Flashback: Woopie Goldberg Says McCain Will Bring Back Slavery

Was it McCain the warmonger or McCain the slaver that Democrats admire him most for?

Spoken like a true TrumpBot and Minion...

The truth is, your boy isn't fit to tie McCain's shoes.

Certainly not now, he's dead
Explains why the left love him now that she clarified that.

Flashback: Whoopi Goldberg Tied McCain to Slavery’s Return
We don’t love him.

And if we do it’s to celebrate the fact that occasionally he could be reasonable.

Roy Moore or ted Cruz will not get this kind of send off
Oh, you Leftards think of him as a god these days.
Remember when mueller and comey were republicans? You’re like Nazis or anyone in the Iraqi government who disagreed with saddam or similar to the government of Russia today. Putin is your god
Explains why the left love him now that she clarified that.

Flashback: Whoopi Goldberg Tied McCain to Slavery’s Return
We don’t love him.

And if we do it’s to celebrate the fact that occasionally he could be reasonable.

Roy Moore or ted Cruz will not get this kind of send off

Bullshit...you on the left would heap adoration on ANYONE as long as they come out against Trump! Amarosa? She's your darling now and a year ago she was the worst EVAH!
We never liked Omarosa. Trump promised you he would surround himself with the best. Has he? No. He hired her. What a stupid decision by trump.

In the words of trump 2014, leadership, no matter what you’re responsible. Don’t blame us he hired that witch. We only love her for embarrassing the orange clown.

Trump is a conman. It’s obvious yet you’re being conned. Probably because you are a con.
Explains why the left love him now that she clarified that.

Flashback: Whoopi Goldberg Tied McCain to Slavery’s Return
We don’t love him.

And if we do it’s to celebrate the fact that occasionally he could be reasonable.

Roy Moore or ted Cruz will not get this kind of send off

Bullshit...you on the left would heap adoration on ANYONE as long as they come out against Trump! Amarosa? She's your darling now and a year ago she was the worst EVAH!
We never liked Omarosa. Trump promised you he would surround himself with the best. Has he? No. He hired her. What a stupid decision by trump.

In the words of trump 2014, leadership, no matter what you’re responsible. Don’t blame us he hired that witch. We only love her for embarrassing the orange clown.

Trump is a conman. It’s obvious yet you’re being conned. Probably because you are a con.
USMB is filled with leftist posts praising the slave loving warmongering McCain.
Explains why the left love him now that she clarified that.

Flashback: Whoopi Goldberg Tied McCain to Slavery’s Return
We don’t love him.

And if we do it’s to celebrate the fact that occasionally he could be reasonable.

Roy Moore or ted Cruz will not get this kind of send off
Oh, you Leftards think of him as a god these days.
Remember when mueller and comey were republicans? You’re like Nazis or anyone in the Iraqi government who disagreed with saddam or similar to the government of Russia today. Putin is your god

Putin is a dictator. When Obama was in office he sent Hillary and her idiotic little "Reset" button to try and kiss Vlad's ass. What's amazing is that Trump has actually been harder on Russia than Obama was (remember his little slip up with the live mic. assuring one of Putin's minions that once he was reelected he'd be more "flexible" towards Russia!) but you'd never know that with the coverage he gets from the main stream media.
Explains why the left love him now that she clarified that.

Flashback: Whoopi Goldberg Tied McCain to Slavery’s Return
We don’t love him.

And if we do it’s to celebrate the fact that occasionally he could be reasonable.

Roy Moore or ted Cruz will not get this kind of send off

Bullshit...you on the left would heap adoration on ANYONE as long as they come out against Trump! Amarosa? She's your darling now and a year ago she was the worst EVAH!
We never liked Omarosa. Trump promised you he would surround himself with the best. Has he? No. He hired her. What a stupid decision by trump.

In the words of trump 2014, leadership, no matter what you’re responsible. Don’t blame us he hired that witch. We only love her for embarrassing the orange clown.

Trump is a conman. It’s obvious yet you’re being conned. Probably because you are a con.

You just proved my point, idiot child! "We never liked Omarosa." "We only love her for embarrassing the orange clown." So you've gone from not liking someone to loving them based only on how they feel about Donald Trump.
...I don't give two shits about John McCain...
That's only fair... I don't give two $hits about your demiGod, channeling the Ghost of Benito Mussolini.

...and get your panties out of a twist
The very second that you do, dearie... the very second.

Sigh, toad. For the upteenth time on this forum I voted for Trump for two reasons, SCOTUS and the BS political correctness. My vote paid off...and a screaming economy is a bonus.

