Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming’

Facebook are a website... They don't run a broadband business...

Precisely. Good that you agree colfax_m is lying.

The utilities offer broadband and charge for it...

The Internet isn't classified as a utility in America.

DARPA was apart of the Internet journey but Xerox or CERN are there too..

So you are right when you are saying Facebook didn't build that...

You are really supporting Obama:
Obama stated, "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that."

With the internet it is also not even US exclusive but a global collaboration...

PARC (Xerox) was funded by DARPA. CERN had little to due with internet development and entered the picture much later with web development. Though Dan Bricklin, not Tim Berners Lee developed HTML. The Internet existed for decades before the web. (Not taking anything from TBL, without him there would be no web)

What is your point... Facebook is a web company...

They use the Internet like a haulier uses the roads...

I think you are trying to say that the Internet is a success for Big Government...

But Obama already explained this... Companies use the government all the time...

Amazon uses the postal service but the postal service actually make a profit on that particular business...

He just wants to use the government to punish all the tech companies who refused to kowtow to Trump. Because he's a libertarian.

And yet you claim to be a libertarian and you're supporting a market where leftist companies can actually for real shut down their competitors.

As you keep ignoring, libertarians support ACTUAL free markets, not the illusion of free markets. You are supporting a government enabled monopoly and crowing about it.

This is why every other libertarian on the board laughs at you. You fundamentally don't get it


You don't care, your response to companies shutting down competition because they don't follow their rules. That you're a cocktail party libertarian is even more dead on a description of you than even I realized when I said it. Free markets means nothing to you at all
You don't care, your response to companies shutting down competition because they don't follow their rules.

No one has been shut down. That's a conceit you're spinning because you want big daddy government to spank FB. Pathetic.
While I enjoy the predictable shrieks of outrage from the usual suspects when their sacred ox is gored, the government cannot legally compel nor prevent speech and this will fail. The same will happen to New York's attempt to both compel a photographer to post speech on her web site and prevent her from posting speech on her web site. Government simply must not be allowed to monkey with speech. This is an overreach.

Seems to me it's like a baker being unable to refuse service for events he doesn't agree with. Here we have social media companies being unable to refuse service to viewpoints they don't agree with. If bakers are "public accommodations which can't discriminate", social media DEFINITELY is.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as the old saying goes.

Businesses can deny service to people for various reasons. If they are drunk then they can be denied service. You are talking about a baker denying service to a group of individuals for what they are doing. Social media companies can determine what goes on their site based on what is said and can be banned if the posts violate their terms of service. Walmart can ban political speech on their property.

You have no clue what you are talking about.

Do you really not recognize yourself making all the same excuses that Democrats have shoveled for years?

The tech fascists are an agent of your party and agents of the state. Just like Hitler, you democrats use pseudo-private monopolies to implement your agenda.

You are a statist, FascistTwat is the tool of the state, hence you defend TwatBook with your life. Seig Heil mein democrat.

More Nazi stuff. Do you think about anything else?

Well, since you like the Democrat Nazis, it's easy for you to say. But we're not like you, we're libertarians and the Nazis want to destroy us. We don't have the back slapping laughs with them that you do pretending you're not one one of them. But we know you are one of them. And they make clear, so do they. The only one you are fooling is yourself


Yes, Democrats became Nazis when you crossed into actually threatening, destroying and attacking your opposition. You just got tired of having to win elections, so you started stealing them.

You're now just Nazis
Sometimes, irony is just ironic. Tell me more about threatening, destroying and attacking your opposition to steal an election...





Facebook are a website... They don't run a broadband business...

Precisely. Good that you agree colfax_m is lying.

The utilities offer broadband and charge for it...

The Internet isn't classified as a utility in America.

DARPA was apart of the Internet journey but Xerox or CERN are there too..

So you are right when you are saying Facebook didn't build that...

You are really supporting Obama:
Obama stated, "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that."

With the internet it is also not even US exclusive but a global collaboration...

PARC (Xerox) was funded by DARPA. CERN had little to due with internet development and entered the picture much later with web development. Though Dan Bricklin, not Tim Berners Lee developed HTML. The Internet existed for decades before the web. (Not taking anything from TBL, without him there would be no web)

What is your point... Facebook is a web company...

They use the Internet like a haulier uses the roads...

I think you are trying to say that the Internet is a success for Big Government...

