Zone1 Found A Box Of Tools On My Property

If they can't accurately describe its contents, it isn't theirs.
Anyone familiar with tools DW knows that one can make a pretty general claim of what most of the tools likely to be found there will be and probably come pretty close yet not be the owner, meantime, I'd wager that FEW tool users could give an EXACT listing of the contents even as the legit owners partly because no one counts or inventories box wrenches, etc., plus the fact that they might be constantly adding or changing the contents as needed per job!

To be sure, if someone stopped by just knowing the general shape, size, color and brand of the case plus a basic description of outstanding features like wheels, handle, etc., and described the general contents as "wrenches and stuff for working on motors," etc., you probably 99.6% have your owner.

In that case I'd surely give them to him. It's not like he has his name and number riveted to the case. But you'd have to be a real samaritan to actually run an ad at your expense in the local paper seeking the owner, really, what are your chances that the owner would ever see it!

The tools likely fell out of an improperly locked door on a side panel truck and really, that is your own responsibility to account for your stuff. Unless the guy saw or heard something to know he lost the tools around your property and comes asking about them, or you see an ad in the local rag in town seeking their return, he will likely consider them a theft from his truck and a business loss, and you have yourself a few more tools.
I've got thousands of dollars worth of tools. If you asked what was in any one tool box drawer I probably couldn't tell you accurately if at all.
I have had a similar experience to that described by the OP. I have a measured 1/2 mile trail on my property I walk for exercise during hunting season when I avoid walking in the hundreds of acres of forest that begin near my place. While walking on the trail last autumn I found a large fancy machete sort of knife with a black curved blade about eighteen inches long. It looks like something a movie ninja would carry. Less than a month later on about the same part of my trail I found a Smith and Wesson switch blade knife. I have no use for a switch blade. I am more of a hand gun sort of guy, but I still have both.

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