For the first time, maybe ever, I heard CBC reporter suggest "wouldn't it be best to just let him finish off his term"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He was speaking to a U.S political strategist. He was asked sheepishly, as he probably knew the strategist (they've had exactly ZERO pro-Trump politicians on in Canada) would not agree it was best to just let Trump finish his term.

The guy responded almost as sheepishly, humming and hawing, but in essence saying that the Dems felt this was so egregious that they couldn't allow it to pass without serious consequences. It was clear from the entirety of the interview that he was not very convinced it was politically wise, no matter the outcome.

When CBC states this, it tells me that Canada feels this could hinder Biden and what Canada gets out of him. That is all most Canadians really care about, they are blind to the necessity of America leading against China.

In the end, this is red meat for the progressive, closet (and not so silent) commies, and the Never Trumpers. It doesn't matter the outcome, this hurts Americas reputation.

He was speaking to a U.S political strategist. He was asked sheepishly, as he probably knew the strategist (they've had exactly ZERO pro-Trump politicians on in Canada) would not agree it was best to just let Trump finish his term.

The guy responded almost as sheepishly, humming and hawing, but in essence saying that the Dems felt this was so egregious that they couldn't allow it to pass without serious consequences. It was clear from the entirety of the interview that he was not very convinced it was politically wise, no matter the outcome.

When CBC states this, it tells me that Canada feels this could hinder Biden and what Canada gets out of him. That is all most Canadians really care about, they are blind to the necessity of America leading against China.

In the end, this is red meat for the progressive, closet (and not so silent) commies, and the Never Trumpers. It doesn't matter the outcome, this hurts Americas reputation.

No doubly you agree with that after much deliberation.

no one should be allowed to stage a coup in this country. And the “stop the steal” psychos have to be dealt with
Piglosi and the rest of the Deep State smell blood and will do as much damage to the country as possible if it means securing power. They are pissing off TENS OF MILLIONS and there will be a backlash
He was speaking to a U.S political strategist. He was asked sheepishly, as he probably knew the strategist (they've had exactly ZERO pro-Trump politicians on in Canada) would not agree it was best to just let Trump finish his term.

The guy responded almost as sheepishly, humming and hawing, but in essence saying that the Dems felt this was so egregious that they couldn't allow it to pass without serious consequences. It was clear from the entirety of the interview that he was not very convinced it was politically wise, no matter the outcome.

When CBC states this, it tells me that Canada feels this could hinder Biden and what Canada gets out of him. That is all most Canadians really care about, they are blind to the necessity of America leading against China.

In the end, this is red meat for the progressive, closet (and not so silent) commies, and the Never Trumpers. It doesn't matter the outcome, this hurts Americas reputation.

No doubly you agree with that after much deliberation.

no one should be allowed to stage a coup in this country. And the “stop the steal” psychos have to be dealt with

If he was staging a coup, do you think they would be running in with flags, androgenous outfits and be smaller than the local ANTIFA occupation?

He didn't suggest violence. I wouldn't put it past some to plant some angry dirtbags inside that group, to rile everyone up just for this purpose of impeachment.

Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Israel, India. Watch these nations in particular. Your allies should extend beyond, declining, Jolly Old England and Canada. That's what you have left now, and this mean you will begin declining too.
This is a great opportunity for Joe Biden to demonstrate that he is a uniter and not a divider by telling congress to drop this impeachment shit for the good of the country. Trump has just a few days left in office anyway. Also, he should say that he trusts the American people as to whether Trump should be able to hold office again. Congress had plenty of important things they can be working on rather than impeaching Trump (again).
This is a great opportunity for Joe Biden to demonstrate that he is a uniter and not a divider by telling congress to drop this impeachment shit for the good of the country. Trump has just a few days left in office anyway. Also, he should say that he trusts the American people as to whether Trump should be able to hold office again. Congress had plenty of important things they can be working on rather than impeaching Trump (again).

Actually, the fact that they went forward with this in spite of Joes public opposition, should tell America who is really in charge.

If he was supportive of it, he should have left it alone. He signaled his position, now they are purposely unconcerned. It's as if they don't really think he can do much as president.

Remember what I warned you guys for years about socialism. You are going to learn the hard way, and the rest of the West is going to have to decide how to deal with this potential contingency.
Piglosi and the rest of the Deep State smell blood and will do as much damage to the country as possible if it means securing power. They are pissing off TENS OF MILLIONS and there will be a backlash
Trump has pissed off A HUNDRED MILLION AMERICANS and the number is growing. There will not BE backlash. It’s already here.
This is a great opportunity for Joe Biden to demonstrate that he is a uniter and not a divider by telling congress to drop this impeachment shit for the good of the country. Trump has just a few days left in office anyway. Also, he should say that he trusts the American people as to whether Trump should be able to hold office again. Congress had plenty of important things they can be working on rather than impeaching Trump (again).

Actually, the fact that they went forward with this in spite of Joes public opposition, should tell America who is really in charge.

If he was supportive of it, he should have left it alone. He signaled his position, now they are purposely unconcerned. It's as if they don't really think he can do much as president.

Remember what I warned you guys for years about socialism. You are going to learn the hard way, and the rest of the West is going to have to decide how to deal with this potential contingency.
I agree.... but, Joe Biden could take charge in this matter if he were to call a press conference to tell America not to impeach Trump for the good of the country. He will of course not do that.
He was speaking to a U.S political strategist. He was asked sheepishly, as he probably knew the strategist (they've had exactly ZERO pro-Trump politicians on in Canada) would not agree it was best to just let Trump finish his term.