But Obama already explained this... Companies use the government all the time...

Amazon uses the postal service but the postal service actually make a profit on that particular business...

He just wants to use the government to punish all the tech companies who refused to kowtow to Trump. Because he's a libertarian.

And yet you claim to be a libertarian and you're supporting a market where leftist companies can actually for real shut down their competitors.

As you keep ignoring, libertarians support ACTUAL free markets, not the illusion of free markets. You are supporting a government enabled monopoly and crowing about it.

This is why every other libertarian on the board laughs at you. You fundamentally don't get it


You don't care, your response to companies shutting down competition because they don't follow their rules. That you're a cocktail party libertarian is even more dead on a description of you than even I realized when I said it. Free markets means nothing to you at all

What company shut down their competition?
I’m well aware of what you think it means, colloquially. But this is a discussion about law, so the definition that matters is the legal one.

Social media don’t fit the legal definition of a public forum.

These terms matter.


This discussion is about the lies posted by the OP and your abject stupidity in failing to find out what the Florida proposal actually is.

You Nazis have no defense against the facts, so you lie. It's your way.

If social media doesn't fit the definition of a public forum, then it isn't protected by 230 and can be sued for the bullshit slander and libel they publish non-stop.

Social media companies are private companies. This forum is not a public forum and they can take down someone who breaks the rules. This forum would fit your definition of a public forum.

You are the one who is stupid. You are the Nazi and the liar.

You really have no consistent principles at all. If the political situation were different, if the tables were turned and liberals were trying to use the same justifications for state intervention that you are, you'd be howling. Rank, wretched hypocrisy.


I have never wavered from the ideals of Roth, Rand, Browne, et al.

You have embraced full fascism.
Bake the cake!
Seig Heil, Herr Black

You are the Nazi and you are the one who has a Fuerher.
I’m well aware of what you think it means, colloquially. But this is a discussion about law, so the definition that matters is the legal one.

Social media don’t fit the legal definition of a public forum.

These terms matter.


This discussion is about the lies posted by the OP and your abject stupidity in failing to find out what the Florida proposal actually is.

You Nazis have no defense against the facts, so you lie. It's your way.

If social media doesn't fit the definition of a public forum, then it isn't protected by 230 and can be sued for the bullshit slander and libel they publish non-stop.

Social media companies are private companies. This forum is not a public forum and they can take down someone who breaks the rules. This forum would fit your definition of a public forum.

You are the one who is stupid. You are the Nazi and the liar.
According to these nuts, this forum is fascist and the moderators are Nazis.
Stunning support for censorship
Only weak knee, weak willed insecure people need differing views removed and people banished. It’s endorsing discrimination. Extreme libbie pretzel twisting to justify amounts to shrieking children.
LOL - keep chirping.

It's not support for censorship. It's a rejection of state regulated media. The government has no business dictating to social media companies. Private companies have no obligation to host your political propaganda.

A real libertarian would actually sit back and ponder why Internet social media companies are able to silence Trump and shut down their competitor Parlor. Obviously free markets are not working.

Here's the thing you don't understand about libertarians while you pretend to be one. We actually believe in actually free markets. Not just the theory of them. If it's not working, that's a problem. I mean for us, not you since you're a fake libertarian. This is working for you since you get to claim to be libertarian while actually helping the left who you don't grasp is completely not libertarian.

Keep telling yourself that, as you follow your dear leader off a statist cliff.

LOL, a Democrat calling me a statist. That's classic
You and others on the authoritarian right are a statist because you seek to use the power of government to violate citizens’ rights in violation of the Constitution:

The right to privacy

The right to vote

The right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law.

The right of immigrants to due process of the law

And the right of social media to freedom of the press and freedom of association

Laws and measures Democrats support are consistent with the Constitution and violate no rights – such as public accommodations laws the Supreme Court has held to be lawful and in no manner violate the right to freedom of association.

More government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – it’s the conservative way.

You're just vomiting propaganda, slick. That's just a bunch of hot air. Which is why you didn't and can't back it up with actual examples, just your cult Democrat fascist lies and your racism
False equivalency between the Internet and the roads.

That was proven wrong by Google who successfully shut down Parlor.

No baker could shut down another baker for making gay wedding cakes.

But Parlor said they would allow Trump to post and they were shut down by the social media cabal.

It's clearly not the same
Google didn't shut Parler down. Amazon stopped serving their website.

