Florida Should Ban Travel From New York City


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has put travel restrictions on New York to Florida travel. People coming to Florida are required to self-quarantine for 2 weeks.

I don't think that's good enough. There should be a complete ban on all movement of people from New York to Florida. Airlines should be banned from selling tickets in New York, with Florida destinations.

The problems New York is having is a result of a the reckless lack of proper city planning of previous generations. This negligence has created the enormous population density far above any other American city, both in housing, business, and transportation.

I wonder if they are still running their crowded subway trains, and cramming people into elevators in tall buildings.

Having lived in New York City for 30 years, I always had the feeling that the extreme population density there would blow up into something really bad someday. That day has arrived.
Even before the virus that was a good idea..... New Yorkers came down and tried to implement the liberal policies that drove them to leave NY. Thankfully they seemed to only will seats on the condo boards
Everyone should ban travel from Florida. Remember how they invited everyone and kept Spring Break open? Pure greed. They wanted their money from spring breakers. Fill those hotels and bars. Keep the churches open.
Top among concerns to Floridians (especially senior citizens) is the enormous number of young people from New York coming here for Spring Break.

News reporters here have broadcasted interviews with spring break kids who are aware of the pandemic (and may even be carrying the virus), and show no concern. They express only a desire for having fun on the beaches.

As long as these thousands of airheads are here, they will bring the virus and spread it, with many older people getting infected.
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has put travel restrictions on New York to Florida travel. People coming to Florida are required to self-quarantine for 2 weeks.

I don't think that's good enough. There should be a complete ban on all movement of people from New York to Florida. Airlines should be banned from selling tickets in New York, with Florida destinations.

The problems New York is having is a result of a the reckless lack of proper city planning of previous generations. This negligence has created the enormous population density far above any other American city, both in housing, business, and transportation.

I wonder if they are still running their crowded subway trains, and cramming people into elevators in tall buildings.

Having lived in New York City for 30 years, I always had the feeling that the extreme population density there would blow up into something really bad someday. That day has arrived.


One of your more moronic ideas; and for you that is saying quite a bit.

Quarantine yes; ban? Don't be stupid.
Everyone should ban travel from Florida. Remember how they invited everyone and kept Spring Break open? Pure greed. They wanted their money from spring breakers. Fill those hotels and bars. Keep the churches open.
Floridians have no need to travel to anywhere outside Florida. Least of all New York City.
Banning travel at this point is useless.........it is an exponential virus and it is now a math equation.

It's loose and nothing is gonna stop it now........It would take the entire country to lock down solid for 2 weeks minimum. no one goes anywhere to stop this now.

That isn't going to happen.
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has put travel restrictions on New York to Florida travel. People coming to Florida are required to self-quarantine for 2 weeks.

I don't think that's good enough. There should be a complete ban on all movement of people from New York to Florida. Airlines should be banned from selling tickets in New York, with Florida destinations.

The problems New York is having is a result of a the reckless lack of proper city planning of previous generations. This negligence has created the enormous population density far above any other American city, both in housing, business, and transportation.

I wonder if they are still running their crowded subway trains, and cramming people into elevators in tall buildings.

Having lived in New York City for 30 years, I always had the feeling that the extreme population density there would blow up into something really bad someday. That day has arrived.


One of your more moronic ideas; and for you that is saying quite a bit.

Quarantine yes; ban? Don't be stupid.
Someday, maybe you will learn how to think.
All the nasty Puerto Ricans in New York are flying back-and-forth from Puerto Rico spreading the disease
Banning travel at this point is useless.........it is an exponential virus and it is now a math equation.

It's loose and nothing is gonna stop it now........It would take the entire country to lock down solid for 2 weeks minimum. no one goes anywhere to stop this now.

That isn't going to happen.
Why not ? Form follows function.
Banning travel at this point is useless.........it is an exponential virus and it is now a math equation.

It's loose and nothing is gonna stop it now........It would take the entire country to lock down solid for 2 weeks minimum. no one goes anywhere to stop this now.

That isn't going to happen.
Why not ? Form follows function.
History doesn't lie.......it's loose and will run it's course.
Banning travel at this point is useless.........it is an exponential virus and it is now a math equation.

It's loose and nothing is gonna stop it now........It would take the entire country to lock down solid for 2 weeks minimum. no one goes anywhere to stop this now.

