Most war casualties white,report says:
Govt Accountability Office: Iraq/Afghanistan
1841 service personnel who were killed and 12,658 who were wounded,as of May 28...Whites 67% of active duty and reserve forces,accounted for 71% of fatalities...Blacks are 17% of overall force and were 9% of the fatalities...Hispanics are 9% of the force and were 10% of the fatalities....Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are 3% of the force and were 3% of the fatalities...American Indian/Alaskan Natives are 1% in each category..the remaining listed as "multiple unknowns"
Defense Department Records:
Persian Gulf War...76% white fatalities
Vietnam War...86% white fatalities
Korean War...80% white fatalities
So when Jesse and his ilk rant and rave about how the poor minorities are the ones who suffer in War...these facts will put this myth at rest!
I have no clue why these urls don't work in here...work when directly entered
go to www.seattletimes.com go to archives search... enter key words ( war casualties white) :coffee3:
Govt Accountability Office: Iraq/Afghanistan
1841 service personnel who were killed and 12,658 who were wounded,as of May 28...Whites 67% of active duty and reserve forces,accounted for 71% of fatalities...Blacks are 17% of overall force and were 9% of the fatalities...Hispanics are 9% of the force and were 10% of the fatalities....Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are 3% of the force and were 3% of the fatalities...American Indian/Alaskan Natives are 1% in each category..the remaining listed as "multiple unknowns"
Defense Department Records:
Persian Gulf War...76% white fatalities
Vietnam War...86% white fatalities
Korean War...80% white fatalities
So when Jesse and his ilk rant and rave about how the poor minorities are the ones who suffer in War...these facts will put this myth at rest!
I have no clue why these urls don't work in here...work when directly entered
go to www.seattletimes.com go to archives search... enter key words ( war casualties white) :coffee3: