporations won't go to places that are so dangerous. So dangerous kids worry they won't live to 18

Because I'd like to solve the cycle of poverty.

Well the problem in Detroit is the base of the economy (the auto industry) tanked or sent all their jobs elsewhere so they don't have to be held hostage to the labor union. Once the economy collapses, the civil societal structure crumbles.

If you honestly want to solve the cycle of poverty you'd stop supporting democrat policies designed to "help" people and advocate policies designed to motivate people instead. But then, who would do those jobs you don't want to do?
Jobs are our democratic policy. Good paying jobs.

Republicans policy is low paying jobs. Or send those jobs to china. That helps who?

Can 100% of Amway workers be successful? No. Like the economy, its a pyramid scheme. Only a few at the top, some in the middle and the masses on the bottom. The pyramid will never be a square. So 100% can't succeed no matter how had they try.
I would say youre right but when you look at it you have to call bullshit. Whites tipped the scales in their favor for over 400 years. Look what they now have. Control of the vast majority of all the institutions, resources, and jobs in the US. So you cant tell me tilting the scales makes the problem worse unless you are saying whites are going to fight to keep Blacks in poverty. Now if upsetting whites is the reason for not having AA again I have to call bullshit. I couldn't care less what they think of me. Theyre simply pions. My dignity is not determined by whites. Its determined by what I think.

What difference does past history make? There is not a damn thing in this world that anyone will ever be able to do to erase history!

Some white people DO want to keep you in poverty! They want to pat you on the head and patronize you because you can't help it that you're black. "Here's a program for you because you're incapable of doing for yourself, because we all know you are ignorant and black, and you can't help that! If you had been born with white skin, things would have been different. So here is a little something to make you feel like things are more "fair" while the world around you continues to look down at you because you've got the wrong color skin. You're never going to accomplish anything because you're black and you can't help that... so we'll take care of you by giving you just enough to survive, okay?"

Look, I totally understand your sentiments but the answer is not more government hand outs to minorities. It hasn't helped the black community, it has served to SHACKLE them! Break those chains! Set yourself FREE! You don't need guilty white liberal racists feeding you crumbs out of pity! All that serves to do is destroy your self-esteem and pride. Realize that you have unlimited potential as a human being regardless of your skin color. If people are prejudiced, prove them wrong about you, make an example of yourself. Don't line up to take their handouts, be offended by that! You don't need to be coddled or taken care of, you're a grown ass man!
The difference past history makes is that if it was done for whites whats the issue with it being done for Blacks so we can have equity?

I dont care about their motivations even if that was true. I care about the end result which would be employed Black people able to leave behind poverty.

The only thing that has shackled Black people is racism in its many forms. From the covert physiological warfare on the Black people in this country to the overt. Again. AA wouldnt destroy my self esteem. I dont have time for pride and nor do I care what some random white boy thinks.. I'm trying to feed my family and make sure my kids have it better than I did. I'm also not offended because I dont consider them handouts. They still havent compensated my ancestors for their work in generating the wealth that made this country an economic power. Getting AA is not coddling. Its just another option to get ahead in my arsenal should I ever need it. I dont get to keep a job because I'm Black I have to perform on my own merits.
I had a thought. AA isn't the problem in Detroit. The problem is there are no jobs in places like Detroit. I don't mean the heart of the city I'm talking about the other 75% of it.

I can agree racism plays a part but even you agree there is no solution to take the ghetto out of the poor blacks. There is no way to break the cycle of poverty, right? We have to give them good paying jobs first or they'll just keep breeding like rabbits? Because corporations won't go to places that are so dangerous. So dangerous kids worry they won't live to 18

Because I'd like to solve the cycle of poverty.

Well the problem in Detroit is the base of the economy (the auto industry) tanked or sent all their jobs elsewhere so they don't have to be held hostage to the labor union. Once the economy collapses, the civil societal structure crumbles.

If you honestly want to solve the cycle of poverty you'd stop supporting democrat policies designed to "help" people and advocate policies designed to motivate people instead. But then, who would do those jobs you don't want to do?
Jobs are our democratic policy. Good paying jobs.

Republicans policy is low paying jobs. Or send those jobs to china. That helps who?

Can 100% of Amway workers be successful? No. Like the economy, its a pyramid scheme. Only a few at the top, some in the middle and the masses on the bottom. The pyramid will never be a square. So 100% can't succeed no matter how had they try.

