Fox news has Finally been Totally Exposed for Being 100% Fake and Completely Ratings Driven

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
It just keeps getting better all from Dominion !!
Due to court fillings in the highly credible Dominion law suit against Fox, It has been exposed that Fox News is 100% total Fake News.
The so called news agency knowingly and willfully reported total lies about election fraud that never happened, and the hosts at Fox News knew and said it never happened. Yet they still reported it and did so solely for ratings out of fear of losing their trash viewers that need lies to survive and function in the world.

This is as bad as it gets, the biggest scandal of our time. Caught red handed reporting fake news and worried that if they told the truth, their trash viewers would stop watching !!!!
We all knew this day would come. We all knew Fox News was fake news that fed lies to their viewers just to make money and play them, BUT now we have rock solid proof.

Fox and the GOP have finally been exposed for being total liars and having no credibility at all, and this is all documented from their personal emails and texts messages that they never thought would be revealed ! WITH MORE TO COME AT THE TRIAL IN APRIL !!!!

This proves the point I have made on here repeatedly, republicans need lies to survive, they can't handle the truth at all because it is too harsh for them to handle. If republicans are told the truth they stop listening and go listen to somebody telling them the lies they need to hear (Newsmax). Republicans are all 100% Bull Shit.
For this reason Fox news and the GOP are a total joke, Republicans are squirming as they read this because they have been exposed for being gullible liars and frauds that don't want to hear the truth, they only want the lies.

Fox News has lost the right to call itself a real News network, and Fox news viewers have lost the right to call themselves Patriotic or credible.

Credibility is earned, not proclaimed, remember that.

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Oh I'm sure everyone will take that MS-LSD hit piece at face value. :laughing0301:
you have lost the right to criticize MSNBC. You can't play that card anymore after this.

They are reporting the facts from court filings. You see MSNBC reports facts, Fox news reports lies because their viewers stop watching when they report facts.
They are reporting the exact messages from Fox News hosts, which you can;t accept

These are from court filings, swing and miss you lose again
Obviously this trial will devastate you.

Granted a great album but sadly repeating the same stories here over and over and over gets redundant real quick.
It's going to bounce right off of their SMOOTH brains OP.

It won't matter to them, being the rightwing narrative WHORES they are, they're in it FOR the narrative.

Not the TRUTH.
It just keeps getting better all from Dominion !!
Due to court fillings in the highly credible Dominion law suit against Fox, It has been exposed that Fox News is 100% total Fake News.
The so called news agency knowingly and willfully reported total lies about election fraud that never happened, and the hosts at Fox News knew and said it never happened. Yet they still reported it and did so solely for ratings out of fear of losing their trash viewers that need lies to survive and function in the world.

This is as bad as it gets, the biggest scandal of our time. Caught red handed reporting fake news and worried that if they told the truth, their trash viewers would stop watching !!!!
We all knew this day would come. We all knew Fox News was fake news that fed lies to their viewers just to make money and play them, BUT now we have rock solid proof.

Fox and the GOP have finally been exposed for being total liars and having no credibility at all, and this is all documented from their personal emails and texts messages that they never thought would be revealed ! WITH MORE TO COME AT THE TRIAL IN APRIL !!!!

This proves the point I have made on here repeatedly, republicans need lies to survive, they can't handle the truth at all because it is too harsh for them to handle. If republicans are told the truth they stop listening and go listen to somebody telling them the lies they need to hear (Newsmax). Republicans are all 100% Bull Shit.
For this reason Fox news and the GOP are a total joke, Republicans are squirming as they read this because they have been exposed for being gullible liars and frauds that don't want to hear the truth, they only want the lies.

Fox News has lost the right to call itself a real News network, and Fox news viewers have lost the right to call themselves Patriotic or credible.

Credibility is earned, not proclaimed, remember that.

MSNBC? Seriously?!
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It's going to bounce right off of their SMOOTH brains OP.

It won't matter to them, being the rightwing narrative WHORES they are, they're in it FOR the narrative.

Not the TRUTH.
Republicans need lies to survive and function.
Fox news openly states they are losing viewers because they report the truth, then they get mad at other Fox news people when they report the truth, then they talk about how they will report lies just to keep viewers!

These people don't want to hear any facts or truth at all, they need to be told lies, and if they are told the truth they stop listening and go and seek out the lies they need to hear to survive. And this comes directly from the mouths of the Fox News Hosts !

Then these trash have the nerve to call CNN and MSNBC fake ! Republicans are the joke of America, they have lost the right to call themselves Patriotic or credible.
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MSNBC? Seriously?!
They are reporting the court filings and words directly from Fox News hosts.
Your comment is laughable.

Fox news has just admitted they lie to you and if they tell you the truth, you stop watching... Then you try and say MSNBC is wrong for reporting on the court filings?????

You are a total joke. You just proved my point perfectly.
you have lost the right to criticize MSNBC. You can't play that card anymore after this.

They are reporting the facts from court filings. You see MSNBC reports facts, Fox news reports lies because their viewers stop watching when they report facts.
They are reporting the exact messages from Fox News hosts, which you can;t accept

These are from court filings, swing and miss you lose again
Obviously this trial will devastate you.
I don't much give a shit one way or the other.....I just see it all as another leftist driven dry hole.
I don't much give a shit one way or the other.....I just see it all as another leftist driven dry hole.
well you have proven yourself to be fake news, and nothing you say is credible. So your opinion is meaningless in the big boy world.

