Fox News Just Announced

Boy, this crowd is a real trip.

First of all...he's not out yet.

Secondly, NOBODY is reporting this story but FOX, at least not yet.

Thirdly, while y'all are arguing over who gets the credit, the story itself tells you that it's not FOX, it's not O'Reilly, it's not Obama. It's his lawyer:

"The court ruled on the motion that excluded the evidence on the charge because of a violation of his constitutional rights under Mexican law which resulted in the charge being dropped," Hammar Sr. said.

Read more: Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Hey jackass... None of the other news stations cared from the start.

Of course not! They are all Obama slaves, who, just like their Master, could not care less about a U.S. Marine veteran American Citizen who is imprisoned unjustly and without reason for four months or more.

Instant Presidential response is reserved for "ladies" of questionable morality who object to the fact that their promiscuity - costing about $10.00/month - is not covered by tax-payers.
I will soon turn 65 and don't watch Faux News. I am heading for Mexico early in the new year, if this marine were still sitting in jail it wouldn't stop me from going. Fuck Fox News and Bill O'Reilly.

And fuck you too, I worked hard for 43 years before retiring, people who accuse others of hunkering down in their parents basement usually are living there themselves.

If not for the embargo, you would probably go and kiss Castro`s boots in Cuba.

Try North Korea, brave, liberal boy! And remember using obscenity only enhances your image among your fellow fourteen-year-olds aching to grow up.

BTW, I am 73 years old (and if I had a bit more luck on my first date I could have a son your age) and I DO work and play in the basement where my computer is.

MY OWN HOUSE, MY OWN BASEMENT. And that is the place where my TV is, as well. I watch FOX News and CNN and MSNBC and broadcast TV, but not like the usual idiots, in real time. I record my favorite TV shows, watch them at my convenience and ignore and skip over the mind-numbing commercials.

One thing you got me on: I only worked 37 years at the same company, starting on the factory floor, then as soon as I had the chance I got out of the union and became a SELF-TAUGHT computer programmer. I retired early, with the knowledge that I earned my company`s award for excellence at the workplace and in the community.

And when I left the factory floor and the union, I also left profanity and obscenity behind. In other words, I GREW UP!

"If not for the embargo" Che wouldn't have convinced Fidel to embrace mother Russia for financial support.

Meanwhile, back at the age that gave you the opportunity for growth, upward mobility, and forward advancement: your attitude is akin to climbing the ladder of success and pulling it up behind you, then telling your children and grands that you're oding it for their own good.

What manner of crystal ball allows you to make these deeply personal observations about people you've never met? You know who else does that? Idiots.
I love it when Bill O`Reilly puts his power and pressure behind causes that benefit humankind.

Even presidents, listen.

obama wouldn't even address the issue. The state department told the family that they would do nothing. Nothing could be done.

It was likely Bill O'Reilly who gave mexico the ultimatum last night that had more to do with this release than what obama, that slug, didn't do. What a pig obama is. He could call Sandra Fluke. He could tell the world that a thug like Trayvon Martin could be his son, but refused to lift a finger to help a marine who was injured in HIS war.

Obama is one big Fuck Stick, bet your ass if it was one of his own ,he would be raising all kinds of hell.....What a douche bag

I agree...Hammar isn't black, isn't gay, and he's in the military, so he didn't have the criteria needed for help from his own president.
obama wouldn't even address the issue. The state department told the family that they would do nothing. Nothing could be done.

It was likely Bill O'Reilly who gave mexico the ultimatum last night that had more to do with this release than what obama, that slug, didn't do. What a pig obama is. He could call Sandra Fluke. He could tell the world that a thug like Trayvon Martin could be his son, but refused to lift a finger to help a marine who was injured in HIS war.

Obama is one big Fuck Stick, bet your ass if it was one of his own ,he would be raising all kinds of hell.....What a douche bag

I agree...Hammar isn't black, isn't gay, and he's in the military, so he didn't have the criteria needed for help from his own president.
Bingo!!! WELL SAID.:D
fuck you too, Fox news got our marine back, you were delighted in his misery so fuck you too.

Please point out where I was delighted in his misery, you're FOS.
You are also a delusional retard if you believe FNC had anything to do with his release.

You delighted in his misery, you said he broke the law, and Fox News had everything to do with his release.

Parents tried and tried to get his release were told by the state depatment there was nothing they could do, this went on since august, the parents went to Fox late nov or early Dec. today the parents are going to get the kid. and thanks to Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio and one other fla. legislator. and fuck you meson. fuck ewe. he was chained to a bed like an animal and starved by the cartels and you took no sympathy fuck you meson fuck ewe.

