For Those That Support Bernie Sanders...What Say Ye?

AOC just announced that the Democratic party is a centrist-conservative party. That there isn't a left party. That sounds like commie propaganda to me.
This video proves that what I have been saying about the leftist commie faction is straight on point. The ends justifies the means and no tactic is too disgusting or lowdown if it moves the commie agenda forward.

Stewbum Dale, I think we found your soulmate... This guy sounds as crazy as you are.

Probably a lot of reasons to not want to support Bernie. That one or two people working for him are nuts isn't one of them.
Where've you been?

He stomped off in a huff a couple of months ago promising he was leaving for good.

Unfortunately, he didn't keep his promises.

LOL! All you gun grabbing commie fuckwads fall from the same tree grown in rotted soil, lil Joe.
BTW, I didn't , nor would I "promise" a sorry POS like you a fucking thing, lil Joe, the card carrying, gun grabbing commie.

P.S You live in a commie stronghold there in Chicago and if Bernie "I never held down a real job ever" Sanders gets the DNC nod? You'll vote for him with a big ol grin on that ugly face of yours.
LOL! All you gun grabbing commie fuckwads fall from the same tree grown in rotted soil, lil Joe.
BTW, I didn't , nor would I "promise" a sorry POS like you a fucking thing, lil Joe, the card carrying, gun grabbing commie.

P.S You live in a commie stronghold there in Chicago and if Bernie "I never held down a real job ever" Sanders gets the DNC nod? You'll vote for him with a big ol grin on that ugly face of yours.

If Bernie gets the nomination, I'd vote for him because he isn't a crazy Nazi like Trump... but that's bout it.

The scary thing is, why so many young kids are thinking socialism is cool now... I'd explain it to you, but it doesn't involved chemtrails or false flags, so you still wouldn't get it.

So what happened, whatever new place you found didn't put up with your crap and banned you for life?
LOL! All you gun grabbing commie fuckwads fall from the same tree grown in rotted soil, lil Joe.
BTW, I didn't , nor would I "promise" a sorry POS like you a fucking thing, lil Joe, the card carrying, gun grabbing commie.

P.S You live in a commie stronghold there in Chicago and if Bernie "I never held down a real job ever" Sanders gets the DNC nod? You'll vote for him with a big ol grin on that ugly face of yours.

If Bernie gets the nomination, I'd vote for him because he isn't a crazy Nazi like Trump... but that's bout it.

The scary thing is, why so many young kids are thinking socialism is cool now... I'd explain it to you, but it doesn't involved chemtrails or false flags, so you still wouldn't get it.

So what happened, whatever new place you found didn't put up with your crap and banned you for life?

Of course you will vote for Bernie 'the commie" Sanders as he is your "comrade". Trump is a "nazi"? He is a totalitarian socialist? You really are too stupid to "explain" anything to me much less as to why socialism/communism is all the rage among the millennials. It was 17th on the list of the 45 goals of the communist agenda read into congress in January of 1963.

"Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks."

"So what happened, whatever new place you found didn't put up with your crap and banned you for life?"

What alleged "crap" is that, Joe Blowhard? Facts that you don't like? The fact is, I didn't try and find any other forum to take the place of USMB. I will be an infrequent visitor here...unlike you that seems to live here.

Of course you will vote for Bernie 'the commie" Sanders as he is your "comrade". Trump is a "nazi"? He is a totalitarian socialist? You really are too stupid to "explain" anything to me much less as to why socialism/communism is all the rage among the millennials. It was 17th on the list of the 45 goals of the communist agenda read into congress in January of 1963.

"Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks."

Wow, I told you'd be too stupid.

Here's why these kids love them some socialism. Because they look at their parents working two jobs just to maintain a middle class lifestyle. Because they look at a mountain of debt for getting a piece of paper they were told was the ticket to the middle class, but a lot of them end up working as baristas at Starbucks. .