The guy responded almost as sheepishly, humming and hawing, but in essence saying that the Dems felt this was so egregious that they couldn't allow it to pass without serious consequences. It was clear from the entirety of the interview that he was not very convinced it was politically wise, no matter the outcome.

When CBC states this, it tells me that Canada feels this could hinder Biden and what Canada gets out of him. That is all most Canadians really care about, they are blind to the necessity of America leading against China.

In the end, this is red meat for the progressive, closet (and not so silent) commies, and the Never Trumpers. It doesn't matter the outcome, this hurts Americas reputation.

No doubly you agree with that after much deliberation.

no one should be allowed to stage a coup in this country. And the “stop the steal” psychos have to be dealt with
Yeah. how dare the american people demand that their elections not be fraudulent..........
He was speaking to a U.S political strategist. He was asked sheepishly, as he probably knew the strategist (they've had exactly ZERO pro-Trump politicians on in Canada) would not agree it was best to just let Trump finish his term.

The guy responded almost as sheepishly, humming and hawing, but in essence saying that the Dems felt this was so egregious that they couldn't allow it to pass without serious consequences. It was clear from the entirety of the interview that he was not very convinced it was politically wise, no matter the outcome.

When CBC states this, it tells me that Canada feels this could hinder Biden and what Canada gets out of him. That is all most Canadians really care about, they are blind to the necessity of America leading against China.

In the end, this is red meat for the progressive, closet (and not so silent) commies, and the Never Trumpers. It doesn't matter the outcome, this hurts Americas reputation.

No doubly you agree with that after much deliberation.

no one should be allowed to stage a coup in this country. And the “stop the steal” psychos have to be dealt with
Yeah. how dare the american people demand that their elections not be fraudulent..........
And how dare the American people require evidence before accepting phony allegations. And how dare the courses require evidence and specific allegations before suppressing millions of votes. Shame on the courts and shame on the American people.
Piglosi and the rest of the Deep State smell blood and will do as much damage to the country as possible if it means securing power. They are pissing off TENS OF MILLIONS and there will be a backlash
Trump has pissed off A HUNDRED MILLION AMERICANS and the number is growing. There will not BE backlash. It’s already here.
Carry on with your delusion Demonrat cultist. You have no idea what your insanity is doing to the country
And how dare the American people require evidence before accepting phony allegations. And how dare the courses require evidence and specific allegations before suppressing millions of votes. Shame on the courts and shame on the American people
You do understand the courts refused to hear the evidence. They've proven themselves to be cowards
Piglosi and the rest of the Deep State smell blood and will do as much damage to the country as possible if it means securing power. They are pissing off TENS OF MILLIONS and there will be a backlash
Trump has pissed off A HUNDRED MILLION AMERICANS and the number is growing. There will not BE backlash. It’s already here.
Carry on with your delusion Demonrat cultist. You have no idea what your insanity is doing to the country
But I DO have an idea what YOUR insanity is doing.
He was speaking to a U.S political strategist. He was asked sheepishly, as he probably knew the strategist (they've had exactly ZERO pro-Trump politicians on in Canada) would not agree it was best to just let Trump finish his term.

The guy responded almost as sheepishly, humming and hawing, but in essence saying that the Dems felt this was so egregious that they couldn't allow it to pass without serious consequences. It was clear from the entirety of the interview that he was not very convinced it was politically wise, no matter the outcome.

When CBC states this, it tells me that Canada feels this could hinder Biden and what Canada gets out of him. That is all most Canadians really care about, they are blind to the necessity of America leading against China.

In the end, this is red meat for the progressive, closet (and not so silent) commies, and the Never Trumpers. It doesn't matter the outcome, this hurts Americas reputation.

Anything that hurts America helps the Leftists.

And how dare the American people require evidence before accepting phony allegations. And how dare the courses require evidence and specific allegations before suppressing millions of votes. Shame on the courts and shame on the American people
You do understand the courts refused to hear the evidence. They've proven themselves to be cowards
The courts were perfectly willing to hear evidence - but they clearly stated that no evidence was provided.
He was speaking to a U.S political strategist. He was asked sheepishly, as he probably knew the strategist (they've had exactly ZERO pro-Trump politicians on in Canada) would not agree it was best to just let Trump finish his term.

The guy responded almost as sheepishly, humming and hawing, but in essence saying that the Dems felt this was so egregious that they couldn't allow it to pass without serious consequences. It was clear from the entirety of the interview that he was not very convinced it was politically wise, no matter the outcome.

When CBC states this, it tells me that Canada feels this could hinder Biden and what Canada gets out of him. That is all most Canadians really care about, they are blind to the necessity of America leading against China.

In the end, this is red meat for the progressive, closet (and not so silent) commies, and the Never Trumpers. It doesn't matter the outcome, this hurts Americas reputation.

No doubly you agree with that after much deliberation.

no one should be allowed to stage a coup in this country. And the “stop the steal” psychos have to be dealt with

If he was staging a coup, do you think they would be running in with flags, androgenous outfits and be smaller than the local ANTIFA occupation?

He didn't suggest violence. I wouldn't put it past some to plant some angry dirtbags inside that group, to rile everyone up just for this purpose of impeachment.

Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Israel, India. Watch these nations in particular. Your allies should extend beyond, declining, Jolly Old England and Canada. That's what you have left now, and this mean you will begin declining too.

AntiFa? - Dude you are going to now regurgitate the stupid conspiracy theory that there were ANY AntiFa involved in the Trump Riot??
Funny ,, and you are dismissed.
Here and in ANY forum we respect input from our friends in the Great White North.
Pop a beer and relax eh? - YOU have good leadership at present and we do NOT.

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