Former Nuclear Launch Officers Implore Congress To End Trump's First Strike Capability


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Nuclear launch control officers depend on a rational commander-in-chief, an individual who possesses a clear thought process, and who understands the order to launch the nuclear weapons these officers control must be the only alternative remaining.

Once they receive such an order these personnel can have missiles leaving their silos within minutes. These men and women also understand the finality of their actions, as these weapons of mass destruction cannot be recalled.

The following list names former nuclear launch officers who understand the danger the idiot Trump poses in having the ability to launch a first strike nuclear attack:

Timothy J. Allen Ellsworth AFB, 1991-92
F.E. Warren AFB, 1992-96 Offutt AFB, 2002-05
Bruce G. Blair Malmstrom AFB, 1972-74
Victor D. Bras Whiteman AFB, 1968-72 Grand Forks AFB, 1983-85
Ken Franklin Minot AFB, 1967-70
Frank G. Goldman, ESQ. F.E. Warren AFB, 1988-91
Peter Hefley F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-07
Calvin W. Hickey Malmstrom AFB, 1975-76
Geoffrey Kanner Malmstrom AFB, 1980-84
David Macpherson Malmstrom AFB, 1969-72
Michael Miller F.E. Warren AFB, 2009-13
Emma Poon Malmstrom AFB, 2005-09
James Robertson Malmstrom AFB, 1999-2003
Ryan William Schmoll F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-09
David C.W. Wagner F.E. Warren, 2005-09
Brian Weeden Malmstrom AFB, 2000-04
Theodore F. Weihe Whiteman AFB, 1965-70
Thomas C. Xander Whiteman AFB, 1967-70

During the presidential campaign they warned, “Trump should not be allowed to have his finger on the proverbial ‘Red Button.’ ”

After twelve months of the idiot Trump’s farcical presidency, the former nuclear launch officers’ message has grown in urgency, “One year into the Trump presidency, our alarm has only intensified and we must raise our voices again. The president has had ample opportunity to educate and humble himself to the grave responsibilities of his office. Instead, he consistently shows himself to be easily baited, stubborn in his ignorance of world politics and diplomacy, and quick to brandish nuclear threats. The reality of this presidency is worse than we feared.”

Their written statement continues as they explain the necessary steps that must be taken to rein in the idiot Trump’s capability to start a nuclear war when he is having one of his temper tantrums, “There are a number of good proposals before Congress right now that would rein in the president’s power to order the first use of nuclear weapons. Whether it’s assigning the defense secretary and attorney general a role in certifying a launch order, requiring a Congressional Declaration of War before the first use of nuclear weapons, or ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely, any of these common-sense measures would reduce the risk we now face. All are backed by top experts and worthy of consideration. Whichever path we take, it is essential officials on both sides of the aisle come together to reform the system.”

Given the mindless “yes-men” the idiot Trump chose for his defense secretary and attorney general, the best option contained in their list is, ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely.

The former nuclear launch officers close their statement with, “We and our nation cannot abide being hostages to the mood swings of a petulant and foolish commander-in-chief. No individual, especially Donald Trump, should hold the absolute power to destroy nations. That is a clear lesson of this presidency and one that we, as former stewards of the launch keys, embrace with full conviction.”

The clueless conservatives, as usual, will be giggly after they read OP and the statement by the men and women on which it is based. The conservatives' collective ignorance is a tool that has served the Republican Party well, and for many decades.

The ease with which this collective ignorance of the conservatives can be exploited was quickly discovered by the idiot Trump's election team. This exploitation now carries over into the idiot's presidency and results in the conservatives' unwavering support of the idiot Trump's petulance and foolishness, the ease with which he can be baited, and his stubborn ignorance of world politics and diplomacy.

This particularly alarming aspect of the situation can only multiply, exponentially, the concerns of the former nuclear launch officers.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

That would be a strategically catastrophic mistake. When using a nuke becomes your only option, you will have taken away that option. It will leave us vulnerable and it will leave such a decision in the hands of an inept bureaucracy.

I hope they understand that. I hope you understand that, Bertram.
Nuclear launch control officers depend on a rational commander-in-chief, an individual who possesses a clear thought process, and who understands the order to launch the nuclear weapons these officers control must be the only alternative remaining.

Once they receive such an order these personnel can have missiles leaving their silos within minutes. These men and women also understand the finality of their actions, as these weapons of mass destruction cannot be recalled.

