Forget the Popular Vote. Trump now claiming one of biggest electoral wins in history!

This came out of the Trump bunker yesterday:

"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history." Yes, Trump with 306 electoral votes is claiming that now.

Obama 2012 332 electoral votes.
Obama 2008 365 electoral votes.
Clinton 1996 379 electoral votes.
Clinton 1992 370 electoral votes.
Bush 1988 426 electoral votes.
Reagan 1984 525 electoral votes.
Reagan 1980 489 electoral votes.
Nixon 1972 520 electoral votes.
Johnson 1964 486 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1956 457 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1952 442 electoral votes.
FDR 1944 432 electoral votes.
FDR 1940 449 electoral votes.

lol, okay enough.

Trump is in 14th place in just the last 20 elections.

Maybe in the Special Olympics you get a prize for that.

It's pretty bad when you feel compelled to lie where the truth itself is satisfactory. THAT is pathological.
I wish he would just drop dead. I'm so sick of hearing about him and his idiocy.
View attachment 101465
No they aren't. You morons are, but the vast majority of the world, including most Americans, are not saying any such thing.
This is your party soon be be put in the history books.
This came out of the Trump bunker yesterday:

"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history." Yes, Trump with 306 electoral votes is claiming that now.

Obama 2012 332 electoral votes.
Obama 2008 365 electoral votes.
Clinton 1996 379 electoral votes.
Clinton 1992 370 electoral votes.
Bush 1988 426 electoral votes.
Reagan 1984 525 electoral votes.
Reagan 1980 489 electoral votes.
Nixon 1972 520 electoral votes.
Johnson 1964 486 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1956 457 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1952 442 electoral votes.
FDR 1944 432 electoral votes.
FDR 1940 449 electoral votes.

lol, okay enough.

Trump is in 14th place in just the last 20 elections.

Maybe in the Special Olympics you get a prize for that.

It's pretty bad when you feel compelled to lie where the truth itself is satisfactory. THAT is pathological.

What is this 1984? You already forget they predicted a hillary landslide....

This came out of the Trump bunker yesterday:

"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history." Yes, Trump with 306 electoral votes is claiming that now.

Obama 2012 332 electoral votes.
Obama 2008 365 electoral votes.
Clinton 1996 379 electoral votes.
Clinton 1992 370 electoral votes.
Bush 1988 426 electoral votes.
Reagan 1984 525 electoral votes.
Reagan 1980 489 electoral votes.
Nixon 1972 520 electoral votes.
Johnson 1964 486 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1956 457 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1952 442 electoral votes.
FDR 1944 432 electoral votes.
FDR 1940 449 electoral votes.

lol, okay enough.

Trump is in 14th place in just the last 20 elections.

Maybe in the Special Olympics you get a prize for that.

It's pretty bad when you feel compelled to lie where the truth itself is satisfactory. THAT is pathological.
I wish he would just drop dead. I'm so sick of hearing about him and his idiocy.
View attachment 101465
No they aren't. You morons are, but the vast majority of the world, including most Americans, are not saying any such thing.
He saved a thousand jobs, that Obama said he couldn't do. Bringing thousands more from overseas and he isn't even president yet.View attachment 101466
You people not only believe all Trump's lies, you make up your own and act like they are scripture. Fools. You're all fools.
This came out of the Trump bunker yesterday:

"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history." Yes, Trump with 306 electoral votes is claiming that now.

Obama 2012 332 electoral votes.
Obama 2008 365 electoral votes.
Clinton 1996 379 electoral votes.
Clinton 1992 370 electoral votes.
Bush 1988 426 electoral votes.
Reagan 1984 525 electoral votes.
Reagan 1980 489 electoral votes.
Nixon 1972 520 electoral votes.
Johnson 1964 486 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1956 457 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1952 442 electoral votes.
FDR 1944 432 electoral votes.
FDR 1940 449 electoral votes.

lol, okay enough.

Trump is in 14th place in just the last 20 elections.

Maybe in the Special Olympics you get a prize for that.