That isn't going to happen.
When your bathtub overflows, the first thing you do is turn off the water.
All the nasty Puerto Ricans in New York are flying back-and-forth from Puerto Rico spreading the disease
Puerto Rico, likewise needs to keep them away. A good idea for them too.
PR could easily stop it there......it is an Island.........No one from outside in at all.......shelter in place and in a few weeks it's over........

The United States is too big for that......not possible.
Banning travel at this point is useless.........it is an exponential virus and it is now a math equation.

It's loose and nothing is gonna stop it now........It would take the entire country to lock down solid for 2 weeks minimum. no one goes anywhere to stop this now.

That isn't going to happen.
When your bathtub overflows, the first thing you do is turn off the water.
True..........but we are not an Island...........that analysis doesn't apply..........

We can only minimize the damage from the virus......we can't stop it.......SARs of 2003 was stopped EARLY ON.....or it would have been Deadly on this earth........high death rate.......luckily it was stopped early......

It's too late for that on this one.
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has put travel restrictions on New York to Florida travel. People coming to Florida are required to self-quarantine for 2 weeks.

I don't think that's good enough. There should be a complete ban on all movement of people from New York to Florida. Airlines should be banned from selling tickets in New York, with Florida destinations.

The problems New York is having is a result of a the reckless lack of proper city planning of previous generations. This negligence has created the enormous population density far above any other American city, both in housing, business, and transportation.

I wonder if they are still running their crowded subway trains, and cramming people into elevators in tall buildings.

Having lived in New York City for 30 years, I always had the feeling that the extreme population density there would blow up into something really bad someday. That day has arrived.

Honestly, the most disturbing part of this entire experience for me has not been how dangerous the virus is. Nor even the tenuous economic times.

It's how easily those Jackboots slip on way too many of my fellow American's feet. THAT is what keeps me up at night.

Banning travel at this point is useless.........it is an exponential virus and it is now a math equation.

It's loose and nothing is gonna stop it now........It would take the entire country to lock down solid for 2 weeks minimum. no one goes anywhere to stop this now.

That isn't going to happen.
When your bathtub overflows, the first thing you do is turn off the water.
True..........but we are not an Island...........that analysis doesn't apply..........

We can only minimize the damage from the virus......we can't stop it.......SARs of 2003 was stopped EARLY ON.....or it would have been Deadly on this earth........high death rate.......luckily it was stopped early......

It's too late for that on this one.
Again, when your bathtub overflows, you fist turn off the water. Then you clean up the mess.

Whether the virus can or can't be stopped, for Florida to allow New Yorkers to come here, is flat-out SUICIDE.
Banning travel at this point is useless.........it is an exponential virus and it is now a math equation.

It's loose and nothing is gonna stop it now........It would take the entire country to lock down solid for 2 weeks minimum. no one goes anywhere to stop this now.

That isn't going to happen.
When your bathtub overflows, the first thing you do is turn off the water.
True..........but we are not an Island...........that analysis doesn't apply..........

We can only minimize the damage from the virus......we can't stop it.......SARs of 2003 was stopped EARLY ON.....or it would have been Deadly on this earth........high death rate.......luckily it was stopped early......

It's too late for that on this one.
Again, when your bathtub overflows, you fist turn off the water. Then you clean up the mess.

Whether the virus can or can't be stopped, for Florida to allow New Yorkers to come here, is flat-out SUICIDE.
The virus is already in Florida.......locking the door after the robber is already in the house doesn't do anything for you.........Unless you don't want the robber to be able to escape .....LOL

This is NOW A MATH EQUATION.........only a vaccine or it runs it's course is gonna happen.....
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has put travel restrictions on New York to Florida travel. People coming to Florida are required to self-quarantine for 2 weeks.

I don't think that's good enough. There should be a complete ban on all movement of people from New York to Florida. Airlines should be banned from selling tickets in New York, with Florida destinations.

The problems New York is having is a result of a the reckless lack of proper city planning of previous generations. This negligence has created the enormous population density far above any other American city, both in housing, business, and transportation.

I wonder if they are still running their crowded subway trains, and cramming people into elevators in tall buildings.

Having lived in New York City for 30 years, I always had the feeling that the extreme population density there would blow up into something really bad someday. That day has arrived.

Honestly, the most disturbing part of this entire experience for me has not been how dangerous the virus is. Nor even the tenuous economic times.

It's how easily those Jackboots slip on way too many of my fellow American's feet. THAT is what keeps me up at night.

WHAT Jackboots ? The New York spring breakers and their callous disregard for Florida elderly ? If you mean that, I agree, except that the kids are YOUNG and stupid. We were all that way once.

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