Now fug off
What an idiotic thread - Subject line is a lie. She did NOT say McCain would bring back slavery. But leave it to Newbusters and you to interpret it as such. :rolleyes-41:

“Did you say you wanted strict constitutionalists? Should I worry about being a slave? A return to slavery? Because there are things in the Constitution that (should have changed.)”


Why would anyone want to enslave negroes?
I mean they already are slaves to the Democrats. I think most “white nationalists” would rather free them and send them back to Africa where they belong.

Nominated ^ for most overtly racist thread of the morning!
Explains why the left love him now that she clarified that.

Flashback: Whoopi Goldberg Tied McCain to Slavery’s Return
We don’t love him.

And if we do it’s to celebrate the fact that occasionally he could be reasonable.

Roy Moore or ted Cruz will not get this kind of send off
Oh, you Leftards think of him as a god these days.
Remember when mueller and comey were republicans? You’re like Nazis or anyone in the Iraqi government who disagreed with saddam or similar to the government of Russia today. Putin is your god

Putin is a dictator. When Obama was in office he sent Hillary and her idiotic little "Reset" button to try and kiss Vlad's ass. What's amazing is that Trump has actually been harder on Russia than Obama was (remember his little slip up with the live mic. assuring one of Putin's minions that once he was reelected he'd be more "flexible" towards Russia!) but you'd never know that with the coverage he gets from the main stream media.

Sorry, but we all all witnessed The Orange Clown's miserable, pathetic, Putin-fluffing performance in Helsinki

Jonathan Lemire from AP: Thank you. A question for each president. President Trump, you first. Just now President Putin denied having anything to do with the election interference in 2016. Every US intelligence agency has concluded that Russia did.

My first question for you, sir, is who do you believe? My second question is would you now with the whole world watching tell President Putin — would you denounce what happened in 2016 and would you warn him to never do it again?

TRUMP: So let me just say that we have two thoughts. You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server. Why haven’t they taken the server? Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the democratic national committee? I’ve been wondering that. I’ve been asking that for months and months and I’ve been tweeting it out and calling it out on social media. Where is the server? I want to know, where is the server and what is the server saying? With that being said, all I can do is ask the question. My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others and said they think it’s Russia.

I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be, but I really do want to see the server [Trump later said he used the wrong word, claiming he meant to say “I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia”]. But I have confidence in both parties. I really believe that this will probably go on for a while, but I don’t think it can go on without finding out what happened to the server. What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC? Where are those servers? They’re missing. Where are they? What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? 33,000 emails gone — just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily. I think it’s a disgrace that we can’t get Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 emails. So I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that president Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. And what he did is an incredible offer. He offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators, with respect to the 12 people. I think that’s an incredible offer. Okay thank you.

Jeff Mason from Reuters: President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that? [The words in red were omitted from the White House transcript]

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the US/Russia relationship back to normal.
...Sigh, toad...
Given that you and I are oftentimes on the same side with respect to Israel, Immigration, Welfare, etc., I hardly think I deserve the name-calling, but, so be it.

...For the upteenth time on this forum I voted for Trump for two reasons...
Who cares why you voted for The Creature... the point is, you did it.

...SCOTUS and the BS political correctness...
I, too, am in favor of a less Liberal-leaning Supreme Court, and I, too, and bloody sick-and-tired of Liberal-forced Political Correctness in our public life.

It's just that I believed on November 8, 2016, that your boy was far too dangerous to the Republic, and far too high a price to pay, for what I wanted.

... My vote paid off...and a screaming economy is a bonus...
Screaming economies always crash-and-burn... always.

What signifies is the Quality of Life for the average American, and the Quality of Life is not measured merely by a short-term economic bubble.

...Now fug off
Not a chance.
...Sigh, toad...
Given that you and I are oftentimes on the same side with respect to Israel, Immigration, Welfare, etc., I hardly think I deserve the name-calling, but, so be it.

...For the upteenth time on this forum I voted for Trump for two reasons...
Who cares why you voted for The Creature... the point is, you did it.

...SCOTUS and the BS political correctness...
I, too, am in favor of a less Liberal-leaning Supreme Court, and I, too, and bloody sick-and-tired of Liberal-forced Political Correctness in our public life.

It's just that I believed on November 8, 2016, that your boy was far too dangerous to the Republic, and far too high a price to pay, for what I wanted.

... My vote paid off...and a screaming economy is a bonus...
Screaming economies always crash-and-burn... always.

What signifies is the Quality of Life for the average American, and the Quality of Life is not measured merely by a short-term economic bubble.

...Now fug off
Not a chance.

I forgot....the other choice was that corrupt lying bitch, Cankles. Easy choice

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