A baker could shut down another baker if that second baker was using the first baker's kitchen. Parler just needs to find a new host.

Fucking liar

Wow, with just the number of times you quoted colfax addressing me so I saw it, he's obsessed with getting my attention since he knows he's on ignore.

He should have thought of that when I kept warning him against writing endless empty gibberish and bickering
Many many liberals pulled off their disguises today by revealing that they feel censorship of opposing views is good and warranted and banishment of those who hold those beliefs or experiences is equally permissible and justified

So-called conservatives are the ones who have ripped of their disguises. You have ahown yourselves to be fascists. Private companies do not censor. Only government can. You want to take the company's property. That is fascism.
I want to thank the number of people here who have identified they dont believe in free speech when it does not match the whim of their feelings
That label should stick with you for a Long Time

It doesn’t appear that you know what Free Speech is.
It has now been confirmed that you do know what prohibition of free speech is and In fact endorse it.

You are the one prohibiting free speech and seizing private property.
I disagree it's the exact same argument.

The baker refuses to bake the cake because of the person's identity. Service is refused solely because who they are.

Who they are is no different than their opinions. People are their opinions.


Individuals can be be held accountable for their actions. A person cannot be denied service for being a part of a group. Your ignorance is astonishing.
Stunning support for censorship
Only weak knee, weak willed insecure people need differing views removed and people banished. It’s endorsing discrimination. Extreme libbie pretzel twisting to justify amounts to shrieking children.
LOL - keep chirping.

It's not support for censorship. It's a rejection of state regulated media. The government has no business dictating to social media companies. Private companies have no obligation to host your political propaganda.

A real libertarian would actually sit back and ponder why Internet social media companies are able to silence Trump and shut down their competitor Parlor. Obviously free markets are not working.

Here's the thing you don't understand about libertarians while you pretend to be one. We actually believe in actually free markets. Not just the theory of them. If it's not working, that's a problem. I mean for us, not you since you're a fake libertarian. This is working for you since you get to claim to be libertarian while actually helping the left who you don't grasp is completely not libertarian.

Keep telling yourself that, as you follow your dear leader off a statist cliff.

LOL, a Democrat calling me a statist. That's classic

I call 'em as I see.

Like most Trumpsters, you're in denial. You've been sold a bill of goods and just can't bring yourself to admit it.

Fortunately you have the Democrat Party to show you the enlightened path, fascist. Like leftist companies policing the internet and shutting down anyone who defies them, like Parlor.

If Google hadn't shut down Parlor, you'd have an argument. And I was fine with Twitter booting Trump and Parlor picking him up for all the reasons you claim you support.

But when Google said I got this, Twitter, and shut down Parlor, it was clear it was NOT a free market. And you didn't care because you're a racist and a socialist who talks about free markets with a glass of sherry and some Weiner appetizers

How do you get so much wrong in a single post??

Google didn't shut down Parler, Amazon did.

Parler never picked up Trump as a member of their service.

It's Parler, not Parlor.

And you still haven't shown Amazon is "leftist."

Stunning support for censorship
Only weak knee, weak willed insecure people need differing views removed and people banished. It’s endorsing discrimination. Extreme libbie pretzel twisting to justify amounts to shrieking children.
LOL - keep chirping.

It's not support for censorship. It's a rejection of state regulated media. The government has no business dictating to social media companies. Private companies have no obligation to host your political propaganda.

A real libertarian would actually sit back and ponder why Internet social media companies are able to silence Trump and shut down their competitor Parlor. Obviously free markets are not working.

Here's the thing you don't understand about libertarians while you pretend to be one. We actually believe in actually free markets. Not just the theory of them. If it's not working, that's a problem. I mean for us, not you since you're a fake libertarian. This is working for you since you get to claim to be libertarian while actually helping the left who you don't grasp is completely not libertarian.

Keep telling yourself that, as you follow your dear leader off a statist cliff.

LOL, a Democrat calling me a statist. That's classic

I call 'em as I see.

Like most Trumpsters, you're in denial. You've been sold a bill of goods and just can't bring yourself to admit it.

Fortunately you have the Democrat Party to show you the enlightened path, fascist. Like leftist companies policing the internet and shutting down anyone who defies them, like Parlor.

If Google hadn't shut down Parlor, you'd have an argument. And I was fine with Twitter booting Trump and Parlor picking him up for all the reasons you claim you support.

