Fox News Host Exposed Running Scam Charity That Received Donations From Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump
But you're all jiggy with NPR receiving federal funds and CNN is the GOAT - amirite?

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump

You're opening an ugly can of worms. Considering Hillary's record, not too sure you want to go there.

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced."

Look, first of all, anyone whose avatar says Class To Ass (Obama to Trump) has already shown their extreme prejudice. Second, if Fox is a fraud, then what does that say for the other networks??? If Fox is a RW spin factory, oddly, they have a ton of Leftist views on there, then other networks are left wing PROPELLER factories! And they have ZERO right wing views. As to the fair and balanced thing, that is actually true: statistics on Trump coverage showed Fox was the only network fairly split down the middle as positive and negative, about 51% negative and 49% positive. Just about every other network was 70 - 95% negative.

THE VERY FACT that you are attacking Tucker is itself PROOF that the guy must really be doing a good job and is a real threat to your socialist agenda!!! Thank you for pointing that out!

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

If the "for profit enterprise" makes a profit, they'll pay taxes on it.
So what are you whining about?
The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced."

Look, first of all, anyone whose avatar says Class To Ass (Obama to Trump) has already shown their extreme prejudice. Second, if Fox is a fraud, then what does that say for the other networks??? If Fox is a RW spin factory, oddly, they have a ton of Leftist views on there, then other networks are left wing PROPELLER factories! And they have ZERO right wing views. As to the fair and balanced thing, that is actually true: statistics on Trump coverage showed Fox was the only network fairly split down the middle as positive and negative, about 51% negative and 49% positive. Just about every other network was 70 - 95% negative.

THE VERY FACT that you are attacking Tucker is itself PROOF that the guy must really be doing a good job and is a real threat to your socialist agenda!!! Thank you for pointing that out!


Fux is factual in only 18% of their stories. Google it.

Watch the documentary Orwel Rolls In His Grave to see the reality of the "fair and balanced". You can watch Murdoch and Ailes plotting how to get away with lying and how the constant use of that phrase would get the gullible to believe. Also watch the FCC make it legal for them to lie. At that time, the head of FCC was Michael Powell, the rabid RW son of Colin Powell.

The documentary is avail in YoubTube but you're too chicken to watch it.

Sent from my iPad using
The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced."

Look, first of all, anyone whose avatar says Class To Ass (Obama to Trump) has already shown their extreme prejudice. Second, if Fox is a fraud, then what does that say for the other networks??? If Fox is a RW spin factory, oddly, they have a ton of Leftist views on there, then other networks are left wing PROPELLER factories! And they have ZERO right wing views. As to the fair and balanced thing, that is actually true: statistics on Trump coverage showed Fox was the only network fairly split down the middle as positive and negative, about 51% negative and 49% positive. Just about every other network was 70 - 95% negative.

THE VERY FACT that you are attacking Tucker is itself PROOF that the guy must really be doing a good job and is a real threat to your socialist agenda!!! Thank you for pointing that out!


Fux is factual in only 18% of their stories. Google it.

Watch the documentary Orwel Rolls In His Grave to see the reality of the "fair and balanced". You can watch Murdoch and Ailes plotting how to get away with lying and how the constant use of that phrase would get the gullible to believe. Also watch the FCC make it legal for them to lie. At that time, the head of FCC was Michael Powell, the rabid RW son of Colin Powell.

The documentary is avail in YoubTube but you're too chicken to watch it.

Sent from my iPad using
I know horse shit when I smell it, Nutley.
The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced."

Look, first of all, anyone whose avatar says Class To Ass (Obama to Trump) has already shown their extreme prejudice. Second, if Fox is a fraud, then what does that say for the other networks??? If Fox is a RW spin factory, oddly, they have a ton of Leftist views on there, then other networks are left wing PROPELLER factories! And they have ZERO right wing views. As to the fair and balanced thing, that is actually true: statistics on Trump coverage showed Fox was the only network fairly split down the middle as positive and negative, about 51% negative and 49% positive. Just about every other network was 70 - 95% negative.

THE VERY FACT that you are attacking Tucker is itself PROOF that the guy must really be doing a good job and is a real threat to your socialist agenda!!! Thank you for pointing that out!


The fact that you believe that is proof enough that I am right!

Fux is factual in only 18% of their stories. Google it.

