FOX should be ashamed


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil

I looked twice to see if they were carrying it.

First time, they were talking about the prisoner exchange, second time they were showing footage of George Bush.

Shame on them for directing our vets but its what they always do.
Scandal, whether real or contrived, always sells better than sentiment. Nobody knows that better than an Australian media magnate who made his fortune on salacious tabloid rage. (<< that was supposed to say "rags" but you know what, the typo works even better)
I will note that CNN began talking about the prisoners exchange also, but it was well after the end of the D Day ceremony. While I realize that both FOX and MSNBC are politically biased at times, FOX seems to tale it an extra mile.
I was watching on MSNBC. Switched to Fox and it was the exact same scene on the screen, as if they're all using a pool camera.

But you clowns continue to vent your idiocy about Fox until it's time to switch to one of your other sports like bitching, endlessly, about Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, guns, etc., etc.
I was watching on MSNBC. Switched to Fox and it was the exact same scene on the screen, as if they're all using a pool camera.

But you clowns continue to vent your idiocy about Fox until it's time to switch to one of your other sports like bitching, endlessly, about Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, guns, etc., etc.

Neither MSNBC or CNN interlaced reports about Bergdahl during the ceremony. But FOX did.

My dad was a WWII veteran and served in combat as his tank battalion fought their way into Germany. I am ashamed for him that, while we should have been giving full reverence to the D Day ceremony, a so-called news agency such as FOX uses the opportunity to politicize the event. That is sad....
I was watching on MSNBC. Switched to Fox and it was the exact same scene on the screen, as if they're all using a pool camera.

But you clowns continue to vent your idiocy about Fox until it's time to switch to one of your other sports like bitching, endlessly, about Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, guns, etc., etc.

They pretend they're the little guys slaying the big bad boogeyman

Truth is they're just little
I bet that blonde anchor was leading the charge.

Can't remember. When I saw them switch to their Hackery, I turned to another station, waited a few minutes and the turned it back. They were still talking about Berdahl. They have no shame.
Personally IDGAF about Normandy.

It's old news and therefore not news. Do a quick spot on it and get to the stuff that matters.
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


FOX would provide round the clock coverage if they could report that Obama wasn't there
I was watching on MSNBC. Switched to Fox and it was the exact same scene on the screen, as if they're all using a pool camera.

But you clowns continue to vent your idiocy about Fox until it's time to switch to one of your other sports like bitching, endlessly, about Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, guns, etc., etc.

Neither MSNBC or CNN interlaced reports about Bergdahl during the ceremony. But FOX did.

My dad was a WWII veteran and served in combat as his tank battalion fought their way into Germany. I am ashamed for him that, while we should have been giving full reverence to the D Day ceremony, a so-called news agency such as FOX uses the opportunity to politicize the event. That is sad....
Oh, fuck stick, now you've changed your story from Fox not covering it to they interlaced their coverage. Duly noted.
I was watching on MSNBC. Switched to Fox and it was the exact same scene on the screen, as if they're all using a pool camera.

But you clowns continue to vent your idiocy about Fox until it's time to switch to one of your other sports like bitching, endlessly, about Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, guns, etc., etc.

Neither MSNBC or CNN interlaced reports about Bergdahl during the ceremony. But FOX did.

My dad was a WWII veteran and served in combat as his tank battalion fought their way into Germany. I am ashamed for him that, while we should have been giving full reverence to the D Day ceremony, a so-called news agency such as FOX uses the opportunity to politicize the event. That is sad....
Oh, fuck stick, now you've changed your story from Fox not covering it to they interlaced their coverage. Duly noted.

You know that FOX covered the ceremony. You ain't too smart are you. It is one thing to cover the ceremony and give due respect to the veterans. but it is another to take advantage of the coverage in interlace their political points.
Sad, sad, sad. Goes to show that they put party before country

So when Fox airs their piece,later and cnn has something different on also,you will complain about cnn, for not airing the same at the same time or will you walk the partisan line once again?
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


Did you really come on here to whine about some coverage of some news channel?
do you not have anything better to do?
get help or a life
you people and your obsession with Fox, it needs to be named some sort of mental disorder
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I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


FOX would provide round the clock coverage if they could report that Obama wasn't there

"Obama did not show up for the Normandy ceremonies. Slap in the face to our allies"

"Obama shows up for the Normandy ceremonies. Slap in the face to our allies"
Sad, sad, sad. Goes to show that they put party before country

So when Fox airs their piece,later and cnn has something different on also,you will complain about cnn, for not airing the same at the same time or will you walk the partisan line once again?

It's about timing.

In 2004, during the ceremony, at which President Bush was in Normandy, FOX covered it all day long. In fact, I taped that coverage.

And this was their cover story on that day:

Bush Honors D-Day Heroes in Normandy | Fox News

It was the biggest story, and front paged.

But not in 2014...
I will note that CNN began talking about the prisoners exchange also, but it was well after the end of the D Day ceremony. While I realize that both FOX and MSNBC are politically biased at times, FOX seems to tale it an extra mile.

how do you know fox was not talking about it earlier? it is on their front page on the website.

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