xxx Why must U.S. taxpayers give vile Planned Parenthood half a billion dollars annually?


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2018
If there is a God, someone’s in trouble.

From the article:
A Tacoma, Washington teacher is facing wide-spread criticism after giving middle school students a flyer that told 11-year-olds they could have sex and get an abortion without a parent’s knowledge. The school district apologized and made it clear that the flyer was given out without approval…

Among other things, the flyer told students that the age of consent to have sex in Washington state is 11 as long as the child has sex with someone less than two years older than them.

It also told students that they do not need permission from a parent to get tested for HIV or STDs if they are at least 14, and they do not need permission from a parent at any age to get an abortion or prescription birth control.

Among its worst teaching points, Planned Parenthood tells children that promiscuity is ok. “There’s nothing bad or unhealthy about having a big number of sexual partners,” it tells students on its Tumbler page. Planned Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” tells young people that it is their “human right” to not tell their sexual partner that they have HIV.

Numerous communities have rejected Planned Parenthood as a sex education teacher. … its middle school sex education curriculum teaches children as young as 12 “how to perform oral and anal sex.” In one case, a Planned Parenthood partner group taught seventh-grade students graphic details about oral sex during a science class.

Planned Parenthood boasts of being “the single largest provider of sex education in the United States.” It aborts more unborn babies than any other group in the U.S. and reports billion-dollar revenues. Troubling for many Americans, its annual budget also includes about half a billion tax dollars.

Seattle radio host Jason Rantz initially exposed the Planned Parenthood flyer last week after parents at Stewart Middle School in Tacoma expressed outrage at its contents. “That Planned Parenthood representatives were even allowed on campus shows poor institutional judgment from the school district,” Rantz remarked.

I don't like it one bit but I suppose their rationale (I'm guessing here) is that unwanted children that the states need to take care of and support and the additional welfare costs must outweigh the half a billion dollar that they pay out.

Pretty distasteful though.

Can give sluts free abortions but not give people with life-inhabiting difficulties medicine without them having to re-mortgage their houses.
It has to do with grants for women's health. Title X and XX I think if memory serves. If you can provide better resources, you can qualify for the grants instead of Planned Parenthood. Feel free to apply.

There is no bill to fund Planned were mis-informed.
It has to do with grants for women's health. Title X and XX I think if memory serves. If you can provide better resources, you can qualify for the grants instead of Planned Parenthood. Feel free to apply.

There is no bill to fund Planned were mis-informed.
No doubt, women would be like searching for a health clinic not unlike in Namibia if PP were not around.

Frankly, I do not care what kind of women’s health they may provide, I am looking at the insidious evil they are pushing on children and teens. Just because your neighbor acts friendly and helps you shovel snow on occasion, do you ignore his chained female slave in the basement?
It has to do with grants for women's health. Title X and XX I think if memory serves. If you can provide better resources, you can qualify for the grants instead of Planned Parenthood. Feel free to apply.

There is no bill to fund Planned were mis-informed.
No doubt, women would be like searching for a health clinic not unlike in Namibia if PP were not around.

Frankly, I do not care what kind of women’s health they may provide, I am looking at the insidious evil they are pushing on children and teens. Just because your neighbor acts friendly and helps you shovel snow on occasion, do you ignore his chained female slave in the basement?
Without planned parenthood there would be soooooooo many unwanted pregnancies.

Is that what Republicans want?
I don’t know what republicans want. I know what God wants. Of course if that doesn’t bother you, then I better understand your position.

Anyway, the main point I was raising was the sadistic way PP and our sex “educators” in public school are poisoning the minds of teens and the youngest in elementary schools, and no doubt scaring most of them half to death. Did you read what their programs are promoting? Are you too afraid to tell me if what they are pushing on 11 year olds is horrendous or not?
11 year olds now have iPhones. Bought by their financial stable Republican parents. So nothing PP tells an 11 year old compares with what they are exposed to every day.

It's not 1976 any longer.
11 year olds now have iPhones. Bought by their financial stable Republican parents. So nothing PP tells an 11 year old compares with what they are exposed to every day.
It's not 1976 any longer.
Without planned parenthood there would be soooooooo many unwanted pregnancies.
You should consider replacing Jen Psaki as Biden's press secretary. Such a cavalier posture.