What alleged "crap" is that, Joe Blowhard? Facts that you don't like? The fact is, I didn't try and find any other forum to take the place of USMB. I will be an infrequent visitor here...unlike you that seems to live here.

Again, you are a degenerate cocksucker who mocks the parents of slaughtered children. Too bad you hide behind a phony name so that they can't sue you like they are suing the pants off Alex Jones right now.
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Of course you will vote for Bernie 'the commie" Sanders as he is your "comrade". Trump is a "nazi"? He is a totalitarian socialist? You really are too stupid to "explain" anything to me much less as to why socialism/communism is all the rage among the millennials. It was 17th on the list of the 45 goals of the communist agenda read into congress in January of 1963.

"Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks."

Wow, I told you'd be too stupid.

Here's why these kids love them some socialism. Because they look at their parents working two jobs just to maintain a middle class lifestyle. Because they look at a mountain of debt for getting a piece of paper they were told was the ticket to the middle class, but a lot of them end up working as baristas at Starbucks. .

What alleged "crap" is that, Joe Blowhard? Facts that you don't like? The fact is, I didn't try and find any other forum to take the place of USMB. I will be an infrequent visitor here...unlike you that seems to live here.

Again, you are a degenerate cocksucker who mocks the parents of slaughtered children. Too bad you hide behind a phony name so that they can't sue you like they are suing the pants off Alex Jones right now.

The very ones that have been taking down the middle class in slow, incremental steps are also funding the move towards a global, feudalistic, communist, totalitarian state is because they will be the ones at the top. Their plan isn't to raise the bottom up but rather eliminate the middle class so that there is only two classes.
After all, the bottom feeders are easier to control, leave less of a carbon "footprint" and have no means to rise above their station in life. Blame the liberal colleges that raised tuition in proportion to the "guaranteed student loan" program. Higher academia is flush with funds provided by alumni and but student debt is the real plum on the tree because the payments are guaranteed. I find it hilarious that leftards and their "diversity is our strength" bullshit welcomes in work visas from other countries because they work cheaper while bemoaning the lack of real time schooling to prepare grads for real time employment in sciences, math and computer skills which is a failure of higher academia. You re-write resumes for those that lack the ability to competently express their qualifications via the written word thus proving that they lack basic communication skills....after FOUR years of college. That speaks volumes to me as to why they struggle to find gainful employment.

"Again,you are a degenerate cocksucker who mocks the parents of slaughtered children. Too bad you hide behind a phony name so that they can't sue you like they are suing the pants off Alex Jones right now."

Mocking? Hardly, I simply point out the fallacies of the DHS mass casualty event drill passed off as a rel time event that has more holes in it than multiple slices of Swiss cheese. So many mistakes were made....not one, not two but at least a 100 anamolies....from the lack of footage showing the showing of what should have been a chaotic evacuation scene of hundreds of students to showing the same 12 or so students that were shown being evacuated stopping to change students position in line. The CSP showing picture on their own wesite showing a rather relaxed Medical Examiner Wayne Carver leaning against pillar with arms folded with yellow crime scene tape surrounding him with the window that Lanza shot through at a car that arrived during this alleged attack remaining intact until later. All of the victims were never removed until early Saturday morning under the dark of night. Robbie Parker smirking with his hands in his pocket waiting for his big moment not realizing that the cameras were already rolling and then pluging a donatrio site so soo? No EMTs allowed into the building but yet all alleged victims were declared dead with in 15 minutes and Adam Lanza was determined the shooter...but yet the ATF and FBI are roaming around the school with AR15s and military garb a day later. The false CBS interview with a mom that claimed the she saw child after child being brought out of the school and carried by officers with blood stained uniforms....but wait? According to the Connecticut state police? Not a single victim was removed until 18 hours later until under the dark of early Saturday morning. Then we have the testimony of Gene Rosen that claimed a bus driver dropped off children in front of his house (bypassing) the staging area that was the firehouse and leaving them with a creepy stranger. Porti-potties arrived on the scene, an electronic sign stating everyone was check in". Then the funniest part was sloppy sniper played by David Wheeler, the alleged father of one of the victims holding an AR rifle by the magazine in a sloppily put together "uniform that kept ducking out of the view of cameras....
My name is real and have spoken to Lenny "Posuer" Pozner....but yet here I am. I would GLADLY do a deposition preventing irrefutable facts..........(crickets). Save your cocksucking proclivities for the Chicago bathhouses you no less frequent on a regular bases.