Credibility is earned, not proclaimed, never forget that liar.
  • Tucker Carlson called Trump the "undisputed world champion" of destroying things, per a new court filing.
  • He texted a producer after the election that Trump could "easily destroy" Fox News if "we play it wrong."
  • Carlson's text came after Fox News ignited Trump's fury by being the first to call Arizona for Biden.
Two days after Election Day 2020, the Fox News host Tucker Carlson texted his producer warning that Fox News' decision to call the state of Arizona for Joe Biden on election night could spell doom for the network.

That's according to a new court filing released on Thursday. The document, a 200-page motion for summary judgment in Dominion Voting Systems' defamation lawsuit against Fox News, featured multiple deposition excerpts and texts from top Fox News figures, including Carlson, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdoch, and others.

Fox was the first cable news network to project Biden's victory in Arizona, prompting a slew of angry phone calls and texts from people in Trump's camp.

"We worked really hard to build what we have," Carlson texted his producer, Alex Pfeiffer, on November 5, 2020, according to the filing. Referring to colleagues who projected the results, Carlson texted: "Those fuckers are destroying our credibility. It enrages me."

Carlson added that he had spoken with fellow prime-time commentators Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity minutes earlier and that they were "highly upset."

"At this point we're getting hurt no matter what," he wrote, according to the filing.

Pfeiffer replied that "many on 'our side' are being reckless demagogues right now."

"Of course they are," Carlson wrote. "We're not going to follow them."

Carlson went on to say that Trump was good at "destroying things. He's the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong."

At another point the same day, Carlson texted that "we've got to be incredibly careful right now. We could get hurt." It's unclear who the recipient of the message was.

Dominion became a focal point for Trumpworld's election-related conspiracy theories shortly after Election Day 2020. "By November 11, Sean Hannity recognized the critical role the Dominion fraud narrative would play in winning back viewers," Thursday's filing said.

"In one week and one debate they destroyed a brand that took 25 years to build and the damage is incalculable," Hannity told Carlson and Ingraham on November 12, a week after the Arizona call.

"It's vandalism," Carlson replied, according to the filing.

The host also grew angry when a Fox News reporter fact-checked a Trump tweet accusing Dominion of election fraud.

The reporter, Jacqui Heinrich, wrote in response to Trump's tweet that top election officials had determined "there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

It just keeps getting better all from Dominion !!
Due to court fillings in the highly credible Dominion law suit against Fox, It has been exposed that Fox News is 100% total Fake News.
The so called news agency knowingly and willfully reported total lies about election fraud that never happened, and the hosts at Fox News knew and said it never happened. Yet they still reported it and did so solely for ratings out of fear of losing their trash viewers that need lies to survive and function in the world.

This is as bad as it gets, the biggest scandal of our time. Caught red handed reporting fake news and worried that if they told the truth, their trash viewers would stop watching !!!!
We all knew this day would come. We all knew Fox News was fake news that fed lies to their viewers just to make money and play them, BUT now we have rock solid proof.

Fox and the GOP have finally been exposed for being total liars and having no credibility at all, and this is all documented from their personal emails and texts messages that they never thought would be revealed ! WITH MORE TO COME AT THE TRIAL IN APRIL !!!!

This proves the point I have made on here repeatedly, republicans need lies to survive, they can't handle the truth at all because it is too harsh for them to handle. If republicans are told the truth they stop listening and go listen to somebody telling them the lies they need to hear (Newsmax). Republicans are all 100% Bull Shit.
For this reason Fox news and the GOP are a total joke, Republicans are squirming as they read this because they have been exposed for being gullible liars and frauds that don't want to hear the truth, they only want the lies.

Fox News has lost the right to call itself a real News network, and Fox news viewers have lost the right to call themselves Patriotic or credible.

Credibility is earned, not proclaimed, remember that.

LOL. Simply hilarious that you accuse Fox News of going after ratings, while seemingly implying that other media don't. Then you use one of the most blatantly partisan and biased media (MSNBC) as a link to prove your opinion. One thing I'll give you though is that MSNBC has no ratings so I can see why you think that proves your point.
It just keeps getting better all from Dominion !!
Due to court fillings in the highly credible Dominion law suit against Fox, It has been exposed that Fox News is 100% total Fake News.
The so called news agency knowingly and willfully reported total lies about election fraud that never happened, and the hosts at Fox News knew and said it never happened. Yet they still reported it and did so solely for ratings out of fear of losing their trash viewers that need lies to survive and function in the world.

This is as bad as it gets, the biggest scandal of our time. Caught red handed reporting fake news and worried that if they told the truth, their trash viewers would stop watching !!!!
We all knew this day would come. We all knew Fox News was fake news that fed lies to their viewers just to make money and play them, BUT now we have rock solid proof.

Fox and the GOP have finally been exposed for being total liars and having no credibility at all, and this is all documented from their personal emails and texts messages that they never thought would be revealed ! WITH MORE TO COME AT THE TRIAL IN APRIL !!!!

This proves the point I have made on here repeatedly, republicans need lies to survive, they can't handle the truth at all because it is too harsh for them to handle. If republicans are told the truth they stop listening and go listen to somebody telling them the lies they need to hear (Newsmax). Republicans are all 100% Bull Shit.
For this reason Fox news and the GOP are a total joke, Republicans are squirming as they read this because they have been exposed for being gullible liars and frauds that don't want to hear the truth, they only want the lies.

Fox News has lost the right to call itself a real News network, and Fox news viewers have lost the right to call themselves Patriotic or credible.

Credibility is earned, not proclaimed, remember that.

What makes the Dominion Lawsuit “highly credible”?

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