For Conservatives: What liberal policy do you support?


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Anyone in the mood for a little thought experiment? If you were designing a new country and it's government policies AND YOU'RE A CONSERVATIVE what liberal policy would you throw into the mix because it made sense to you?

If your answer involves specific conditions, please share what those conditions are.
I am conservative, I would want to keep separation of church and state. Also, I support sane sex marriage. Other than that I am mostly conservative by today's standard.
i am conservative. i support many things that are labeled liberal policies, but they truly aren't liberal policies. its just the way they get labled. Equal rights to all is not a liberal policy. it is a founding right defined in our constitution.
Anyone in the mood for a little thought experiment? If you were designing a new country and it's government policies AND YOU'RE A CONSERVATIVE what liberal policy would you throw into the mix because it made sense to you?

If your answer involves specific conditions, please share what those conditions are.

1. Food stamps
2. Disability
3. SSI and SSD
4. Science institutions
5. Federal grants towards science
6. Federal dollars for innovation
7. Meals on wheels
8. Post service
9. Public school system. Sure, I want it reformed, but there's no substitute.
10. Police department
11. FDA, Nws, NHC, Cia, fba, FAA, CDC, Nasa, jpl.
12. A reformed college loan system.
13. The governments ability to regulate businesses and prevent monopolies.
14. Government spending on infrastructure.
15. Public fire service

All these I see eye to eye with sane humans beings in this country.
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Since when are Post offices, science institutions and Police Departments considered to be "liberal policies"? Oh I get it, the liberal left is pandering to it's least informed base that assumes that the conservative policies about a smaller government translates to yada yada dirty water and no postal service. It's an old argument that died our with Jimmy Carter's administration.
Anyone in the mood for a little thought experiment? If you were designing a new country and it's government policies AND YOU'RE A CONSERVATIVE what liberal policy would you throw into the mix because it made sense to you?

If your answer involves specific conditions, please share what those conditions are.
A better question would be:

"Liberals, what liberal policies to do you support?"​

No.1 - there aren't any!

No.2 - if there were, liberals don't seem to support policies, like the right does, anyway. Liberals just think this stuff happens like magic.

The one thing the right does right, is building political infrastructure.
I lean very liberal in the area of providing help for the poor. We give hundreds of billions to corporations in terms of welfare and biatch because a mother who struggles to feed her kids is getting 200.00 a month in food stamps.. It's disgusting. There will always be cheats but don't take away benefits and use that excuse to harm Americans who go hungry every day.
Anyone in the mood for a little thought experiment? If you were designing a new country and it's government policies AND YOU'RE A CONSERVATIVE what liberal policy would you throw into the mix because it made sense to you?

If your answer involves specific conditions, please share what those conditions are.

1. I have no desire to vote for anything that bans abortion, however I do not see a constitutional ban on states passing laws banning it if they so choose. Roe V. Wade is the worst SC judgement since Dread Scott.

2. I would vote to allow gay marriage, but I do not support the fact that it is somehow a right given by the constitution. Also, only the States could change their marriage contracts, the feds have no jurisdiction.

3. Civil Rights laws are 100% correct when it comes to government, or companies hired by government. They have no place though, in non governmental companies or roles.

4. I have nothing against environmental regulations at the federal level that pertain to actual pollution. Air and water cross state lines, and the feds role is to handle that shit. Using environmental regulations to screw over property owners, or regulate kinda sorta pollutants are something else.

5. States can provide welfare if they so choose, the feds however have no mandate, and should keep out of it, that includes holding back $$ if the States don't conform to federal norms. Its an end run around the separation of sovereignty.

6. Trade unions and unions that deal with private industry are a great idea, and a necessary balance to corporate power. Public sector unions however are an anathema, and a method of maintaining one parties power in municipal government.
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Anyone in the mood for a little thought experiment? If you were designing a new country and it's government policies AND YOU'RE A CONSERVATIVE what liberal policy would you throw into the mix because it made sense to you?

If your answer involves specific conditions, please share what those conditions are.

I'd like to see a list of "Liberal Policies".

I think you may be asking 'what socialist policies would Americans support', which of course would be zero. This being so, because socialism, or that which is conjured through the subjective, unsustainable, irrational species of reasoning otherwise known as Left-think, stands diametrically opposed to the principles that define America.

We could clear this up by listing what you feel represents 'liberal' policy.

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