For those who fear and those who don't


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
China’s Government Has Ordered a Million Citizens to Occupy Uighur Homes. Here’s What They Think They’re Doing.

Over the past year, reports have found their way out of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in western China of a campaign of religious and cultural repression of the region’s Muslims, and of their detention and confinement in a growing network of razor-wire-ringed camps that China’s government at times has dubbed “transformation through education centers” and at others “counter-extremism training centers” and, recently, amid international criticism, “vocational training centers.” The government describes such efforts as a response to terrorism. Indeed, these camps can be seen as a logical, if grotesque, extension of the government’s decades-long endeavor to eradicate the perceived “terrorism, separatism, and religious extremism” of its ethnic minority Muslim population in Xinjiang. The region, and the country, have certainly experienced spasms of unplanned mass violence as well as cases of premeditated violence born of Uighur desperation over decades of discrimination and persecution; the government’s current set of policies to avoid future strife, however, appears to rest on the assumption that most Uighurs are extremists-in-waiting.

Note the bold- sound familiar?
The fascists of the left would try to do the same thing here against Christians & Jews if we allowed them.
We stop them now or the great reset begins & we are all doomed to a totalitarian future of easily revoked permissions replacing most of the basic rights we take for granted.
It's a battle of good vs evil & we must not falter
How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.

How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.

Money. All these countries get to virtue signal about how they have moved on past minimal labor laws and shit while getting china to do all the dirty work.
Its fucking disgusting.
How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


"How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying."

Beaucoup bucks.


How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


"How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying."

Beaucoup bucks.

View attachment 419917

Sadly I see China being exonerated of all wrong-doing under a Biden administration. The left talks about fair trade, protecting human rights and not dealing with dictators but it is all lip service.

How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


"How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying."

Beaucoup bucks.

View attachment 419917

Sadly I see China being exonerated of all wrong-doing under a Biden administration. The left talks about fair trade, protecting human rights and not dealing with dictators but it is all lip service.


We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.
How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


"How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying."

Beaucoup bucks.

View attachment 419917

Sadly I see China being exonerated of all wrong-doing under a Biden administration. The left talks about fair trade, protecting human rights and not dealing with dictators but it is all lip service.


We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

I really don't want to agree with you but I am afraid you are right.

How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


The democrat party is on China's payroll....they have been since the 1990s with the clinton's and from Hunter Biden's laptop, we know that joe biden is neck deep with the Chinese......add to that the colleges they control through financial blackmail, hollywood they control through financial blackmail........and you can see how politicians aren't willing to do anything about China....
How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


"How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying."

Beaucoup bucks.

View attachment 419917

Sadly I see China being exonerated of all wrong-doing under a Biden administration. The left talks about fair trade, protecting human rights and not dealing with dictators but it is all lip service.


We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

I really don't want to agree with you but I am afraid you are right.


I feel the same sadness.
How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


The democrat party is on China's payroll....they have been since the 1990s with the clinton's and from Hunter Biden's laptop, we know that joe biden is neck deep with the Chinese......add to that the colleges they control through financial blackmail, hollywood they control through financial blackmail........and you can see how politicians aren't willing to do anything about China....

The politicians are worthless and have been for sometime. What worries me more is how complacent we've become as a country. It seems most people are happy with hollow promises and ever increasing entitlement programs. Mentioning today things like personal responsibility or self-reliance is criticized as cruel or heart-less.

I don't know how we can rekindle our former spirit of independence.

How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


"How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying."

Beaucoup bucks.

View attachment 419917

Hey Miss Saigon Hunter Biden was never a politician.
How is it that few politicians are willing to question China's bullying.

China is bullying:
1. Internally - Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet....
2. Internationally - militarizing islands in the China sea, breaking international law, exploiting countries in Africa
3. Economically - engaging in dumping, shutting out competition and currency manipulation.

So far only Trump has pushed back against China.


