Fox News Just Announced

The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.

Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -
You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.

What do ewe think about my signature line? It's been up for quite a while, I've never heard you comment on it.

Why should I comment on your sig line? I don't know him and he doesn't speak for me.

Poor baby,, well, Kerry on then cause you just told us how you really feel about racists and which side they're on. Yup
Idiot....FOX News was the lone news source carrying the news story until Florida politicans jumped on the story and others in the GOP did too.

Obamination's press blowhard when questioned, denied their involvement this week....idiot.

The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.

Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -
The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.

Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -

Waiting for the right wing nutjobs to claim that Faux News twisted the arm of the administration, probably won't have long to wait.

Edit: oops too late!
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The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.
Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
Idiot....FOX News was the lone news source carrying the news story until Florida politicans jumped on the story and others in the GOP did too.

Obamination's press blowhard when questioned, denied their involvement this week....idiot.

The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.

Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -

Sorry. McClatchey News Service, the "Herald's" owner, first broke the story. FOX jumped in later, probably because they saw an opportunity to take shots at Obama.
"If not for the embargo" Che wouldn't have convinced Fidel to embrace mother Russia for financial support.

Meanwhile, back at the age that gave you the opportunity for growth, upward mobility, and forward advancement: your attitude is akin to climbing the ladder of success and pulling it up behind you, then telling your children and grands that you're oding it for their own good.

What manner of crystal ball allows you to make these deeply personal observations about people you've never met? You know who else does that? Idiots.

MakingUpShit 101 is the preequisute offered in the Flame Zone. Once competent there, many are released to other boards in the hopes they can succeed. They seldom do.:cool:

Reminds me of a bunch of old bags that used to annoy people on AOL.:D
Go change your diapers, they are full of shit.

The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.

Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -

Waiting for the right wing nutjobs to claim that Faux News twisted the arm of the administration, probably won't have long to wait.

Edit: oops too late!
Boy, this crowd is a real trip.

First of all...he's not out yet.

Secondly, NOBODY is reporting this story but FOX, at least not yet.

Thirdly, while y'all are arguing over who gets the credit, the story itself tells you that it's not FOX, it's not O'Reilly, it's not Obama. It's his lawyer:

"The court ruled on the motion that excluded the evidence on the charge because of a violation of his constitutional rights under Mexican law which resulted in the charge being dropped," Hammar Sr. said.

Read more: Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Hey jackass... None of the other news stations cared from the start.

I checked out MSNBC and Huffingsome they still don't care. :badgrin:

We can safely bet that if Obama had anything to do with his release, we would have seen his face plastered all over the media and tv! He would have had a "breaking news" press conference telling us all what a great job he did. We haven't seen or heard anything from him....THIS should tell us how he really feels and that he just sat on his ass like he did Benghazi.
What do ewe think about my signature line? It's been up for quite a while, I've never heard you comment on it.

Why should I comment on your sig line? I don't know him and he doesn't speak for me.

Poor baby,, well, Kerry on then cause you just told us how you really feel about racists and which side they're on. Yup

Pore ewe, thinking I singled out righties when I never did. If you want me to criticize a lefty for being a racist, I'll do so to them when they display that type of mentality; but what I won't do is cry over a quote in your sig line.
The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.

Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -

I believe the parents when they say they got no help from the state department or from obama.
If not for the embargo, you would probably go and kiss Castro`s boots in Cuba.

Try North Korea, brave, liberal boy! And remember using obscenity only enhances your image among your fellow fourteen-year-olds aching to grow up.

BTW, I am 73 years old (and if I had a bit more luck on my first date I could have a son your age) and I DO work and play in the basement where my computer is.

MY OWN HOUSE, MY OWN BASEMENT. And that is the place where my TV is, as well. I watch FOX News and CNN and MSNBC and broadcast TV, but not like the usual idiots, in real time. I record my favorite TV shows, watch them at my convenience and ignore and skip over the mind-numbing commercials.

One thing you got me on: I only worked 37 years at the same company, starting on the factory floor, then as soon as I had the chance I got out of the union and became a SELF-TAUGHT computer programmer. I retired early, with the knowledge that I earned my company`s award for excellence at the workplace and in the community.

And when I left the factory floor and the union, I also left profanity and obscenity behind. In other words, I GREW UP!

"If not for the embargo" Che wouldn't have convinced Fidel to embrace mother Russia for financial support.

Meanwhile, back at the age that gave you the opportunity for growth, upward mobility, and forward advancement: your attitude is akin to climbing the ladder of success and pulling it up behind you, then telling your children and grands that you're oding it for their own good.

What manner of crystal ball allows you to make these deeply personal observations about people you've never met? You know who else does that? Idiots.

history books.

not everythingg anybody wanted to know isn't on you tube, you know.
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Why should I comment on your sig line? I don't know him and he doesn't speak for me.

Poor baby,, well, Kerry on then cause you just told us how you really feel about racists and which side they're on. Yup

Pore ewe, thinking I singled out righties when I never did. If you want me to criticize a lefty for being a racist, I'll do so to them when they display that type of mentality; but what I won't do is cry over a quote in your sig line.

