For those who left the Democratic Party...........


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2019
Valparaiso, Indiana USA
When DID you leave? I was a registered Democrat and pretty much resigned to voting for Hillary because our biased media said Trump was SUCH a bad man. Then in early October of 2016, I noticed an unusual trend among the media. While pretty much everything was negative about Trump, there was very little positive news about Hillary. I did some heavy research about Hillary's past. I was shocked to find HOW evil and corrupt the woman is. A HUGE light went off in my head, I had successfully red pilled myself. I voted for Trump in 2016, became a registered Republican and will NEVER vote Democrat again.
When DID you leave? I was a registered Democrat and pretty much resigned to voting for Hillary because our biased media said Trump was SUCH a bad man. Then in early October of 2016, I noticed an unusual trend among the media. While pretty much everything was negative about Trump, there was very little positive news about Hillary. I did some heavy research about Hillary's past. I was shocked to find HOW evil and corrupt the woman is. A HUGE light went off in my head, I had successfully red pilled myself. I voted for Trump in 2016, became a registered Republican and will NEVER vote Democrat again.
Millions have left the Democratic Party because of the party is too far left.
When DID you leave? I was a registered Democrat and pretty much resigned to voting for Hillary because our biased media said Trump was SUCH a bad man. Then in early October of 2016, I noticed an unusual trend among the media. While pretty much everything was negative about Trump, there was very little positive news about Hillary. I did some heavy research about Hillary's past. I was shocked to find HOW evil and corrupt the woman is. A HUGE light went off in my head, I had successfully red pilled myself. I voted for Trump in 2016, became a registered Republican and will NEVER vote Democrat again.

Grew up in a diehard blue area. Democrats were OK back then (1960s). They were what they only CLAIM to be about now. JFK was a nice guy. But little by little I began seeing for myself and probably by the time I was heading toward my mid-20's (early 80s with the exodus of Jimmy Carter and Reagan coming in), I realized that all the bullcrap affecting my life and making the world such a mess was the stuff the Dems were doing. But I was a latent conservative because I already supported Nixon in the 70s. Goldwater was the quintessential conservative. Being a democrat and getting burned by the very liberal policies that democrats support makes for your best conservatives.

Come the 90's and those POS the Clintons, I made it my mission to know everything about them. They are worse than even Obama. It is a travesty both are not behind bars. If you ever feel you need a refresher on just how bad Hillary really is, you might want to check this out:

Why Trump's Not So Bad

Trump might have his flaws, but he is an angel compared to what we have running against him, which is why they want him out so bad.
I've never been a member of the Democrat party ... I'm a Marxist in that "I would never belong to a [political party] who would have me as a member" ...

Democrat leaders here in Oregon are all a bunch of pedophiles ... a 14-year-old girl is safer in some remote Andean village than in a Salem Middle School ... sick bastards ...
I’d say the Second half of George W, I hated Bush, but I couldn’t stand how negative the media was m, they spent so much time bashing him, and with all the negative pressure the man never wavered, you can only respect that.. if he was a democrat back then he would have flopped like a fish.

The way the media attacks other Americans is alarming.
65 and never been a democrat. Liked JFK but I was a kid, what did I really know.

Like many others there could be a split for me with Repubs too. Not because of POTUS either.

What's the choice, Independent? Write ins? I have done a write in before, think it was during Roborom, what a waste of sperm.
35 years of voting, and I have never voted for a Dim. Not once. Never will. I remember NOT voting for pierre delecto and NOT voting for john mcshitstain, but that did not equate for voting for the criminals opposing them.

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