You lose yet again, Joe blowhard, the card carrying commie. You make it tooooo easy to kick your ass.

Hope this helps!
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The very ones that have been taking down the middle class in slow, incremental steps are also funding the move towards a global, feudalistic, communist, totalitarian state is because they will be the ones at the top. Their plan isn't to raise the bottom up but rather eliminate the middle class so that there is only two classes.

Yes, you know, I don't disagree with that. Republicans have been doing that for years. The way the get away with it is telling nuts like you, "The Democrats want to take your guns! And let ladies have abortions! And let them queers get married!" And dumb fucks like you on the right just sign up for that shit all day.

After all, the bottom feeders are easier to control, leave less of a carbon "footprint" and have no means to rise above their station in life. Blame the liberal colleges that raised tuition in proportion to the "guaranteed student loan" program. Higher academia is flush with funds provided by alumni and but student debt is the real plum on the tree because the payments are guaranteed. I find it hilarious that leftards and their "diversity is our strength" bullshit welcomes in work visas from other countries because they work cheaper while bemoaning the lack of real time schooling to prepare grads for real time employment in sciences, math and computer skills which is a failure of higher academia. You re-write resumes for those that lack the ability to competently express their qualifications via the written word thus proving that they lack basic communication skills....after FOUR years of college. That speaks volumes to me as to why they struggle to find gainful employment.

Actually, what I've found after 10 years of doing this is most people suck at writing resumes because they just don't do it very often. This is regardless of education level, I've written them for M.D.s, Ph.D's and Pharm.D's, and they often have the same problems as ones written by guys who dropped out after a couple semesters in Community College.

As for education- the problem there is that we've told people that a bachelor's degree is the ticket to the Middle Class. My profession for my day job doesn't really need a bachelor's degree. But 90% of them require one.

Mocking? Hardly, I simply point out the fallacies of the DHS mass casualty event drill passed off as a rel time event that has more holes in it than multiple slices of Swiss cheese.

Guy, guy, we've been over this.

Occam's razor.


One crazy nut stole Mom's guns and shot a bunch of people.


A drill suddenly got mistaken for the real thing, and an entire community of thousands of people all went along with the cover up, with government at all levels participating, the entire media (including Fox News) going along with it and even the National Rifle Association participating in the cover up.

Simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
The very ones that have been taking down the middle class in slow, incremental steps are also funding the move towards a global, feudalistic, communist, totalitarian state is because they will be the ones at the top. Their plan isn't to raise the bottom up but rather eliminate the middle class so that there is only two classes.

Yes, you know, I don't disagree with that. Republicans have been doing that for years. The way the get away with it is telling nuts like you, "The Democrats want to take your guns! And let ladies have abortions! And let them queers get married!" And dumb fucks like you on the right just sign up for that shit all day.

After all, the bottom feeders are easier to control, leave less of a carbon "footprint" and have no means to rise above their station in life. Blame the liberal colleges that raised tuition in proportion to the "guaranteed student loan" program. Higher academia is flush with funds provided by alumni and but student debt is the real plum on the tree because the payments are guaranteed. I find it hilarious that leftards and their "diversity is our strength" bullshit welcomes in work visas from other countries because they work cheaper while bemoaning the lack of real time schooling to prepare grads for real time employment in sciences, math and computer skills which is a failure of higher academia. You re-write resumes for those that lack the ability to competently express their qualifications via the written word thus proving that they lack basic communication skills....after FOUR years of college. That speaks volumes to me as to why they struggle to find gainful employment.

