Fox & Friends caught for misrepresenting/not understaning Obamacare

they thought people would get coverage by just "enrolling" :lol: Open enrollment is from Oct 1 - Jan 1 THEN coverage begins. They're either clueless or trying to scare their elderly viewers, as their largest demographic is Oldsters ;)
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Give your hatred a rest lefties. It's a freaking discussion. Newshounds gives low information lefties their daily hatred fix. Why don't they watch Al-Jazeera news "so you don't have to"?
Give your hatred a rest lefties. It's a freaking discussion. Newshounds gives low information lefties their daily hatred fix. Why don't they watch Al-Jazeera news "so you don't have to"?

I have no clue what "news hounds" is.
It's a freaking discussion group. "Newshounds" assumes that it needs to feed the salivating radical left with their daily dose of outrage so they get a cherry picked "Fox & Friends" quote. How long will it take for the radical left to understand that they have become irrelevant and pathetic with their unrelenting hatred of Fox?
Give your hatred a rest lefties. It's a freaking discussion. Newshounds gives low information lefties their daily hatred fix. Why don't they watch Al-Jazeera news "so you don't have to"?

I have no clue what "news hounds" is.

"Newshounds" is the tax exempt left wing propaganda network set up by George Soros. It is similar to the tax exempt "Media Matters" but specific to Fox. It's stated mission is to monitor Fox 24/7 "so you won't have to". They cherry pick stuff that they throw to Huffington so the low information lefties can get their daily dose of outrage.
Man Chis Hayes really cut and miss interpreted that piece.

They did not say that it took effect in Oct. Or Nov.
They were talking about signing up for it. They also continued and said that only 1% have singed up so far.
They know that it does not start until Jan.
They have talked about it many times as to when it takes effect.
Shame on you Chris Hayes for such a biased sound bite.
Wow. Someone in the media is wrong. I'm shocked, shocked that such a thing could happen.
It has come to me as surprise that the most people who oppose Obamacare do not actually understand it. They think it is all about forcing people to get health coverage. They miss the vital aspects of it which reforms our healthcare system. I will note three major areas below:

1. Insurance companies will no longer be able to deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions

2. Insurance companies cannot drop you in the middle once things start to go south for you

3. Insurance companies can no longer apply life time cap

There are few other reforms but these three are the major ones.

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