The prison did try to extort money from the parents so it's not like the mexican authorities did nothing. The family just couldn't come up with the ransom.
If not for the embargo, you would probably go and kiss Castro`s boots in Cuba.

Try North Korea, brave, liberal boy! And remember using obscenity only enhances your image among your fellow fourteen-year-olds aching to grow up.

BTW, I am 73 years old (and if I had a bit more luck on my first date I could have a son your age) and I DO work and play in the basement where my computer is.

MY OWN HOUSE, MY OWN BASEMENT. And that is the place where my TV is, as well. I watch FOX News and CNN and MSNBC and broadcast TV, but not like the usual idiots, in real time. I record my favorite TV shows, watch them at my convenience and ignore and skip over the mind-numbing commercials.

One thing you got me on: I only worked 37 years at the same company, starting on the factory floor, then as soon as I had the chance I got out of the union and became a SELF-TAUGHT computer programmer. I retired early, with the knowledge that I earned my company`s award for excellence at the workplace and in the community.

And when I left the factory floor and the union, I also left profanity and obscenity behind. In other words, I GREW UP!

"If not for the embargo" Che wouldn't have convinced Fidel to embrace mother Russia for financial support.

Meanwhile, back at the age that gave you the opportunity for growth, upward mobility, and forward advancement: your attitude is akin to climbing the ladder of success and pulling it up behind you, then telling your children and grands that you're oding it for their own good.

What manner of crystal ball allows you to make these deeply personal observations about people you've never met? You know who else does that? Idiots.

MakingUpShit 101 is the preequisute offered in the Flame Zone. Once competent there, many are released to other boards in the hopes they can succeed. They seldom do.:cool:
We all see the usual lying from the liberals. We all know had it not been for Bill O'Reilly, this man would have rotted in that jail cell. His wife even notes and gives thanks to Fox News and Bill O'Reilly. Amazing how easily liberals lie.

Would have gotten the kid out sooner if not for the interference of O'Reilly and team Fox

There's something seriously wrong with you. Honestly.
You will find that there is something seriously wrong with each liberal asshole you encounter throughout your life on earth. I have heard that there are no liberals in, not to'll be rid of them soon enough.
They hate fox as much as they hate this marine, if it were left up to the likes of meson the marine would die and rot there in his chains.

I hate fox, that much you got right.

Okay, let me get this straight. You HATE a TV station? Have you talked to anybody about this? Because it sounds to me like you are expending a lot of energy over something that can't even hate you back. That's kinda alarming. Have your neighbors complained yet? What else do you do that exceeds the norm?
Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Here's the link
Dont be surprised if Obama takes credit or the bats on this board say Obama did it all :redface:

you haven't read the thread huh? :lol::lol:
which do you object to? the half black? or the punk?

I object to the derogatory way he addressed the POTUS, injecting race into a matter where it doesn't belong. Hence my response.

so only loonytics on the left are allowed to inject race where it doesn't belong? We get it. Hypocrite.

You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.
I object to the derogatory way he addressed the POTUS, injecting race into a matter where it doesn't belong. Hence my response.

Not spelling out PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, but instead referring to him with a word that reminds me of an inflamed pus-filled wound is just as disrespectful and derogatory and lazy to boot.

At least, what I posted was true on both counts.

Funny. When I refer to Obama as 'president' I use lower case letters and put 'president' in parenthesis.:D

That's because you're a dumb ass :thup:
I object to the derogatory way he addressed the POTUS, injecting race into a matter where it doesn't belong. Hence my response.

so only loonytics on the left are allowed to inject race where it doesn't belong? We get it. Hypocrite.

You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.

What do ewe think about my signature line? It's been up for quite a while, I've never heard you comment on it.
Most Obamabots have no clue about this story and will believe Obamination was all over his release once the media reports it.

Obamination didn't give a shit because he was a white Vet that made a dumb move taking a weapon into Mexico.

Now if some popular black rapper on vacation down there in the cesspool got into a bar brawl and thrown into a Mexican jail......Obamination would have him out of the country before the weekend was up.
so only loonytics on the left are allowed to inject race where it doesn't belong? We get it. Hypocrite.

You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.

What do ewe think about my signature line? It's been up for quite a while, I've never heard you comment on it.

Why should I comment on your sig line? I don't know him and he doesn't speak for me.

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