Actually, what I've found after 10 years of doing this is most people suck at writing resumes because they just don't do it very often. This is regardless of education level, I've written them for M.D.s, Ph.D's and Pharm.D's, and they often have the same problems as ones written by guys who dropped out after a couple semesters in Community College.

As for education- the problem there is that we've told people that a bachelor's degree is the ticket to the Middle Class. My profession for my day job doesn't really need a bachelor's degree. But 90% of them require one.

Mocking? Hardly, I simply point out the fallacies of the DHS mass casualty event drill passed off as a rel time event that has more holes in it than multiple slices of Swiss cheese.

Guy, guy, we've been over this.

Occam's razor.


One crazy nut stole Mom's guns and shot a bunch of people.


A drill suddenly got mistaken for the real thing, and an entire community of thousands of people all went along with the cover up, with government at all levels participating, the entire media (including Fox News) going along with it and even the National Rifle Association participating in the cover up.

Simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Yes, you know, I don't disagree with that. Republicans have been doing that for years."

So has the democrat party that works hand in hand with the same bought and paid for repub party. Notice how nothing ever changes policy wise? We are given the illusion that we pick our masters but the same banking oligarchs that control the fit currency system always call the shots.

"The way the get away with it is telling nuts like you, "The Democrats want to take your guns! And let ladies have abortions! And let them queers get married!" And dumb fucks like you on the right just sign up for that shit all day"

The commie leftists like you want a disarmed even said so yourself. We have gone from abortion to late term abortion to abortion after the child is born if the mother so decides it. Queer rights? I remember when the faggot faction just wanted to be left They are loud and proud, waving their rainbow colored flag on "Gays On Parade" day...not satisfied with that? They formed GLSEN to go to grade schools sand preach tolerance of the fags, trans-gendered and pedophiles. Like in the UK, they are working on lowering the age of consent so some 30 year old queer can legally sodomize a 13 year old boy.......of course you will stand and salute it.

"One crazy nut stole Mom's guns and shot a bunch of people."

Didn't happen.......not at all.....Lanza was allegedly afraid of human interaction and detested the very feel metal as some that detested the feel of metal objects. Yet YOU believe that this recluse randomly killed his mother, loaded up her car with guns and ammo, passed 6 other schools and calmly fired 300 plus shots in ten minutes plus randomly taking the time to fire through a classroom window at a car that just happened to show up oddly enough wasn't showing any damage according to a picture shown on the Connecticut state police's own website...AND inspite of this? 450 plus children were allegedly evacuated like fart in the wind in buses that could have made a hasty retreat even if the school buses had wings........of course we have the story of Gene Rosen that randomly took in 6, no, wait, it was five....four? The story changes.....a bus driver that bypasses the fire station alleged staging area band randomly drops them off on the curb of a random stranger that has contracted with FEMA and DHS as a crisis actor........yeah, the simple answer is indeed the was a staged act.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!


"A drill suddenly got mistaken for the real thing"

No mistake at all.....this was an event months in the planning in a community of mostly "gubermint" fed employees and an entire community of thousands of people all went along with the cover up, with government at all levels participating, the entire media (including Fox News) going along with it and even the National Rifle Association participating in the cover up.'
Dale, please rethink accepting the videos project veritas throws out there. Their leader and their production crew are very bogus and have been caught doing unethical behavior.
The very ones that have been taking down the middle class in slow, incremental steps are also funding the move towards a global, feudalistic, communist, totalitarian state is because they will be the ones at the top. Their plan isn't to raise the bottom up but rather eliminate the middle class so that there is only two classes.