But when Google said I got this, Twitter, and shut down Parlor, it was clear it was NOT a free market. And you didn't care because you're a racist and a socialist who talks about free markets with a glass of sherry and some Weiner appetizers

How do you get so much wrong in a single post??

Google didn't shut down Parler, Amazon did.

Parler never picked up Trump as a member of their service.

It's Parler, not Parlor.

And you still haven't shown Amazon is "leftist."

You're a waste of skin
Well sort of. Speech is a behavior. Not an identity. So PA laws don’t really have any application here in any respect.
See, this is where you demonstrate that you have no principles.

Should PA laws apply to a Christian-owned hotel refusing to accommodate Muslims?

What about Muslims who have advocated for death to the infidel? (not at hotel but elsewhere)

What about when a Muslim decides to convert to Christianity, so the hotel lets that person in, then after being allowed in, the Muslim says "just kidding" and the hotel owners kick him out?

The hotel owner should have the right to decide who stays in his/her hotel, right?

No he should not. Refusing to service a Muslim because they are a Muslim is illegal. If a individual's conduct violates the terms of their agreement and they are not discriminatory then that is a different matter. Amazing how you cannot accept reality.
Expressing opinions you don't like = being an asshole?
Sometimes. You’ve expressed opinions as to how you’d love to see a lot of people dead and hope for that.

That’s you being an asshole by expressing an opinion.
Communists/Socialists/Marxists have murdered MILLIONS. Of course I want them dead. You should too.

Expressing Marxist views is being an asshole, in my opinion. According to you, that's good enough for a ban.

It will happen to you eventually.
Wow, you have a very warped opinion of your own deplorable behavior.

You yourself said you were an asshole, now you’re whitewashing it. This is why we can’t have nice things. Wishing the deaths of other people is behavior that will get you kicked off platforms for good reason. It ruins the experience for others.
Yes, expressing a wish for others dead, even with good reason, is not and should not be protected, regardless. No argument there.

You obviously have not seen the reasons for the bans, have you? They have NOTHING to do with being and asshole or violating rules. NOTHING!!!

Here is the most common example -- expressing an opinion that the 2020 election was stolen = ban (IT REALLY HAPPENED THOUSANDS OF TIMES)

WHY? Is that being an asshole?

It did not happen and there is no evidence it happened. The result of this rhetoric was the Jan 6 attack on the capitol.
You don't care, your response to companies shutting down competition because they don't follow their rules.

No one has been shut down. That's a conceit you're spinning because you want big daddy government to spank FB. Pathetic.

Taking a social media company off the largest mobile network isn't shutting them down. Just wow.

I don't know if you're stupid or a liar. Those aren't mutually exclusive.

You really don't care about free markets. What a win this is for you. You crow about libertarianism while serving leftists. Win, win, win all day long for you. There is no problem! They shut down Parlor because and you're thrilled! No worries, none at all for you!

Where's Faun, you need a high five from a buddy!

You really have no consistent principles at all. If the political situation were different, if the tables were turned and liberals were trying to use the same justifications for state intervention that you are, you'd be howling. Rank, wretched hypocrisy.


I have never wavered from the ideals of Roth, Rand, Browne, et al.

You have embraced full fascism.
Bake the cake!
Seig Heil, Herr Black

You are the Nazi and you are the one who has a Fuerher.
It's standard politics - they proactively accuse someone else of doing exactly what they ARE doing. These are people who used to pretend they favored a free market.
You don't care, your response to companies shutting down competition because they don't follow their rules.

No one has been shut down. That's a conceit you're spinning because you want big daddy government to spank FB. Pathetic.

Taking a social media company off the largest mobile network isn't shutting them down. Just wow.

I don't know if you're stupid or a liar. Those aren't mutually exclusive.

You really don't care about free markets. What a win this is for you. You crow about libertarianism while serving leftists. Win, win, win all day long for you. There is no problem! They shut down Parlor because and you're thrilled! No worries, none at all for you!

I just don't buy your bullshit rationalizations. You're a partisan stooge. You have no principles or consistent values. You're just angry because your troll in chief got banned. Too. fucking. bad.
So-called conservatives are the ones who have ripped of their disguises. You have ahown yourselves to be fascists. Private companies do not censor. Only government can. You want to take the company's property. That is fascism.
That pretty much sums it up.

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