Flint Water Crisis - The Next Chapter (too long in the waiting)

Journalist David Eggert wrote for The Associated Press 12 October 2016:
A Flint resident is asking for a grand jury investigation of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's decision to use at least $2 million in state funds for his legal representation related to criminal probes of the city's water crisis. ...The complaint alleges that Snyder's unilateral use of taxpayer money for his "criminal defense" is misconduct in office, a felony. It also accuses him of a misdemeanor violation of a law prohibiting the use of public funds for personal use without approval from Schuette's office.

The request is necessary because neither the Legislature nor attorney general have stopped the spending, Brewer said.

"Since they failed to enforce the law, it's now up to concerned citizens like Keri to do this"


If true, Snyder should be impeached and if convicted: a) removed from office, b) imprisoned, and c) made to pay restitution as a condition of probation/parole.

What law would he be violating? He is being investigated due to his role a Governor in this case, then why should he have to pay for his own defense?

a) Theft
b) Nonfeasance, and
c. Misfeasance

He's doing it out in the open. It's being proposed and executed as part of the State Budget.

Again, what law says the governor has to spend his own money defending actions he took under the auspices of his office?

Do you not know the meaning of nonfeasance?

Nonfeasance is a term used in Tort Law to describe inaction that allows or results in harm to a person or to property. An act of nonfeasance can result in liability if (1) the actor owed a duty of care toward the injured person, (2) the actor failed to act on that duty, and (3) the failure to act resulted in injury.

and the governors duty to perform this was part of his job scope, thus the use of government funds to defend him from any accusations of this is illegal in what way?

You are arguing two separate things.

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