Yes, you know, I don't disagree with that. Republicans have been doing that for years. The way the get away with it is telling nuts like you, "The Democrats want to take your guns! And let ladies have abortions! And let them queers get married!" And dumb fucks like you on the right just sign up for that shit all day.

After all, the bottom feeders are easier to control, leave less of a carbon "footprint" and have no means to rise above their station in life. Blame the liberal colleges that raised tuition in proportion to the "guaranteed student loan" program. Higher academia is flush with funds provided by alumni and but student debt is the real plum on the tree because the payments are guaranteed. I find it hilarious that leftards and their "diversity is our strength" bullshit welcomes in work visas from other countries because they work cheaper while bemoaning the lack of real time schooling to prepare grads for real time employment in sciences, math and computer skills which is a failure of higher academia. You re-write resumes for those that lack the ability to competently express their qualifications via the written word thus proving that they lack basic communication skills....after FOUR years of college. That speaks volumes to me as to why they struggle to find gainful employment.

Actually, what I've found after 10 years of doing this is most people suck at writing resumes because they just don't do it very often. This is regardless of education level, I've written them for M.D.s, Ph.D's and Pharm.D's, and they often have the same problems as ones written by guys who dropped out after a couple semesters in Community College.

As for education- the problem there is that we've told people that a bachelor's degree is the ticket to the Middle Class. My profession for my day job doesn't really need a bachelor's degree. But 90% of them require one.

Mocking? Hardly, I simply point out the fallacies of the DHS mass casualty event drill passed off as a rel time event that has more holes in it than multiple slices of Swiss cheese.

Guy, guy, we've been over this.

Occam's razor.


One crazy nut stole Mom's guns and shot a bunch of people.


A drill suddenly got mistaken for the real thing, and an entire community of thousands of people all went along with the cover up, with government at all levels participating, the entire media (including Fox News) going along with it and even the National Rifle Association participating in the cover up.

Simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Yes, you know, I don't disagree with that. Republicans have been doing that for years."

So has the democrat party that works hand in hand with the same bought and paid for repub party. Notice how nothing ever changes policy wise? We are given the illusion that we pick our masters but the same banking oligarchs that control the fit currency system always call the shots.

"The way the get away with it is telling nuts like you, "The Democrats want to take your guns! And let ladies have abortions! And let them queers get married!" And dumb fucks like you on the right just sign up for that shit all day"

The commie leftists like you want a disarmed even said so yourself. We have gone from abortion to late term abortion to abortion after the child is born if the mother so decides it. Queer rights? I remember when the faggot faction just wanted to be left They are loud and proud, waving their rainbow colored flag on "Gays On Parade" day...not satisfied with that? They formed GLSEN to go to grade schools sand preach tolerance of the fags, trans-gendered and pedophiles. Like in the UK, they are working on lowering the age of consent so some 30 year old queer can legally sodomize a 13 year old boy.......of course you will stand and salute it.

"One crazy nut stole Mom's guns and shot a bunch of people."

Didn't happen.......not at all.....Lanza was allegedly afraid of human interaction and detested the very feel metal as some that detested the feel of metal objects. Yet YOU believe that this recluse randomly killed his mother, loaded up her car with guns and ammo, passed 6 other schools and calmly fired 300 plus shots in ten minutes plus randomly taking the time to fire through a classroom window at a car that just happened to show up oddly enough wasn't showing any damage according to a picture shown on the Connecticut state police's own website...AND inspite of this? 450 plus children were allegedly evacuated like fart in the wind in buses that could have made a hasty retreat even if the school buses had wings........of course we have the story of Gene Rosen that randomly took in 6, no, wait, it was five....four? The story changes.....a bus driver that bypasses the fire station alleged staging area band randomly drops them off on the curb of a random stranger that has contracted with FEMA and DHS as a crisis actor........yeah, the simple answer is indeed the was a staged act.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!


