FOX should be ashamed

At least Fox reports what is important. Apparently PMSNBC and the Clinton News Network are pretending it's not happening hoping to keep their audience to stupid and ill informed.
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


One moment in time!

It takes a total asshole to condemn a TV channel for not featuring the the same news item at the same time as other TV channels at the convenience of JimH52.

FNC covered the events at Normandy, probably better than any of the other channels.
I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


One moment in time!

It takes a total asshole to condemn a TV channel for not featuring the the same news item at the same time as other TV channels at the convenience of JimH52.

FNC covered the events at Normandy, probably better than any of the other channels.

I would be embarrassed to post something as petty and stupid as this

All this showed is shallow and petty
D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation| Latest News Videos | Fox News

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>


another dishonest jim thread

6 minute video

will jim recant?

Recant what? I turn on FOX thinking that they would be covering the ceremonies in Normandy and I am bombarded with some crazy woman telling me that the exchange will help Taliban recruitment. You know, sort of like McCain's release which included a number of communist in Vietnam also helped their cause. But that was a different time wasn't it.

You people are such frigin HYPOCRITES!

oh, you poor fucking baby. they didn't have it on when YOU were watching. poor fucking baby.

your OP is piece of shit
D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation

D-Day 70th anniversary honors greatest generation| Latest News Videos | Fox News

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>


another dishonest jim thread

6 minute video

will jim recant?

Recant what? I turn on FOX thinking that they would be covering the ceremonies in Normandy and I am bombarded with some crazy woman telling me that the exchange will help Taliban recruitment. You know, sort of like McCain's release which included a number of communist in Vietnam also helped their cause. But that was a different time wasn't it.

You people are such frigin HYPOCRITES!

oh, you poor fucking baby. they didn't have it on when YOU were watching. poor fucking baby.

your OP is piece of shit

You attack the OP, but you include no information in your posting about the OP whatsoever.

So, to help, here is the title of the OP:

FOX should be ashamed

And here is the text of the OP:

I turn on the TV to watch the 70 year memorial of the D Day invasion. So I turn to CNN and it was great. I turn to MSNBC and it was great. I turn to FOX and they were still talking about this prisoner exchange.

GIVE IT A BREAK! Rather than remember and commemorate the valor and courage of the living D Day veterans, FOX seems intent on rolling out their political Kool-Aid, even when we should be remembering those that lost their life on a foreign soil


Did you turn YOUR TV on to watch the D-Day ceremonies on Fox? Do you know what they covered, or not, you stupid old pissant fuckbag?

The writer of the OP was making it clear that while other stations were actually carrying the ceremonies, FOX was not.

But wait, on June 6th, 2004, FOX was all over those ceremonies. Now, let's think? Who was president in 2004. Why yes, that would be George W. Bush, a Republican.

So, the writer of the OP was pointing out FOX's hypocrisy in reporting events based on it's raw hatred of our current president. Did you understand that?
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stfu statist, i proved the OP was wrong

fuck you obsessed troll


he refuted your off-topic post point-by-point & this is what you come back with? :eusa_eh: :eusa_naughty:

As to the OP: Fox better hope all their arm chair, quarter backing is right in the end or they'll have plenty of egg on their faces.
stfu statist, i proved the OP was wrong

fuck you obsessed troll


he refuted your off-topic post point-by-point & this is what you come back with? :eusa_eh: :eusa_naughty:

As to the OP: Fox better hope all their arm chair, quarter backing is right in the end or they'll have plenty of egg on their faces.

by showing fox did in fact air a six minute segment about d-day is off topic??? and how did he refute me? all he said was it wasn't on when jim was fucking what...jim is a crybaby because it wasn't on when jim was watching....poor fucking crybaby jim and statist

how can you be this retarded?
And you should lock yourself in your bunker and STFU. Americans care to remember.

And what other battles do you set time aside to remember?

Quite a few. Too bad you dropped out before you ever had a chance to study history, moron.

So then you must get nothing done as there are countless battles for you to remember and wax nostalgic over.

Go watch TV maybe you'll be told to think about something useful for a change.
Fox owners Australian born Rupert Murdoch and Arabian Prince al Talaal represent the Republican Party like no others ever will. 15 of the 16 came from Arabia. No wonder Republicans let Bin Laden go.
And what other battles do you set time aside to remember?

Quite a few. Too bad you dropped out before you ever had a chance to study history, moron.

So then you must get nothing done as there are countless battles for you to remember and wax nostalgic over.

AMERICANS can remember important events and honor fallen heroes and still get plenty done, you ignorant, ungrateful cur. Being a completely self-obsessed douchebag is not a political ideology, you worthless piece of shit. Stop using up oxygen in my country you don't deserve, asshole.

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