Kerry on then, flying your true colors.
Soooooo where was CNN, msnbc, the NYTimes, etc???

Why did Obamination's mouthpiece claim Obamination knew nothing about this story...this week???

If FOX News viewers knew about it the past few weeks.....I guess they are more aware than Obamination.

Idiot....FOX News was the lone news source carrying the news story until Florida politicans jumped on the story and others in the GOP did too.

Obamination's press blowhard when questioned, denied their involvement this week....idiot.

The "Miami Herald" is now reporting it too and they're not just repeating the FOX version.

Not surprisingly, their story includes a couple of bits not covered by FOX:

"....U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing..."

US officials. That would be the Obama administration.

"....Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities....."

Neither of those work for FOX and O'Reilly's name isn't mentioned.

Read more here: Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail - Americas -

Sorry. McClatchey News Service, the "Herald's" owner, first broke the story. FOX jumped in later, probably because they saw an opportunity to take shots at Obama.
What manner of crystal ball allows you to make these deeply personal observations about people you've never met? You know who else does that? Idiots.

MakingUpShit 101 is the preequisute offered in the Flame Zone. Once competent there, many are released to other boards in the hopes they can succeed. They seldom do.:cool:

Reminds me of a bunch of old bags that used to annoy people on AOL.:D

The SOP is to ruin the thread by turning it into a slugfest so that it gets moved there. Then the same six or seven "posters" (I use that loosely) go after whoever remains there to defend it. Usually one finds themselves on their own.

Then you wanna see things get made up...
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I will soon turn 65 and don't watch Faux News. I am heading for Mexico early in the new year, if this marine were still sitting in jail it wouldn't stop me from going. Fuck Fox News and Bill O'Reilly.

And fuck you too, I worked hard for 43 years before retiring, people who accuse others of hunkering down in their parents basement usually are living there themselves.

If not for the embargo, you would probably go and kiss Castro`s boots in Cuba.

Try North Korea, brave, liberal boy! And remember using obscenity only enhances your image among your fellow fourteen-year-olds aching to grow up.

BTW, I am 73 years old (and if I had a bit more luck on my first date I could have a son your age) and I DO work and play in the basement where my computer is.

MY OWN HOUSE, MY OWN BASEMENT. And that is the place where my TV is, as well. I watch FOX News and CNN and MSNBC and broadcast TV, but not like the usual idiots, in real time. I record my favorite TV shows, watch them at my convenience and ignore and skip over the mind-numbing commercials.

One thing you got me on: I only worked 37 years at the same company, starting on the factory floor, then as soon as I had the chance I got out of the union and became a SELF-TAUGHT computer programmer. I retired early, with the knowledge that I earned my company`s award for excellence at the workplace and in the community.

And when I left the factory floor and the union, I also left profanity and obscenity behind. In other words, I GREW UP!

"If not for the embargo" Che wouldn't have convinced Fidel to embrace mother Russia for financial support.

Meanwhile, back at the age that gave you the opportunity for growth, upward mobility, and forward advancement: your attitude is akin to climbing the ladder of success and pulling it up behind you, then telling your children and grands that you're oding it for their own good.

I immigrated from a country that was under the "mother Russia"'s Communist yoke for 11 years at my departure from there and another 30+ years after.

You can rest assured that I told my children and will tell my grand children all about the glories of Communism/liberalism/socialism/progressivism.

I have done all my life and will be doing everything I can that they will have the same upward mobility I had. Sadly, when billions, nay, trillions are stolen from them, in order to placate the the able-bodied, but lazy free-loaders of the present, I am afraid that I am fighting a losing battle.

When you are referring to one vicious murderer (Che) aiding and giving advise to another vicious and cruel murderer (Fidel), you are only revealing either your naivitee or your ignorance or your own vicious cruelty.

Now, for the lighter side: For years, four of us (me and three of my colleagues) traveled to Myrtle Beach in the fall, for one glorious week of golf. We challenged each other to come up with a "limerick" as we counted down the days to our departure.

Here is one:

The lovely golfer called Margo
Started swimming from Key Largo
Said "I really wanna
Play golf in Havana
So, the Hell with the embargo".
Hey jackass... None of the other news stations cared from the start.

I checked out MSNBC and Huffingsome they still don't care. :badgrin:

We can safely bet that if Obama had anything to do with his release, we would have seen his face plastered all over the media and tv! He would have had a "breaking news" press conference telling us all what a great job he did. We haven't seen or heard anything from him....THIS should tell us how he really feels and that he just sat on his ass like he did Benghazi.

Oh, God!!! Not another damned day of Obama-Worship. I hope Benghazi finally wakes some of these idiots up.
Obama is NOT a leader.
MakingUpShit 101 is the preequisute offered in the Flame Zone. Once competent there, many are released to other boards in the hopes they can succeed. They seldom do.:cool:

Reminds me of a bunch of old bags that used to annoy people on AOL.:D

The SOP is to ruin the thread by turning it into a slugfest so that it gets moved there. Then the same six or seven "posters" (I use that loosely) go after whoever remains there to defend it. Usually one finds themselves on their own.

Then you wanna see things get made up...

Yep. Seen that before. Some of these folks must be soooo lonely.

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