It's pretty bad when you feel compelled to lie where the truth itself is satisfactory. THAT is pathological.
I wish he would just drop dead. I'm so sick of hearing about him and his idiocy.
View attachment 101465
No they aren't. You morons are, but the vast majority of the world, including most Americans, are not saying any such thing.
He saved a thousand jobs, that Obama said he couldn't do. Bringing thousands more from overseas and he isn't even president yet.View attachment 101466
You people not only believe all Trump's lies, you make up your own and act like they are scripture. Fools. You're all fools.
Obama relied on your ignorance in believing his lied on obamacare. When it was released that Obama thought his supporters were ignorant. You defended it. Gruber is laughing at y'all.
You people not only believe all Trump's lies, you make up your own and act like they are scripture. Fools. You're all fools.


We're winners.

You're losers. Ubercunt will never be President.

The sound of dimocraps sniveling is music to my ears.
This came out of the Trump bunker yesterday:

"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history." Yes, Trump with 306 electoral votes is claiming that now.

Obama 2012 332 electoral votes.
Obama 2008 365 electoral votes.
Clinton 1996 379 electoral votes.
Clinton 1992 370 electoral votes.
Bush 1988 426 electoral votes.
Reagan 1984 525 electoral votes.
Reagan 1980 489 electoral votes.
Nixon 1972 520 electoral votes.
Johnson 1964 486 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1956 457 electoral votes.
Eisenhower 1952 442 electoral votes.
FDR 1944 432 electoral votes.
FDR 1940 449 electoral votes.

lol, okay enough.

Trump is in 14th place in just the last 20 elections.

Maybe in the Special Olympics you get a prize for that.

It's pretty bad when you feel compelled to lie where the truth itself is satisfactory. THAT is pathological.

What is this 1984? You already forget they predicted a hillary landslide....


The polls said Hillary would win by 3 points. She won by 2.
You people not only believe all Trump's lies, you make up your own and act like they are scripture. Fools. You're all fools.


We're winners.

You're losers. Ubercunt will never be President.

The sound of dimocraps sniveling is music to my ears.

One of the biggest snivelers on this board for the past 4 years trying to turn the tables?

That's joke of the day!
In contrast to conservatives, who never criticized Obama for eight years?

We're done criticizing the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

Now we're going to start tearing down everything that pile of shit put up.

Don't get in the way.

Your Party is dead. You need to bury it, it's starting to reek.
Going out of your way to LIE to embellish your own ego, is what we will have to put up for Trump's ONE-term administration.......Best get used to the onslaught of bullshit.

I predict that Trump's first line of any state of the union speech will begin with "Ain't I just great?"
The polls said Hillary would win by 3 points. She won by 2.

Wrong again, fruit loop. She lost. By 74.

You claiming Ubercunt won is like the losing football team claiming they score more times and lost. "It just isn't fair" they snivel.

They scored 6 Field Goals while we scored Three Touchdowns and the commensurate PATs.

You lost.

Stop sniveling like a little bitch.

You lost.

Because you SUCK.
Going out of your way to LIE to embellish your own ego, is what we will have to put up for Trump's ONE-term administration.......Best get used to the onslaught of bullshit.

I predict that Trump's first line of any state of the union speech will begin with "Ain't I just great?"

When what he's really saying is, "dimocraps really SUCK"

Good economy, we're not at War, unemployment pretty decent.....

And the Lying Cocksucker's HAND-PICKED replacement gets STOMPED.

By someone not even fully backed by the Republican Party. 20% of the establishment Republicans HATE Trump.

You can't come to grips with how bad you got beaten. A beat-down of monumental proportions.

Historic. The biggest upset in American Political History. Bigger than Truman v. Dewey.

By a bigly portion :funnyface:
You people not only believe all Trump's lies, you make up your own and act like they are scripture. Fools. You're all fools.


We're winners.

You're losers. Ubercunt will never be President.

The sound of dimocraps sniveling is music to my ears.

One of the biggest snivelers on this board for the past 4 years trying to turn the tables?

That's joke of the day!

Think what you will, sniveling bitch. You always do.

The fact is -- We won. And we won in a BIGLY way.

Prepare to have your DISGUSTING ways buried.... Permanently

The polls said Hillary would win by 3 points. She won by 2.

Wrong again, fruit loop. She lost. By 74.

You claiming Ubercunt won is like the losing football team claiming they score more times and lost. "It just isn't fair" they snivel.

They scored 6 Field Goals while we scored Three Touchdowns and the commensurate PATs.

You lost.

Stop sniveling like a little bitch.

You lost.

Because you SUCK.

Why are these people angry to the point of busting a blood vessel, and I'm pretty much having fun with all this?

Goddam it must be a torment to live life in perpetual anger.

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