For JohnDB

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
And other Christians that hate/don't really like the fuck Joe Biden and the let's go Brandon chants. I decided to create this topic because of what I was telling JohnDB earlier. I realize that these chants (mostly fuck Joe Biden) aren't really Christian/Christ like, but that's when I'm going to ask you the same question that I was asking him. Would Jesus/Christ abandon and turn His back on people and allow them to die? Would He allow people to fear for their lives and put them in danger in a country that wasn't secure?

I honestly don't believe He would and that's why I don't believe He allowed this to happen either. For God doesn't allow lying and cheating your way into victory and that's why I believe it was all Satan's doing. You can bet that God wept for the thirteen lives that were lost and is currently weeping for America.
Would Jesus/Christ abandon and turn His back on people and allow them to die?

Trump and Biden both did but you only judge one as unworthy...Name me one president in the last fifty years who has not left people to die..

WWJD, he'd tell you all to shut up and sin no more.
Would Jesus/Christ abandon and turn His back on people and allow them to die? Would He allow people to fear for their lives and put them in danger in a country that wasn't secure?
He was lived and died in a country where people were ruled over by a theocracy and an empire. There were crucifixes lining the roads. His people had no security and plenty to fear.

No, Jesus kept his nose out of politics, he was more worried about the next life than this one. (At least that is the Christian view.)
He was lived and died in a country where people were ruled over by a theocracy and an empire. There were crucifixes lining the roads. His people had no security and plenty to fear.

Yes, but things are a whole lot different in our time than in Jesus' time. And of course He feels sorrow and empathy for us. I guarantee it.
For me, faith did not enter into my feelings about FJB. President Biden is the current President of my country and for that reason he deserves respect at least great enough to avoid that particular chant. I deplored it.

However, my respect for President Biden and the Democrat Machine's actions and policies since the inauguration apparently is not great enough to stop me from being okay (and even laughing) over "Let's go Brandon" because it is a classic example of how things can be misheard. Let's go Brandon. We can laugh at ourselves, at those who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket, and of course, at him. Laughing is better than contempt. I am hoping we can keep our sense of humor throughout this next year (and the rest of President Biden's administration).

We need medicine and all my life I have heard that Laughter is the Best Medicine. Let's have ourselves a healthy dose (without over medicating ourselves). ;)
For me, faith did not enter into my feelings about FJB. President Biden is the current President of my country and for that reason he deserves respect at least great enough to avoid that particular chant. I deplored it.

Sorry, but that traitor doesn't deserve any of my respect.
And other Christians that hate/don't really like the fuck Joe Biden and the let's go Brandon chants. I decided to create this topic because of what I was telling JohnDB earlier. I realize that these chants (mostly fuck Joe Biden) aren't really Christian/Christ like, but that's when I'm going to ask you the same question that I was asking him. Would Jesus/Christ abandon and turn His back on people and allow them to die? Would He allow people to fear for their lives and put them in danger in a country that wasn't secure?

I honestly don't believe He would and that's why I don't believe He allowed this to happen either. For God doesn't allow lying and cheating your way into victory and that's why I believe it was all Satan's doing. You can bet that God wept for the thirteen lives that were lost and is currently weeping for America.

You must remember...Satan is in charge of the earth until Christ returns.

19 We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
Read full chapter
1 John 5:19 in all English translations
Yes, but things are a whole lot different in our time than in Jesus' time. And of course He feels sorrow and empathy for us. I guarantee it.
Are you saying he didn't feel sorrow and empathy for his own people? Is that why he said 'render unto Caesar..." instead of calling for rebellion against Rome?
Are you saying he didn't feel sorrow and empathy for his own people? Is that why he said 'render unto Caesar..." instead of calling for rebellion against Rome?

No, I'm not saying that at all. If they rebelled, He wouldn't have been able to die on the cross for our sins.
Interesting... How come the Jews were reviled for his death when they should have been thanked?

It's a complicated situation. Still, it was God's plans not ours so I don't really question it.
What did I get wrong?

God chose to die the way He did. It was a sacrifice out of love. The rest of us hate the Jews because of what they did to Christ because we love Him, but He still chose to die that way so He didn't try and fight it. How is that complicated for you to understand?
The subject being presented has no basis in Christianity. Jesus being God incarnate and equal to God within His spiritual essence (Phil. 2:6) is not a respecter of person (Romans 2:11), meaning God does not play favorites.....God allows the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. People die...either by accident or by the poor decisions (judgements) they make in Life......thus the problem indeed lies within POLITICS and the choices made by WE THE PEOPLE.....our problems today rest in "ignorance" and "apathy".

As the scriptures declare, "......from the beginning it was not so........" (Matt. 19:8). One must go back to the beginning of our nation to address the current problems. The most the beginning the Gospel of Christ Jesus was preached and accepted throughout the political and civil states of America.

Consider this proclamation from the Continental Congress on Oct. 20, 1779. "Whereas it becomes humbly to approach the throne of Almighty God, with gratitude and praise for the wonders which His goodness has wrought.....above all, that He has diffused the glorious light of the gospel, whereby the merits of our gracious Redeemer, we may become heirs of His eternal glory; therefor resolved, that it may be recommended to the several states, to appoint Thursday, the 9th of December next to be a day of public and solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God for His, and of prayer continuance of His favor and protection of these United States................"

This proclamation is in direct reference to 2 Cor. 4:4 and to 2 Tim. 2:10.

Reality; the American People in their ignorance and apathy have drifted so far away from our founding principles that the average JOE......US citizen sees no need for the Gospel of Christ Jesus to be used as a source of calibrating the type of people that they are sending to represent us in DC. You get what you ask for........if you ask in ignorance and apathy that is the type of individual you appoint to oversee your rights and liberties. You get supposed distinguished gentile people that could care less about those who appointed them in favor of the all mighty lobby dollar and the power and influence that comes from such.

The PEOPLE have caused these problems........only THE PEOPLE can fix them before we no longer live in a nation that is supposedly represented by the will of the people. The people could give a long they are continually promised a government that can provide everything for them but in the end accomplish nothing but placing severe restrictions upon our liberties and rights. We have sold our souls to the god of this earth in exchange for a promise that is never fulfilled......wealth and security. Almost 1/2 of the US population today are dependent upon the Government to provide them with relief in some form or another. At some point in the near future we will reach a critical mass and tipping point where we will never be able to recapture the essence that created this political experiment known as the Unite States of America.
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God chose to die the way He did. It was a sacrifice out of love. The rest of us hate the Jews because of what they did to Christ because we love Him, but He still chose to die that way so He didn't try and fight it. How is that complicated for you to understand?
So did God chose to die or did the Jews chose to kill him? Doesn't seem like both can be true.

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