IMO, one of the reasons for Trump's dominance is his challenging of the GOP's long standing ideological faith in "Free Trade".

If he gets the nomination, IMO, one of the factors that makes him a contender to win, is his challenging of the Dems slightly less long standing policy of "Free Trade".

To be clear, I am agreeing with you that the GOP has not had good policies for good jobs.
I would say youre right but when you look at it you have to call bullshit. Whites tipped the scales in their favor for over 400 years. Look what they now have. Control of the vast majority of all the institutions, resources, and jobs in the US. So you cant tell me tilting the scales makes the problem worse unless you are saying whites are going to fight to keep Blacks in poverty. Now if upsetting whites is the reason for not having AA again I have to call bullshit. I couldn't care less what they think of me. Theyre simply pions. My dignity is not determined by whites. Its determined by what I think.

What difference does past history make? There is not a damn thing in this world that anyone will ever be able to do to erase history!

Some white people DO want to keep you in poverty! They want to pat you on the head and patronize you because you can't help it that you're black. "Here's a program for you because you're incapable of doing for yourself, because we all know you are ignorant and black, and you can't help that! If you had been born with white skin, things would have been different. So here is a little something to make you feel like things are more "fair" while the world around you continues to look down at you because you've got the wrong color skin. You're never going to accomplish anything because you're black and you can't help that... so we'll take care of you by giving you just enough to survive, okay?"

Look, I totally understand your sentiments but the answer is not more government hand outs to minorities. It hasn't helped the black community, it has served to SHACKLE them! Break those chains! Set yourself FREE! You don't need guilty white liberal racists feeding you crumbs out of pity! All that serves to do is destroy your self-esteem and pride. Realize that you have unlimited potential as a human being regardless of your skin color. If people are prejudiced, prove them wrong about you, make an example of yourself. Don't line up to take their handouts, be offended by that! You don't need to be coddled or taken care of, you're a grown ass man!
The difference past history makes is that if it was done for whites whats the issue with it being done for Blacks so we can have equity?

I dont care about their motivations even if that was true. I care about the end result which would be employed Black people able to leave behind poverty.

The only thing that has shackled Black people is racism in its many forms. From the covert physiological warfare on the Black people in this country to the overt. Again. AA wouldnt destroy my self esteem. I dont have time for pride and nor do I care what some random white boy thinks.. I'm trying to feed my family and make sure my kids have it better than I did. I'm also not offended because I dont consider them handouts. They still havent compensated my ancestors for their work in generating the wealth that made this country an economic power. Getting AA is not coddling. Its just another option to get ahead in my arsenal should I ever need it. I dont get to keep a job because I'm Black I have to perform on my own merits.
I had a thought. AA isn't the problem in Detroit. The problem is there are no jobs in places like Detroit. I don't mean the heart of the city I'm talking about the other 75% of it.

I can agree racism plays a part but even you agree there is no solution to take the ghetto out of the poor blacks. There is no way to break the cycle of poverty, right? We have to give them good paying jobs first or they'll just keep breeding like rabbits? Because corporations won't go to places that are so dangerous. So dangerous kids worry they won't live to 18

Because I'd like to solve the cycle of poverty.

Well the problem in Detroit is the base of the economy (the auto industry) tanked or sent all their jobs elsewhere so they don't have to be held hostage to the labor union. Once the economy collapses, the civil societal structure crumbles.

If you honestly want to solve the cycle of poverty you'd stop supporting democrat policies designed to "help" people and advocate policies designed to motivate people instead. But then, who would do those jobs you don't want to do?
The auto industry tank because the entire economy tanked thanks George Bush
The only way there is never going to be equity is due to racism. I'm not going to just give up because white people want to be racist.

I got news for you... there will always be people who are racist. And not just white people.
Not my issue and its not news to me. I just dont happen to care. They can only make it hard for me but they cant stop me.

So you are just going to keep on supporting the "plantation mentality" of the left, even though it has destroyed the potential of the black community? That's smart.
I dont support plantation mentality. Nothing has destroyed the potential of the Black community. Yes that is smart. Pretending everything will be fine by allowing whites to simply continue their racist ways would be dumb.

You haven't stopped racism and you won't stop racism. Never going to happen.

