Following the Money Trail(s), Members of the Jan. 6 Select Committee Are Uncovering a Well Organized and Financed Coup Attempt

The only one spinning nonsense is Jordan and
Gym is a idiot nut job and a traitor.

October 20 2021
House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (D- Mass.) asked Jordan about interviews he gave over the summer admitting he had spoken with Trump on Jan. 6.

In July, Jordan told Fox News’ Bret Baier that he and Trump had spoken, but changed the subject when asked what they’d discussed. Pressed to elaborate on Spectrum News the following day, Jordan said he believed he had spoken to Trump after the riot but wasn’t sure, and couldn’t recall if they had spoken in the morning. “I’d have to go back,” he said.

And then, in August, Jordan told Politico he had “definitely” spoken to the president more than once that day but couldn’t remember when. He told the site one of those calls was from a safe room during the attack.
“So, my question is: You’ve had 84 days since that interview [on Spectrum News] to go back and check the records. So, when did you speak with the former President on January 6th?” McGovern asked.

“Of course I talked to the president. I’ve been clear about that. I talk to him all the time. This is not about me, Mr. Chairman. I know you want to make it about me,” he said before changing direction to say the focus of the investigation should be on the “lack of security presence” on Jan. 6.
Jordan said he couldn’t remember how many times he’d spoken with Trump.
And your point being? I mean other than you whining about nothing again?
Some one actually disagreed with this post, I assume they do not support democracy or our republic since it has NEVER been done before by any party.
Either has overthrowing an election.
You don't seat potential witnesses, that may have been involved.
Just like you don't put them in a jury.
And your point being? I mean other than you whining about nothing again?
Gym is a lying POS.
A dozen different times he was asked the same question and a dozen times never gave a straight answer.
You cant remember the phone calls you made while being in lockdown?
You're a liar or an idiot.
Gym is both.
She shouldn't have the power to reject ANY choice by the other party to seat THEIR allotted members on a committee.
She HAS that power and there's no way the people that McCarthy put up should have been on that Committee. They would serve only to screw it up.

Jordan is a bomb thrower and Banks may have been involved
There is NO actual evidence of any such thing it was a political stunt by the dems violating over 230 years of precedent and rules.
She HAS that power and there's no way the people that McCarthy put up should have been on that Committee. They would serve only to screw it up.

Jordan is a bomb thrower and Banks may have been involved
It is NOT the place for one party to determine who sits for another party or shall when the republicans get power back do the same to dems?
That might be the case but don't forget the facts. That's where the truth lies.
An investigative body comprised of nothing but individuals whose goal is and always has been, to get rid of Trump, is still nothing but the equivalent of what is called a Kangaroo Court, or in the Navy, a Captain's Mast or, in the civilian world, a Grand Jury. It is said that a Grand Jury could indict a ham sandwich, as only one side is presented.
So, no matter what the investigative body comes up with, I sure as hell won't believe them.
Following the Money Trail(s), Members of the Jan. 6 Select Committee Are Uncovering a Well Organized and Financed Coup Attempt

When rooting out corruption, it’s best to follow the money. That is precisely what the Jan. 6 Committee is now doing according to reports detailing lawmakers’ highly organized effort to sniff out potential criminality in funding for pro-trump rallies coordinated ahead of the assault on the Capitol.

First reported by CNN, the committee is digging into financial details around Stop the Steal rally organizers and other similar vendors on their radar. In particular, they are rooting out possible campaign finance or election law violations, as well as other financial crimes.

Earlier this month, the investigatory body issued subpoenas to far-right activist and leader of the Stop the Steal movement, Ali Alexander, and Shelby County, Ohio, city councilman Nathan Martin.

According to the committee, Martin was listed as the point of contact on a permit application submitted to the U.S. Capitol Police for a “One Nation Under God” event last December protesting the 2020 election results.

An unnamed source cited in the CNN report suggested the committee is breaking up its work into teams. Some of the committee’s teams track funds specifically tied to rally organizers and other groups connected to the cheeto-in-chief.

The source also explained that additional teams are reviewing how those groups may overlap while other teams are zeroing in on the cheeto-in-chief himself. Those teams are reportedly reviewing how the bigoted-orange-liar may have leaned on legislators to follow his lead in attempting to overturn the election results or how he used his executive authority to pressure his former lapdog Mike Pence and the Justice Department.

