Fox News Poll: As July 4th approaches, fewer voters believe US is best place to live


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
30 Years of China First policies are taking their toll.

In Canada, we've already accepted that we are finished economically, socially and across the board. There was a time politicians would say "we live in the greatest country on earth". Now they wouldn't even embarrass themselves by saying that. Only cops, career government workers (one and the same) and their entitled family members would make such a statement.

The rest are gone or trying to leave. It seems you have a similar unhappiness with your youth, the enemy is winning their minds and hearts.

As the nation’s 245th birthday approaches, not everyone is bullish on the red, white, and blue.

Almost 7 out of 10 voters (69 percent) believe America is the greatest country to reside in, according to the latest Fox News survey, down from 83 percent in 2015 and from the high-water mark recorded a decade ago: 84 percent in April 2011, the first time the question was asked on a Fox News poll.

On the other side of the ledger, 26 percent say America is not the best country to live in, up 12 points.

The drop in positive views since 2015 is most pronounced among voters under age 45 (75 percent said the U.S. was the best in 2015 vs. 54 percent now, for a 21-point drop), Democrats (-20), women (-19), and Black voters (-17).
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30 Years of China First policies are taking their toll.

In Canada, we've already accepted that we are finished economically, socially and across the board. There was a time politicians would say "we live in the greatest country on earth". Now they wouldn't even embarrass themselves by saying that. Only cops, career government workers (one and the same) and their entitled family members would make such a statement.

The rest are gone or trying to leave. It seems you have a similar unhappiness with your youth, the enemy is winning their minds and hearts.

As the nation’s 245th birthday approaches, not everyone is bullish on the red, white, and blue.

Almost 7 out of 10 voters (69 percent) believe America is the greatest country to reside in, according to the latest Fox News survey, down from 83 percent in 2015 and from the high-water mark recorded a decade ago: 84 percent in April 2011, the first time the question was asked on a Fox News poll.

On the other side of the ledger, 26 percent say America is not the best country to live in, up 12 points.

The drop in positive views since 2015 is most pronounced among voters under age 45 (75 percent said the U.S. was the best in 2015 vs. 54 percent now, for a 21-point drop), Democrats (-20), women (-19), and Black voters (-17).
Fox News is an oxymoron.
That should tell you everything.

Neither side anywhere is happy.

The traditionalists, Republican's and Conservatives (rightly) think USA is on a dangerous path with Biden leading the country, eating itself up from the inside out.

The leftists and Democrats are miserable as fuck because they are self-loathers that can't let the past go and will take Donald Trump and slavery to their graves. They refuse to move on because they enjoy the misery and having something to try and virtue signal about - it's literally all that they are about. It's in their DNA. Grievance.

The blacks are the lefts exotic pets who are as thick as pig shit and lap up the nonsense piped into their heads about systemic racism.

Asian's are the most discriminated against in American history since Jim Crow laws.

The whole country is an absolute clusterfuck.
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That should tell you everything.

Neither side anywhere is happy.

The traditionalists, Republican's and Conservatives (rightly) think USA is on a dangerous path with Biden leading the country, eating itself up from the inside out.

The leftists and Democrats are miserable as fuck because they are self-loathers that can't let the past go and will take Donald Trump and slavery to their graves. They refuse to move on because they enjoy the misery and having something to try and virtue signal about - it's literally all that they are about. It's in their DNA. Grievance.

The blacks are the lefts exotic pets who are as thick as pig shit and lap up the nonsense piped into their heads about systemic racism.

Asian's are the most discriminated against in American history since Jim Crow laws.

Who have I missed out? the trailer trash, hillbillies and rednecks who've never got over the Civil War probably too lmao. They've never been happy. They're miserable wallowers too. Always have been. Inbreeding to produce more just like them instead of engaging with the outside world.

The whole country is an absolute clusterfuck.
The 5th column is making it easy for the communists.
Blue states in the US are scum, doesn't take a brain surgeon to find that out. Wherever the demonRats take hold of...... they leave slime, shit and abomination.

On the other hand ....Red States are great! :up:
Has Canada really become as extreme radical left as Europe ??
Yes , the USA is a “ ticking time bomb “
The nation is 2/3 under Bolshevik control

I could move to Israel and they promised me a free house , wife and a few uzis
The problem with red states is that many are being flooded by illegals and human insects from blue states
The USA is at the stage when the titanic hit the iceberg .
The ship is above water but the hull has just been compromised and water is just starting to flow in
Flow in !! As the illegals flow in . As Marxist ideology flows into every aspect of life
At least half of America is not the greatest place to live any longer.

Dimocrat ran states and cities are by far the most expensive to live in, all the while you have to deal with their crime and eye pollution.

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