It's actually racist to placate you and patronize you because of your skin color... don't you understand that? :dunno:
I dont have the idea I can stop racism. I already understand this. That is why I have no issue with AA giving me more options to obtain opportunities. Basically I operate like I am in guerrilla warfare. I will use any means at my disposal including the arms given to me by the enemy.

Again you keep telling me your opinion as if its a fact. Even if it was I simply dont care if its racist.
apanese Americans never went through centuries of slavery which set them back both physiologically or economically.

More news for you... Virtually EVERYONE has ancestry who endured slavery or persecution at some point in their history and Japanese-Americans are no different.
To bad your news isnt relevant to the time period, the length of time and the location in question.

Huh?? What does time periods have to do with anything? You mean, there will come a time when we can stop placating and patronizing black folks on the basis of their skin color because enough time has passed? :dunno:
The time period has everything to do with it. There is a direct connection from slavery to Jim Crow to present time. If you dont understand that then you may understand why I lend no credibility to your opinion AA is racist.
The programs do help Blacks leave behind poverty.

Statistics simply don't bear this out. Sorry, they just don't.
Reality bears this out. Without "programs" poor Blacks would die out along with poor whites.


As I said before... go research it for yourself. Blacks, while way behind whites, grew economically from 1865-1965. They stopped growing economically and began a steady decline in 1965... hmmm... what happened in 1965 to change things? Oh yeah, a racist Texas redneck implemented his "plantation" policies and you lapped it up like a puppy at a bowl of warm milk. You've been lapping it up ever since.
I dont need to research. I already know what has caused that and it wasnt what you are claiming. It has more to do with a pipe dream sold by whites and swallowed hook line and sinker by Blacks. I will elaborate when I get back.

LMAO.. YES... the LBJ pipe dream that his Great Society programs would lift you out of poverty!
Nope. It was the pipe dream of integration. Once Black people abandoned the culture and unity they were forced to practice when excluded from the american dream, they fell down. They fell for the idea that they were now free to spend their money in places where white people were still racist instead of their own businesses and communities. Once they abandoned what made them successful the dollars that routinely circulated in the Black communities and created wealth for Blacks they lost it. The war on drugs, the industrial prison complex, and the media are in the process of finishing it off.

I don't have a problem with integration per say but I do not like the results of promoting individualism over the concept of community in among Blacks. I'm actually acquainted with one of the people that did the sit ins back in the 60's and she is happy for some of the benefits of integration but she too thinks it has hurt us in the long run.
I dont support plantation mentality.

But you do. That's what you're supporting. Let's just dole out some more government money to keep the black folk happy! That's how the South maintained civility on the plantation... give them just enough to be content and they are happy.
Black folk are just as eligible to get some of the dole as whites who actually get more of it. There wasnt an issue with welfare until it became "legal" for Blacks to get it. I reject the attempts by whites and anyone else to cast it as something bad because they have been brainwashed. Sorry.

As I said before when the US government decides to pay the ancestors of the enslaved back wages with interest for building this country into an economic power, then and only then would I even take the time to consider if benefits is a bad thing.
Yes even then. Again white cops are not part of the Black community.

They just run around in it making it dangerous.

Hi Asclepias. Reading your comment about cops making the "Black community" more dangerous I had to smile when I considered the numerous times my life and safety was threatened by a depressed, sometimes suicidal segment of the "Black community" who were "living wild" (quoting Kendrick Lamar's characterization of his parents) and robbing, shooting or outright murdering peaceful Americans residing in a struggling Brooklyn community.

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Were you smiling because you agree or because you think its not true? I'm curious as to how one can be aware of the police corruption and facilitating of the drug trade in the Black community and believe its not true.
Jobs are our democratic policy. Good paying jobs.

Where the hell are they??? :dunno:
Republicans sent them bye bye

Obama has had plenty of time to come up with Trade POlicies of his own, if he really disagreed with the previous Republican and Democratic various trade agreements.

Yet, he has continued them. With nary a whimper from the Democrats in Congress.
But when Trump said he would undo or renig on our trade deals, the establishment laughed and said he isn't the king and can't just break the law.

Don't act like the Democrats can change our trade agreements without the GOP's help.

We all know the GOP invented NAFTA and HW Bush was going to sign it but the Clinton won. You expected his first move to be to not sign NAFTA? You see how the GOP treated Bill even when Bill went along with them a lot. Imagine if Bill didn't give them their anti middle class way how they would have treated him. Probably like they treat Obama who won't give them what they want. What the GOP wants is to fuck the American worker.
Jobs are our democratic policy. Good paying jobs.