The democrat party is on China's payroll....they have been since the 1990s with the clinton's and from Hunter Biden's laptop, we know that joe biden is neck deep with the Chinese......add to that the colleges they control through financial blackmail, hollywood they control through financial blackmail........and you can see how politicians aren't willing to do anything about China....

The politicians are worthless and have been for sometime. What worries me more is how complacent we've become as a country. It seems most people are happy with hollow promises and ever increasing entitlement programs. Mentioning today things like personal responsibility or self-reliance is criticized as cruel or heart-less.

I don't know how we can rekindle our former spirit of independence.

That is a load of nonsense. Of that were true there would be no people working a job.
Did anyone pay attention to the high lighted? If so, where is the outrage at the local gov't's doing the same damn thing? China is not unique in authoritarian conduct- Chinese people are just people, just like y'all- the Chinese gov't is learning from our gov't- yet, the outrage is directed at China? Good lord, such shallow mindedness is appalling-
Did anyone pay attention to the high lighted? If so, where is the outrage at the local gov't's doing the same damn thing? China is not unique in authoritarian conduct- Chinese people are just people, just like y'all- the Chinese gov't is learning from our gov't- yet, the outrage is directed at China? Good lord, such shallow mindedness is appalling-


What we have become.

1.Radio host Dennis Prager mentioned that people come up to him in airports, and whisper that they are Trump supporters, or that they are conservatives. The only time previously he became aware of that phenomenon was when he was a college student, and visited the totalitarian Soviet Union. At that time, the whisperers were admitting that they hated communism, or that they were fans of the freedom of the United States. They could only whisper it out of fear and trepidation.

And that is what we have become. No longer the land of the free and the home of the brave, we are a nation of whisperers, afraid of losing one’s career, or job, or facing vituperation and charges of racism, or of being assaulted by the thugs and bullies who are and are associated with the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.

2. They dominate the media, censored any speech in opposition to the Democrat/Leftist takeover, and hid the clear and evident proof that their candidate for President had been bought and paid for by foreign governments, enemies of America.

The real irony is not how closely the NYTimes, CNN, and all of the Democrat handmaiden media mirrors the Soviet media, it that all that is left for us, the real Americans is samizdat.

(Russian: самизда́т, lit. "self-publishing") was a form of dissident activity across the Eastern Bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader. The practice of manual reproduction was widespread, due to the fact that most typewriters and printing devices were inventorized and required permission to access. This grassroots practice to evade official Soviet censorship was fraught with danger, as harsh punishments were meted out to people caught possessing or copying censored materials.” Wikipedia

3. They dominate the legal profession, they are prosecutors, Soros funded DAs, judges, who bring charges against those who seek to protect their lives and their property. They make certain that felons who are arrested are back on the streets before the police who arrest them.

They seek to imprison police for simply doing their jobs, the jobs of protecting the innocent law-abiding citizens….the job we employed them to do.

4. “Ronald Reagan, though dismissed by Europeans as a second-rate actor and fondler of cue cards, possessed that magic faculty that separates run-of-the mill politicos from history-molding leaders. "I didn't understand", recalls Time's Joe Klein, "how truly monumental, and morally important, Reagan's anti-communism was until I visited the Soviet Union in 1987." He continues with a seemingly trivial vignette. Attending the Bolshoi Ballet, he was nudged by his minder: "'Ronald Reagan. Evil empire', he whispered with dramatic intensity and shot a glance toward his lap where he had hidden two enthusiastic thumbs up. 'Yes!'"

When an American president manages to pluck the soul strings of those who have been raised to fear and despise what he represents, he surely deserves the honorific 'great.' | CBSi The 'Amazing and Mysterious Life' of Ronald Reagan

5. Who could have imagined that strong, brave American citizens could be reduced to cowering whisperers, afraid to wear MAGA caps, or put bumper stickers on their cars, or speak their opinions out loud.

Yet….here we are, and we will watch silently….perhaps whispering… the election is stolen, and the totalitarians take total charge.
I worry more about germs and bacteria the most prolific killers of humans in the history of mankind..and no elections were stolen..
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