The following list names former nuclear launch officers who understand the danger the idiot Trump poses in having the ability to launch a first strike nuclear attack:

Timothy J. Allen Ellsworth AFB, 1991-92
F.E. Warren AFB, 1992-96 Offutt AFB, 2002-05
Bruce G. Blair Malmstrom AFB, 1972-74
Victor D. Bras Whiteman AFB, 1968-72 Grand Forks AFB, 1983-85
Ken Franklin Minot AFB, 1967-70
Frank G. Goldman, ESQ. F.E. Warren AFB, 1988-91
Peter Hefley F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-07
Calvin W. Hickey Malmstrom AFB, 1975-76
Geoffrey Kanner Malmstrom AFB, 1980-84
David Macpherson Malmstrom AFB, 1969-72
Michael Miller F.E. Warren AFB, 2009-13
Emma Poon Malmstrom AFB, 2005-09
James Robertson Malmstrom AFB, 1999-2003
Ryan William Schmoll F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-09
David C.W. Wagner F.E. Warren, 2005-09
Brian Weeden Malmstrom AFB, 2000-04
Theodore F. Weihe Whiteman AFB, 1965-70
Thomas C. Xander Whiteman AFB, 1967-70

During the presidential campaign they warned, “Trump should not be allowed to have his finger on the proverbial ‘Red Button.’ ”

After twelve months of the idiot Trump’s farcical presidency, the former nuclear launch officers’ message has grown in urgency, “One year into the Trump presidency, our alarm has only intensified and we must raise our voices again. The president has had ample opportunity to educate and humble himself to the grave responsibilities of his office. Instead, he consistently shows himself to be easily baited, stubborn in his ignorance of world politics and diplomacy, and quick to brandish nuclear threats. The reality of this presidency is worse than we feared.”

Their written statement continues as they explain the necessary steps that must be taken to rein in the idiot Trump’s capability to start a nuclear war when he is having one of his temper tantrums, “There are a number of good proposals before Congress right now that would rein in the president’s power to order the first use of nuclear weapons. Whether it’s assigning the defense secretary and attorney general a role in certifying a launch order, requiring a Congressional Declaration of War before the first use of nuclear weapons, or ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely, any of these common-sense measures would reduce the risk we now face. All are backed by top experts and worthy of consideration. Whichever path we take, it is essential officials on both sides of the aisle come together to reform the system.”

Given the mindless “yes-men” the idiot Trump chose for his defense secretary and attorney general, the best option contained in their list is, ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely.

The former nuclear launch officers close their statement with, “We and our nation cannot abide being hostages to the mood swings of a petulant and foolish commander-in-chief. No individual, especially Donald Trump, should hold the absolute power to destroy nations. That is a clear lesson of this presidency and one that we, as former stewards of the launch keys, embrace with full conviction.”

The clueless conservatives, as usual, will be giggly after they read OP and the statement by the men and women on which it is based. The conservatives' collective ignorance is a tool that has served the Republican Party well, and for many decades.

The ease with which this collective ignorance of the conservatives can be exploited was quickly discovered by the idiot Trump's election team. This exploitation now carries over into the idiot's presidency and results in the conservatives' unwavering support of the idiot Trump's petulance and foolishness, the ease with which he can be baited, and his stubborn ignorance of world politics and diplomacy.

This particularly alarming aspect of the situation can only multiply, exponentially, the concerns of the former nuclear launch officers.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Keep dreaming, moron.

President Trump is the Commander in Chief and may need to make that call at any given minute.
I wouldn't trust the Orange with even the remote control.
Nuclear launch control officers depend on a rational commander-in-chief, an individual who possesses a clear thought process, and who understands the order to launch the nuclear weapons these officers control must be the only alternative remaining.

Once they receive such an order these personnel can have missiles leaving their silos within minutes. These men and women also understand the finality of their actions, as these weapons of mass destruction cannot be recalled.

