Florida OG's Say "We Need A New Guy"


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

Raw Story....

When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

The article is sooooo pathetic that it's comical... :laughing0301:
When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

People never wise up. They didn't learn with Clinton and Obama.
When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

Several counties in Florida have just recently flipped positive for republicans. I seriously doubt that Florida will go for the former Democrat party, come November.
President Biden? Hell the man doesn't even know what he's running for. I imagine his agenda will be scripted by the media, BLM, ANTIFA, and Agent Green. Heaven help us. Remember "all you need to scare someone away from yer home is to pull out your old trusted shot gun and fire off a round". Hahaha.
The question you should be asking is when will he come out of his basement, or do you anticipate he will be hidden for 4 years? I believe he is the only one who celebrates Wuhan, otherwise he's fried toast.
When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

You think Joe Biden is the answer to our problems? Seriously? The guy has been in Washington since Watergate! HE'S PART OF THE PROBLEM...NOT THE SOLUTION!!!
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is a hard thing to handle.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is hard to do.

they are either seeing the writing on the wall - or in such denial, they refuse to even fathom donny losing.

either way - it's fun to watch.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.

lol... you go with that.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.

Uuuhh....we're doing the exact opposite demwit.

lol... you go with that.

Why do you think Trump was elected demwit?
Any voters that choose to go with Libertarians or any other independent parties, need to understand that the only viable candidates have been and remain to be either the (former) Democratic Party and the Republican Party. To vote for a party that won't garner enough votes to win, will only give one of those two parties, an advantage and as such the independent voters need to decide which of those two parties have the majority of stances that the independent voters prefer.
For instance, an example is the Green Party. While pro-environment is their base stance, they are also pro-reparations for slavery and pro-Islam. For Green Party voters, their closest ally would be the (former) Democratic Party. That said, the (former) Democratic Party, is hypocritical when it comes to the environmental stance. They claim to be pro-environment, yet want to open the borders to millions, which would cause more deforestation, more congestion, more destruction of wildlife habitats, become a threat to our National Forests, National Parks and Wildlife Refuges, more streets, highways, condos, apartments, homes and business buildings.
If you prefer the Libertarian Party, you may want to stick with the Republican Party. You have to remember that the base of the Libertarian Party is one of, "if the federal government isn't actually making money from a project, dump the project, which would negatively affect millions." It is however, of the belief that the "federal" government should be more limited in its scope and thus somewhat more fiscally responsible.
"i'm imagining that i'm anywhere but here. Bali maybe? Bali would be good" - Florida Trump supporter after getting covid

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