Where the hell are they??? :dunno:
Republicans sent them bye bye

Obama has had plenty of time to come up with Trade POlicies of his own, if he really disagreed with the previous Republican and Democratic various trade agreements.

Yet, he has continued them. With nary a whimper from the Democrats in Congress.
But when Trump said he would undo or renig on our trade deals, the establishment laughed and said he isn't the king and can't just break the law.

Don't act like the Democrats can change our trade agreements without the GOP's help.

We all know the GOP invented NAFTA and HW Bush was going to sign it but the Clinton won. You expected his first move to be to not sign NAFTA? You see how the GOP treated Bill even when Bill went along with them a lot. Imagine if Bill didn't give them their anti middle class way how they would have treated him. Probably like they treat Obama who won't give them what they want. What the GOP wants is to fuck the American worker.

I made clear in my post that IMO, our current bad Trade Policy is the result of both "previous Republican and Democratic various trade agreements".

And yes, "Free Trade" is more on an Ideological Principal of the Republicans than the Democrats.

But, Obama has had a long time to address this issue and has not. The GOP in congress did not stop him because he did not try.

Trump is promising action. If he makes a good faith attempt and is stopped by "the establishment" in Congress, who's fault is that? Trump's or "the establishment's"?

If the GOP is fucking the American Worker then the Dems are too.

And Trump wants to stop it.
apanese Americans never went through centuries of slavery which set them back both physiologically or economically.

More news for you... Virtually EVERYONE has ancestry who endured slavery or persecution at some point in their history and Japanese-Americans are no different.
To bad your news isnt relevant to the time period, the length of time and the location in question.

Huh?? What does time periods have to do with anything? You mean, there will come a time when we can stop placating and patronizing black folks on the basis of their skin color because enough time has passed? :dunno:
The time period has everything to do with it. There is a direct connection from slavery to Jim Crow to present time. If you dont understand that then you may understand why I lend no credibility to your opinion AA is racist.
I see both sides of this debate. Unfortunately Boss never sees the other side.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.
nope, it's called libturdness.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

I can believe THAT!

Any white person who talked BS like you do would have his ass fired, kicked and shunned from civilized society.

That you have succeeded can only be because of the racism of low expectations from White Guilt Driven liberals.
Actually I had to be 10 times better than my white competition which wasnt hard at all. You can talk shit like I do when they are afraid of losing your expertise. However what I say on this forum and what I say or said while I was working for someone else rarely got to that level simply because no white guy would ever have the balls to prompt me.
funny how things flow right by you. You post up the words, and still don't get it. You wrote, "losing your expertise. ". It is your expertise that is the qualifier. That must mean you wanted to succeed in your business surroundings. It had nothing to do with opportunity.
apanese Americans never went through centuries of slavery which set them back both physiologically or economically.

More news for you... Virtually EVERYONE has ancestry who endured slavery or persecution at some point in their history and Japanese-Americans are no different.
To bad your news isnt relevant to the time period, the length of time and the location in question.

Huh?? What does time periods have to do with anything? You mean, there will come a time when we can stop placating and patronizing black folks on the basis of their skin color because enough time has passed? :dunno:
The time period has everything to do with it. There is a direct connection from slavery to Jim Crow to present time. If you dont understand that then you may understand why I lend no credibility to your opinion AA is racist.
I see both sides of this debate. Unfortunately Boss never sees the other side.
what is the other side? please enlighten me.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

I can believe THAT!

Any white person who talked BS like you do would have his ass fired, kicked and shunned from civilized society.

That you have succeeded can only be because of the racism of low expectations from White Guilt Driven liberals.
Actually I had to be 10 times better than my white competition which wasnt hard at all. You can talk shit like I do when they are afraid of losing your expertise. However what I say on this forum and what I say or said while I was working for someone else rarely got to that level simply because no white guy would ever have the balls to prompt me.

I'm sure you're right.

Any white guy would know that in any dispute that Upper Management would be afraid of the lawsuit and bad press that a loud mouthed black like you could produce, and that he would lose, no matter how much of an ass you had been.
Yes I'm right. However, it wasnt fear of the boss. It was fear of getting their ass kicked. I'm never an ass unless I am provoked. You make racist comments in my prescence and an ass kicking is sure to follow. I made that perfectly clear to my timid white coworkers that were racists.
ok frances.

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