Lemme guess. MSNBC and CNN are FAR MORE ACCURATE, right???

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump
Tucker Carlson is a prostituting media whore and a crook! Hope that ass clown gets prosecuted and his corruption becomes well known, the slut!

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump
Tucker Carlson is a prostituting media whore and a crook! Hope that ass clown gets prosecuted and his corruption becomes well known, the slut!

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

And he was black.....shhh.
so 6 paragraphs slamming the guy before you get to the headline.

fucking click bait emodiots.

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump

You're opening an ugly can of worms. Considering Hillary's record, not too sure you want to go there.

This always makes me smile when I see stupid remarks like this. Fox always was CONDEMNING Hillary for such things, remember? They are supposed to be honest, unlike the Clintons. Remember? You don't? Of course you fucking don't.
Sounds a lot like Media Matters that "monitors (only) conservative speech" and spins it and sells it to left wing blogs but strangely enough is tax exempt.

The journalistic fraud that is Fox News is well known. It's a network that was contrived as a right-wing spin factory, but dishonestly marketed as being "fair and balanced." They have a revolving cast of scripted characters who alternately play politicians and pundits. Often the same person in both roles. Their commitment to partisan deceit is rooted deeply in the foul culture nurtured by its founders Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

However, a new investigation proves that ideological fraud is not the only unethical practice employed by Fox News. Following the scandal-driven departures of Ailes and Bill O'Reilly, a new cretin was crowned as the top Foxie.

Tucker Carlson was awarded O'Reilly's prized time slot that anchors the network's primetime lineup. Never mind that Carlson has a record of failure on the three previous networks foolish enough to hire him. Fox News put all their faith behind Carlson. And he soon proved that he was totally undeserving.

Last month, for the first time in seventeen years, MSNBC's primetime beat Fox News.

Now it has come to light that Carlson is more than just a terrible TV host. The Center for Media and Democracy conducted an exhaustive investigation into the stewardship of his website, The Daily Caller (TDC). Carlson launched the site six years ago and it quickly became a staple of wingnut propaganda.

The Washington Post published CMD's findings with this summary of the scam:

"Most of the roughly 50 journalists who produce content for the Daily Caller actually work for the Daily Caller News Foundation, a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status that is ostensibly separate from The two entities share the same floor of the same Washington office, however, and virtually everything produced by the foundation — which accepted $3 million in donations in 2015, according to an IRS filing — appears on the for-profit website, which sells advertising on the articles.

In short, TDC takes in tax-free donations to finance their for-profit newsroom. Then they use the articles written by foundation authors to populate a commercial website that receives advertising revenue.

The Post cites legal experts that describe this an obvious tax dodge:

"'It's a huge rip-off for taxpayers if the Daily Caller News Foundation is receiving revenue that it doesn't pay taxes on, to produce stories that are used by the for-profit enterprise, which then makes money on the stories through ads,' said Lisa Graves, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration who now serves as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy."

The unscrupulous business practices that Carlson employs are part of an established pattern. TDC was first bankrolled by Republican stalwart and notorious climate change denier, Foster Friess. He laid out $3 million to get the site off the ground. The Koch brothers were also generous with Carlson's new venture. They contributed over $800,000 to the effort.

More recently, Carlson enjoyed the benevolence of an even more prominent financier. During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump sought out Carlson's help to reach out to conservative voters. Trump purchased the use of TDC's mailing list to solicit both votes and contributions.

The CMD estimates that Carlson took in about $150,000 for his services.

So Carlson was feverishly promoting Trump, hosting his surrogates, and even interviewing him on Air Force One after the inauguration.

However, he failed to inform his audience that he was paid substantial sums of money by Trump. It's an unambiguous lapse of ethics that calls into question Carlson's integrity and motives. Furthermore, Fox News is equally unprincipled for allowing Carlson to go on the air under these circumstances. But in neither case would anyone familiar with the Fox code of ethics be surprised. It's just standard operating procedure for a network that was born to deceive.

Fox News Host Exposed as Running a Scam Charity That Received Funding from Trump

Cheating, the conservative way of life now. They've crossed over into the territory where lying and cheating are their 'morality'. If they can lie and cheat and make money or win elections they consider themselves 'good people' for it. They're the dregs of society scamming the ignorants of society.

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