The following list names former nuclear launch officers who understand the danger the idiot Trump poses in having the ability to launch a first strike nuclear attack:

Timothy J. Allen Ellsworth AFB, 1991-92
F.E. Warren AFB, 1992-96 Offutt AFB, 2002-05
Bruce G. Blair Malmstrom AFB, 1972-74
Victor D. Bras Whiteman AFB, 1968-72 Grand Forks AFB, 1983-85
Ken Franklin Minot AFB, 1967-70
Frank G. Goldman, ESQ. F.E. Warren AFB, 1988-91
Peter Hefley F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-07
Calvin W. Hickey Malmstrom AFB, 1975-76
Geoffrey Kanner Malmstrom AFB, 1980-84
David Macpherson Malmstrom AFB, 1969-72
Michael Miller F.E. Warren AFB, 2009-13
Emma Poon Malmstrom AFB, 2005-09
James Robertson Malmstrom AFB, 1999-2003
Ryan William Schmoll F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-09
David C.W. Wagner F.E. Warren, 2005-09
Brian Weeden Malmstrom AFB, 2000-04
Theodore F. Weihe Whiteman AFB, 1965-70
Thomas C. Xander Whiteman AFB, 1967-70

During the presidential campaign they warned, “Trump should not be allowed to have his finger on the proverbial ‘Red Button.’ ”

After twelve months of the idiot Trump’s farcical presidency, the former nuclear launch officers’ message has grown in urgency, “One year into the Trump presidency, our alarm has only intensified and we must raise our voices again. The president has had ample opportunity to educate and humble himself to the grave responsibilities of his office. Instead, he consistently shows himself to be easily baited, stubborn in his ignorance of world politics and diplomacy, and quick to brandish nuclear threats. The reality of this presidency is worse than we feared.”

Their written statement continues as they explain the necessary steps that must be taken to rein in the idiot Trump’s capability to start a nuclear war when he is having one of his temper tantrums, “There are a number of good proposals before Congress right now that would rein in the president’s power to order the first use of nuclear weapons. Whether it’s assigning the defense secretary and attorney general a role in certifying a launch order, requiring a Congressional Declaration of War before the first use of nuclear weapons, or ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely, any of these common-sense measures would reduce the risk we now face. All are backed by top experts and worthy of consideration. Whichever path we take, it is essential officials on both sides of the aisle come together to reform the system.”

Given the mindless “yes-men” the idiot Trump chose for his defense secretary and attorney general, the best option contained in their list is, ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely.

The former nuclear launch officers close their statement with, “We and our nation cannot abide being hostages to the mood swings of a petulant and foolish commander-in-chief. No individual, especially Donald Trump, should hold the absolute power to destroy nations. That is a clear lesson of this presidency and one that we, as former stewards of the launch keys, embrace with full conviction.”

The clueless conservatives, as usual, will be giggly after they read OP and the statement by the men and women on which it is based. The conservatives' collective ignorance is a tool that has served the Republican Party well, and for many decades.

The ease with which this collective ignorance of the conservatives can be exploited was quickly discovered by the idiot Trump's election team. This exploitation now carries over into the idiot's presidency and results in the conservatives' unwavering support of the idiot Trump's petulance and foolishness, the ease with which he can be baited, and his stubborn ignorance of world politics and diplomacy.

This particularly alarming aspect of the situation can only multiply, exponentially, the concerns of the former nuclear launch officers.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Turn a few shitholes into glowing shitholes. Could be an improvement.

That would be a strategically catastrophic mistake. When using a nuke becomes your only option, you will have taken away that option. It will leave us vulnerable and it will leave such a decision in the hands of an inept bureaucracy.

I hope they understand that. I hope you understand that, Bertram.

Dump IS an inept moron so ya getting the codes out of his hands is a great idea.
Nuclear launch control officers depend on a rational commander-in-chief, an individual who possesses a clear thought process, and who understands the order to launch the nuclear weapons these officers control must be the only alternative remaining.

Once they receive such an order these personnel can have missiles leaving their silos within minutes. These men and women also understand the finality of their actions, as these weapons of mass destruction cannot be recalled.

The following list names former nuclear launch officers who understand the danger the idiot Trump poses in having the ability to launch a first strike nuclear attack:

Timothy J. Allen Ellsworth AFB, 1991-92
F.E. Warren AFB, 1992-96 Offutt AFB, 2002-05
Bruce G. Blair Malmstrom AFB, 1972-74
Victor D. Bras Whiteman AFB, 1968-72 Grand Forks AFB, 1983-85
Ken Franklin Minot AFB, 1967-70
Frank G. Goldman, ESQ. F.E. Warren AFB, 1988-91
Peter Hefley F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-07
Calvin W. Hickey Malmstrom AFB, 1975-76
Geoffrey Kanner Malmstrom AFB, 1980-84
David Macpherson Malmstrom AFB, 1969-72
Michael Miller F.E. Warren AFB, 2009-13
Emma Poon Malmstrom AFB, 2005-09
James Robertson Malmstrom AFB, 1999-2003
Ryan William Schmoll F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-09
David C.W. Wagner F.E. Warren, 2005-09
Brian Weeden Malmstrom AFB, 2000-04
Theodore F. Weihe Whiteman AFB, 1965-70
Thomas C. Xander Whiteman AFB, 1967-70

