Fox pulls the plug on 24


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2009
The Free Texas Republic
Eight years of inuring the audience to torture, kidnapping, and killing in the name of state security comes to an end.

It was a work of fiction, but worked well as a piece of state sponsored agitprop convincing the public that anything can go, so long as it is for our own good.
Damn, since they got Freddie Prinz, Jr to play on it I was thinking about perhaps sitting through an entire episode...

Thank God, now I won't have to.
Never watched a full episode but read enough about it to know it was another example of hollywood using it's influence to help sponsor state terror and suck up to the bush admin's wot bullshit.
It's going to be replaced by a new show "44" about an American President, possibly born in Africa.

We will watch him read "hate" mail, listen to "hate radio (Rush) then lead a mass of mindless followers (picked from the DU message board) in a 2 Minute Hate on Insurance Companies and Profits
It's going to be replaced by a new show "44" about an American President, possibly born in Africa.

We will watch him read "hate" mail, listen to "hate radio (Rush) then lead a mass of mindless followers (picked from the DU message board) in a 2 Minute Hate on Insurance Companies and Profits


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