A spokesperson for the Jan. 6 Committee has yet to return any comment, even after multiple requests.

So far, fifteen subpoenas have been issued by the committee publicly. The first batch was delivered by the committee to trump administration officials like former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino. Onetime Pentagon chief of staff Kash Patel was also subpoenaed for records and deposition, as was Steve Bannon, who defied the request and was found in contempt of Congress.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi signed off on the contempt referral, after which it was sent to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington. Some of what the committee sought from Bannon were records and details related to the financing behind the rally in D.C. on the morning of Jan. 6. Investigators also want information Bannon might have regarding travel arrangements and hotel accommodations for rally participants.

Eleven other subpoenas were issued in late September to organizers, including Amy Kremer, founder and chairwoman of Women for America First. The group coordinated the rally at the Ellipse, which overflowed with a mixed bag of trump’s supporters, far-right extremists and white nationalists, among others. Kremer’s daughter and co-founder of Women for America First, Kylie Kremer, was also subpoenaed, as were Caroline Wren and Cindy Chafian.

ProPublica reported in January that text messages and memos between Wren and Cindy Chafian, another organizer of the rally at the Ellipse, were heavily involved in the logistics and budgeting for the event. Maggie Mulvaney, the niece of trump’s acting White House chief of staff-turned director of the Office of Management and Budget-turned special envoy for Northern Ireland Mick Mulvaney, was also subpoenaed.

Mulvaney was listed as a “VIP lead” in the permit arranged by Women for America First. She also served as the director of finance operations for the trump campaign.

Megan Powers, of MPowers Consulting LLC, and Hannah Salem, of Salem Strategies LLC, were also listed on permits for the rally. Both of the women were in charge of scheduling and logistics. Lyndon Brentall of RMS Protective Services was also flagged on permit paperwork as an “on-site supervisor” and Justin Caporale and Tim Unes—both of Event Strategies Inc.—have information about project and stage management for the rally sought by the committee.

Katrina Pierson, trump’s campaign spokesperson in 2016, is also under scrutiny by the committee and received a subpoena last month. According to the FEC, Pierson received $10,000 biweekly for her work with the trump campaign from September 2019 to January 2020. Pierson is believed to have been in contact with trump regularly before and on Jan. 6.

Norm Eisen, a legal analyst for CNN, reported that the committee members divvying up the probe and homing in on financial crimes might be among “the most valuable avenues” to directly connecting trump to the planning and coordination of the insurrection at the Capitol.

As the noose tightens, trumpublicans are anxiously anticipating their big wins in the 2022 Mid-term Elections, after which, as the congressional majority they will have a celebratory bonfire to burn the volumes of damning evidence of the January coup collected by the Select Committee. Also to be thrown into that fire, all copies of the U.S. Constitution found in D.C. and nearby communities.

Sounds like the "we've got him now" news that came out of the failed Russia-Trump investigation.

Wake me up when something happens.
This post was plagiarized. . . and you didn't even link or give credit to the original author!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are damn lucky that I don't snitch and report folks. If some conservative on this site wants to report your ass for a blatant and flagellant rules violation? YOU ARE IN DEEP SHIT!


Money, money, money: Lawmakers probing Jan. 6 are putting the pieces together
So in the end, all this “breaking info” is from the Daily Kook? Figures. Now maybe one of these lefties can explain how the FBI missed all this information in 9 months of investigating.....
She HAS that power and there's no way the people that McCarthy put up should have been on that Committee. They would serve only to screw it up.

Jordan is a bomb thrower and Banks may have been involved
Not if it’s supposed to be an INDEPENDENT committee. Your Nazi tendencies coming through again. Pisslosi may well have been involved, but you’re okay with that....
Gym is a lying POS.
A dozen different times he was asked the same question and a dozen times never gave a straight answer.
You cant remember the phone calls you made while being in lockdown?
You're a liar or an idiot.
Gym is both.
I can't remember the phone calls that I made yesterday...
An investigative committee comprised of Democrats who hated Trump and two Republicans who hated Trump, all of whom voted to impeach him. bias there.
Hate is a very strong emotion, one which is as powerful as love. The facts are, and they're probative, is Trump is evil, corrupt and vindictive. He is and remains a pathological liar. What's to like?

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