During the presidential campaign they warned, “Trump should not be allowed to have his finger on the proverbial ‘Red Button.’ ”

After twelve months of the idiot Trump’s farcical presidency, the former nuclear launch officers’ message has grown in urgency, “One year into the Trump presidency, our alarm has only intensified and we must raise our voices again. The president has had ample opportunity to educate and humble himself to the grave responsibilities of his office. Instead, he consistently shows himself to be easily baited, stubborn in his ignorance of world politics and diplomacy, and quick to brandish nuclear threats. The reality of this presidency is worse than we feared.”

Their written statement continues as they explain the necessary steps that must be taken to rein in the idiot Trump’s capability to start a nuclear war when he is having one of his temper tantrums, “There are a number of good proposals before Congress right now that would rein in the president’s power to order the first use of nuclear weapons. Whether it’s assigning the defense secretary and attorney general a role in certifying a launch order, requiring a Congressional Declaration of War before the first use of nuclear weapons, or ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely, any of these common-sense measures would reduce the risk we now face. All are backed by top experts and worthy of consideration. Whichever path we take, it is essential officials on both sides of the aisle come together to reform the system.”

Given the mindless “yes-men” the idiot Trump chose for his defense secretary and attorney general, the best option contained in their list is, ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely.

The former nuclear launch officers close their statement with, “We and our nation cannot abide being hostages to the mood swings of a petulant and foolish commander-in-chief. No individual, especially Donald Trump, should hold the absolute power to destroy nations. That is a clear lesson of this presidency and one that we, as former stewards of the launch keys, embrace with full conviction.”

The clueless conservatives, as usual, will be giggly after they read OP and the statement by the men and women on which it is based. The conservatives' collective ignorance is a tool that has served the Republican Party well, and for many decades.

The ease with which this collective ignorance of the conservatives can be exploited was quickly discovered by the idiot Trump's election team. This exploitation now carries over into the idiot's presidency and results in the conservatives' unwavering support of the idiot Trump's petulance and foolishness, the ease with which he can be baited, and his stubborn ignorance of world politics and diplomacy.

This particularly alarming aspect of the situation can only multiply, exponentially, the concerns of the former nuclear launch officers.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Keep dreaming, moron.

President Trump is the Commander in Chief and may need to make that call at any given minute.

You have captured the entire problem in one sentence. In this country, one half-cocked madman like the aggressive, valueless whore in the Oval Office can turn the world into an inferno in minutes. I fervently hope that anyone who must act on a launch order from him will refuse it. Any prison in which any of them would be incarcerated as a result of refusing this order would be stormed by the American People in a heartbeat.
Nuclear launch control officers depend on a rational commander-in-chief, an individual who possesses a clear thought process, and who understands the order to launch the nuclear weapons these officers control must be the only alternative remaining.

Once they receive such an order these personnel can have missiles leaving their silos within minutes. These men and women also understand the finality of their actions, as these weapons of mass destruction cannot be recalled.

The following list names former nuclear launch officers who understand the danger the idiot Trump poses in having the ability to launch a first strike nuclear attack:

Timothy J. Allen Ellsworth AFB, 1991-92
F.E. Warren AFB, 1992-96 Offutt AFB, 2002-05
Bruce G. Blair Malmstrom AFB, 1972-74
Victor D. Bras Whiteman AFB, 1968-72 Grand Forks AFB, 1983-85
Ken Franklin Minot AFB, 1967-70
Frank G. Goldman, ESQ. F.E. Warren AFB, 1988-91
Peter Hefley F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-07
Calvin W. Hickey Malmstrom AFB, 1975-76
Geoffrey Kanner Malmstrom AFB, 1980-84
David Macpherson Malmstrom AFB, 1969-72
Michael Miller F.E. Warren AFB, 2009-13
Emma Poon Malmstrom AFB, 2005-09
James Robertson Malmstrom AFB, 1999-2003
Ryan William Schmoll F.E. Warren AFB, 2005-09
David C.W. Wagner F.E. Warren, 2005-09
Brian Weeden Malmstrom AFB, 2000-04
Theodore F. Weihe Whiteman AFB, 1965-70
Thomas C. Xander Whiteman AFB, 1967-70

