Florida appeals court says desantis law against social media is unconstitutional


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
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In other words, "Your bullying can only go so far, Ronnie." Maybe he should stick with beating up just beating up Mickey Mouse?
Probably the correct ruling.

If DeSantis wanted to do something constructive, he should just start a class action lawsuit, and sue Big Tech companies under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
Little trump is pretty sure that he can create his own autocracy in Florida.
I'm rather confused on this. Let's look at the current Twitter/Elon Musk issue. When an private information service ( like twitter) has become an passive censor clearly partisan for one specific party/ideology. Can you mandate they be fair? Which seems to be what DeSantis was demanding. Why does being fair to folks that liberals disagree with always ended up rationalizing censorship?
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I'm rather confused on this. Let's look at the current Twitter/Elon Musk issue. When an private information service ( like twitter) has become an passive censor clearly partisan for one specific party/ideology. Can you mandate they be fair? Which seems to be what DeSantis was demanding. Why does being fair to folks that liberals disagree with always ended up rationalizing censorship?
How can you say that Twitter was partisan? What is partisan about banning someone for inciting violence, which is what trump was doing in his tweets and what he is now doing on his lame truth social.

He is the proverbial person who shouts fire in a movie theater in order to see people trample each other. If he decides to run for the WH in 2024, a qualified profession should give him a thorough phycological exam beforehand. Something is wrong with a person who constantly advocates hate and violence.
I'm rather confused on this. Let's look at the current Twitter/Elon Musk issue. When an private information service ( like twitter) has become an passive censor clearly partisan for one specific party/ideology. Can you mandate they be fair? Which seems to be what DeSantis was demanding. Why does being fair to folks that liberals disagree with always ended up rationalizing censorship?
So, you obviously support the non-censorship of conservative voices on social media. But, how do you feel about Desantis recently signed law that specifies "Don't say Gay" in the Florida school system. Sounds like censorship to me. Huh?
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