As far as all those unwanted pregnancies, I doubt one mother in one hundred if went forward and gave birth would look at her 3 month old child and say to him or her "I wish I had aborted you."
No tax dollars go to fund abortions.

But Planned Parenthood is often the only source of women's healthcare in many areas. Catching cancer early can save lives.

To me it is legal technical spin more than the essence of the act. However it is distributed, to me it is de facto tax payer dollars going to an org. that promotes vile sex ideas to young children, on top of their untold numbers of abortions. You can argue rural women would suffer without it, I'm not interested in researching just how true that may be. This is a destructive force upon the morality and goodness of this nation and a pox on the impressionable, delicate minds and emotions of children.

From website:
President Trump cut Planned Parenthood domestic funding in multiple areas — although Planned Parenthood took each funding cut to court with some success. While he could cut some funding, the overwhelming revenue stream for Planned Parenthood comes from funds via Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP that Congress controls. When Republicans ran the House they passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood but Democrats in the Senate killed it via a filibuster.

Planned Parenthood (PPFA) from 2016-2018:

  • Received a total of $1.6 billion federal taxpayer dollars (averaging $533 million per year) including:
    • $304 million from grants and cooperative agreements
    • $1.3 billion from Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP (this accounts for 81% of all federal funds received)
  • 21 out of about 50 total PPFA affiliates received at least $21 million federal taxpayer dollars
Planned Parenthood Received $1.6 Billion of Our Tax Dollars to Promote Its Abortion Agenda
No tax dollars go to fund abortions.

But Planned Parenthood is often the only source of women's healthcare in many areas. Catching cancer early can save lives.
doesn't matter. The right wing line is that PP does abortions, and only abortions.
jehanne1431 ; Half a billion U.S. tax dollars sounds like kick back time to the House of Repre$entative$. Oh, I almost forgot to include our U.S. $enator$.
I don’t know what republicans want. I know what God wants. Of course if that doesn’t bother you, then I better understand your position.

Anyway, the main point I was raising was the sadistic way PP and our sex “educators” in public school are poisoning the minds of teens and the youngest in elementary schools, and no doubt scaring most of them half to death. Did you read what their programs are promoting? Are you too afraid to tell me if what they are pushing on 11 year olds is horrendous or not?
If you're not promoting birth control then you really don't care about fetuses.
Gotta keep the harvest going for consumers of baby tissues and organs.

If legalized abortion was good for America, Democrats would oppose it.
If there is a God, someone’s in trouble.

From the article:
A Tacoma, Washington teacher is facing wide-spread criticism after giving middle school students a flyer that told 11-year-olds they could have sex and get an abortion without a parent’s knowledge. The school district apologized and made it clear that the flyer was given out without approval…

Among other things, the flyer told students that the age of consent to have sex in Washington state is 11 as long as the child has sex with someone less than two years older than them.

It also told students that they do not need permission from a parent to get tested for HIV or STDs if they are at least 14, and they do not need permission from a parent at any age to get an abortion or prescription birth control.

Among its worst teaching points, Planned Parenthood tells children that promiscuity is ok. “There’s nothing bad or unhealthy about having a big number of sexual partners,” it tells students on its Tumbler page. Planned Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” tells young people that it is their “human right” to not tell their sexual partner that they have HIV.

Numerous communities have rejected Planned Parenthood as a sex education teacher. … its middle school sex education curriculum teaches children as young as 12 “how to perform oral and anal sex.” In one case, a Planned Parenthood partner group taught seventh-grade students graphic details about oral sex during a science class.

Planned Parenthood boasts of being “the single largest provider of sex education in the United States.” It aborts more unborn babies than any other group in the U.S. and reports billion-dollar revenues. Troubling for many Americans, its annual budget also includes about half a billion tax dollars.

Seattle radio host Jason Rantz initially exposed the Planned Parenthood flyer last week after parents at Stewart Middle School in Tacoma expressed outrage at its contents. “That Planned Parenthood representatives were even allowed on campus shows poor institutional judgment from the school district,” Rantz remarked.

Has anyone spoken to God about this? It's appalling. They must be struck dead immediately. All hell has broken out if people are allowed to have free will and the godbotherers can't control them.
Get a register and record them in case they get access to heaven..

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