During the presidential campaign they warned, “Trump should not be allowed to have his finger on the proverbial ‘Red Button.’ ”

After twelve months of the idiot Trump’s farcical presidency, the former nuclear launch officers’ message has grown in urgency, “One year into the Trump presidency, our alarm has only intensified and we must raise our voices again. The president has had ample opportunity to educate and humble himself to the grave responsibilities of his office. Instead, he consistently shows himself to be easily baited, stubborn in his ignorance of world politics and diplomacy, and quick to brandish nuclear threats. The reality of this presidency is worse than we feared.”

Their written statement continues as they explain the necessary steps that must be taken to rein in the idiot Trump’s capability to start a nuclear war when he is having one of his temper tantrums, “There are a number of good proposals before Congress right now that would rein in the president’s power to order the first use of nuclear weapons. Whether it’s assigning the defense secretary and attorney general a role in certifying a launch order, requiring a Congressional Declaration of War before the first use of nuclear weapons, or ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely, any of these common-sense measures would reduce the risk we now face. All are backed by top experts and worthy of consideration. Whichever path we take, it is essential officials on both sides of the aisle come together to reform the system.”

Given the mindless “yes-men” the idiot Trump chose for his defense secretary and attorney general, the best option contained in their list is, ending the policy of nuclear first use entirely.

The former nuclear launch officers close their statement with, “We and our nation cannot abide being hostages to the mood swings of a petulant and foolish commander-in-chief. No individual, especially Donald Trump, should hold the absolute power to destroy nations. That is a clear lesson of this presidency and one that we, as former stewards of the launch keys, embrace with full conviction.”

The clueless conservatives, as usual, will be giggly after they read OP and the statement by the men and women on which it is based. The conservatives' collective ignorance is a tool that has served the Republican Party well, and for many decades.

The ease with which this collective ignorance of the conservatives can be exploited was quickly discovered by the idiot Trump's election team. This exploitation now carries over into the idiot's presidency and results in the conservatives' unwavering support of the idiot Trump's petulance and foolishness, the ease with which he can be baited, and his stubborn ignorance of world politics and diplomacy.

This particularly alarming aspect of the situation can only multiply, exponentially, the concerns of the former nuclear launch officers.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

Underwhelming indeed.
That would be a strategically catastrophic mistake. When using a nuke becomes your only option, you will have taken away that option. It will leave us vulnerable and it will leave such a decision in the hands of an inept bureaucracy.

I hope they understand that. I hope you understand that, Bertram.

Dump IS an inept moron so ya getting the codes out of his hands is a great idea.

Out of inept hands and into the hands of an inept government.

Color me encouraged.
It's pretty shocking to know that so many of you don't realize that the lives of millions of innocent men, women, and children are in the hands of one mentally unstable fool.
It's pretty shocking to know that some people find the fact that the lives of millions of innocent men, women, and children are in the hands of one mentally unstable fool to be "funny." Do I have to post pictures of the aftermath of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How many killed? How many horribly injured, many disfigured for life after being put through excruciating burn pain? How many families destroyed? How many countless hours searching for lost loved ones, only to be disappointed and cast into grief?

Think about it, boy.

It's pretty shocking to know that some people find the fact that the lives of millions of innocent men, women, and children are in the hands of one mentally unstable fool to be "funny." Do I have to post pictures of the aftermath of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How many killed? How many horribly injured, many disfigured for life after being put through excruciating burn pain? How many families destroyed? How many countless hours searching for lost loved ones, only to be disappointed and cast into grief?

Think about it, boy.


That would be a strategically catastrophic mistake. When using a nuke becomes your only option, you will have taken away that option. It will leave us vulnerable and it will leave such a decision in the hands of an inept bureaucracy.

I hope they understand that. I hope you understand that, Bertram.

Dump IS an inept moron so ya getting the codes out of his hands is a great idea.

Out of inept hands and into the hands of an inept government.

Color me encouraged.

Not saying I like either optuon. But just about anyone would be more stable than Orange Dude.

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