"A drill suddenly got mistaken for the real thing"

No mistake at all.....this was an event months in the planning in a community of mostly "gubermint" fed employees and an entire community of thousands of people all went along with the cover up, with government at all levels participating, the entire media (including Fox News) going along with it and even the National Rifle Association participating in the cover up.'
The Pubs and Dems carry out their false arguments via different media outlets and then vote alike to keep their contributions coming and their portfolios far.
So has the democrat party that works hand in hand with the same bought and paid for repub party. Notice how nothing ever changes policy wise? We are given the illusion that we pick our masters but the same banking oligarchs that control the fit currency system always call the shots.

Actually, the real problem is that we do pick these guys. Our leaders suck because we kind of suck as a people. We are lazy, don't want to make sacrifices, and take the path of least resistance... and our "leaders" reflect that.

The commie leftists like you want a disarmed even said so yourself.

Um. yeah. because citizens don't need guns and you guys haven't told me a way to prevent Adam Lanza without taking everyone's guns. I'd be fine with a gun law like Germany's. You can own a gun, but it's a privilege, not a right, and you are scrutizined before you get one.

We have gone from abortion to late term abortion to abortion after the child is born if the mother so decides it.

Can you actually cite a case where this happens. Reality- they let deformed fetuses die all the time. This is really nothing new.

Queer rights? I remember when the faggot faction just wanted to be left They are loud and proud, waving their rainbow colored flag on "Gays On Parade" day...not satisfied with that? They formed GLSEN to go to grade schools sand preach tolerance of the fags, trans-gendered and pedophiles. Like in the UK, they are working on lowering the age of consent so some 30 year old queer can legally sodomize a 13 year old boy.......of course you will stand and salute it.

Wow. You really think everyone is waiting to 18 to have sex, do you?

You are kind of proving my point, you are more interested in social issues and conspiracy theories than what the GOP is going RIGHT IN THE OPEN to take apart the middle class.

Didn't happen.......not at all.....Lanza was allegedly afraid of human interaction and detested the very feel metal as some that detested the feel of metal objects. Yet YOU believe that this recluse randomly killed his mother, loaded up her car with guns and ammo,

Guy, we've taken your crazy nut conspiracy theories apart, and all that we've established here is that you are a degenerate cocksucker who mocks the sorrow of people who've lost their children. THis makes you a truly awful person. I'm sorry you don't see this.
This video proves that what I have been saying about the leftist commie faction is straight on point. The ends justifies the means and no tactic is too disgusting or lowdown if it moves the commie agenda forward.

Just make sure when I am rounded up in a concentration camp with you all and then beheaded for speaking out against The Democrat Party that the Blade is Sharp.
LOL! All you gun grabbing commie fuckwads fall from the same tree grown in rotted soil, lil Joe.
BTW, I didn't , nor would I "promise" a sorry POS like you a fucking thing, lil Joe, the card carrying, gun grabbing commie.

P.S You live in a commie stronghold there in Chicago and if Bernie "I never held down a real job ever" Sanders gets the DNC nod? You'll vote for him with a big ol grin on that ugly face of yours.

If Bernie gets the nomination, I'd vote for him because he isn't a crazy Nazi like Trump... but that's bout it.

The scary thing is, why so many young kids are thinking socialism is cool now... I'd explain it to you, but it doesn't involved chemtrails or false flags, so you still wouldn't get it.

So what happened, whatever new place you found didn't put up with your crap and banned you for life?
Nothing Crazy about wanting to arrest Billionaires and putting them in work camps and making them dig mass graves and build roads with a shovel and rake?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to build Guillotines to behead Christians and Conservatives?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to put Conservatives in Concentration Camps and Work Camps and work them and starve them to death?

If Bernie Sanders is not a Nazi what is he?

Socialist Math

Hitler killed 20 Million
Stalin killed 60 Million
Mao killed 100 Million
Roe v Wade killed 60 Million


The Democrat Party if they are given too much power?
If they were warming up at 60 million, just how many can they actually kill?