Flashback: Twitter Had Zero Problems When Pelosi Said ‘Our Election Was Hijacked’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.

Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Twitter, the NY TIMES, Wash Post and every major newspaper in the US & around the world; every network newscast - with the exception of Fox - is fake. Imagine how the hundreds of thousands of journalists are able to conspire to express the same lies for decades.

Limbaugh is the evil genius, and made millions fucking over democracy in America and having three failed marriages as well as a number of bedding under age girls in foreign nations.
There are millions of tweets claiming that Trump stole the 2016 election.


However.....every single tweet claiming the 2020 election was stolen FROM Trump is censored.

Its not like its 50/50....its 0/100. Its not even fucking close.
India told Twitter to go F themselves and even threatened to go after twitter employees if they didn't follow government laws. Whether I agreed with their laws or not, isn't the issue. Twitter is the issue.

America needs India as an ally far more than it needs Twitter, so no one in media or government spoke out against the threat. The CEO spoke up, but was mocked for being a clearly hypocritical fake.

A company which has spit on the First Amendment, while assisting in the GOP in their demise, with nary a peep from GOP, even as they and their supporters are impacted. It's why a fighter like Trump endeared himself so much with GOP voters and other don't understand why. They view the rest as weak, passive and submissive to social media and other foreign enemies. Sort of like Canadian police.
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Pelosi didn't give a speech at the Capital then have DemoKKKrats attack the Capital and try to kill the Vice President.

Trump did...that is why he got banned. Inciting violence and insurrection.

Nope...not guilty.

It was Kamala who encouraged the rioting by ANTIFABLM.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.
Flashback: Twitter Had Zero Problems When Pelosi Said ‘Our Election Was Hijacked’
It probably had something to do with Pelosi not repeating it 10,000 times a day, for months, to assemble and whip-up a crowd into a mad frenzy of Insurrection.

Your Orange Turd, on the other hand, did just that, and got people killed and over 140 law enforcement officers maimed and injured in the process.

Apples and Oranges... you Disingenuous Dip$hit.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.

How dare you bring up truth in a conspiracy that is real. Stop it. :9:
Flashback: Twitter Had Zero Problems When Pelosi Said ‘Our Election Was Hijacked’
It probably had something to do with Pelosi not repeating it 10,000 times a day, for months, to assemble and whip-up a crowd into a mad frenzy of Insurrection.

Your Orange Turd, on the other hand, did just that, and got people killed and over 140 law enforcement officers maimed and injured in the process.

Apples and Oranges... you Disingenuous Dip$hit.
You turds did repeat that OVER 10,000 times. day for 4 years moron. Gee dipshit, YOUR side encouraged BLM and Pantifa riots that killed a lot more people, caused millions in damages, and ruined hundreds of businesses. With full encouragement of Dems. You disingenuous fucktard.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.

Yes! Do you know Algore won Florida? Global warming will be irreversible by 2012 and the pee pee tapes have been found?
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.

Yes! Do you know Algore won Florida? Global warming will be irreversible by 2012 and the pee pee tapes have been found?
Did you know Mexico is paying for the wall, we have zero cases of coronavirus, and North Korea dropped off ballots in Maine?
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.

Yes! Do you know Algore won Florida? Global warming will be irreversible by 2012 and the pee pee tapes have been found?
Did you know Mexico is paying for the wall, we have zero cases of coronavirus, and North Korea dropped off ballots in Maine?

You see, my post worked because the MSM told you those false stories. I'll give you mexico but it's a stretch.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.

Yes! Do you know Algore won Florida? Global warming will be irreversible by 2012 and the pee pee tapes have been found?
Did you know Mexico is paying for the wall, we have zero cases of coronavirus, and North Korea dropped off ballots in Maine?

You see, my post worked because the MSM told you those false stories. I'll give you mexico but it's a stretch.

The voices in your head are lying to you again.
It would be easier to have a conversation if Democrats could grasp the idea of different opinions, but they can't. Every disagreement is considered a lie by Democrats. If I say I think lower taxes can stimulate the economy, the Democrat won't say I don't think so. He'll say that's a lie. And then the conversation ends.
Pelosi didn't give a speech at the Capital then have DemoKKKrats attack the Capital and try to kill the Vice President.

Trump did...that is why he got banned. Inciting violence and insurrection.

And a new Attorney General will be in town soon, with a newly staffed DOJ, and then Trump, and anyone remotely complicit, that includes Republicans in Congress, are about to get some fun times.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Twitter, the NY TIMES, Wash Post and every major newspaper in the US & around the world; every network newscast - with the exception of Fox - is fake. Imagine how the hundreds of thousands of journalists are able to conspire to express the same lies for decades.

Limbaugh is the evil genius, and made millions fucking over democracy in America and having three failed marriages as well as a number of bedding under age girls in foreign nations.
How did limbaugh fuck over democracy in your world?

Post some evidence of your accusation he had sex with under age girls.
DemonRats, the MSM, and the left give hypocrites a bad name.

May 16, 2017, Pelosi tweeted from her account @SpeakerPelosi, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Twitter was nowhere to be found; no stamps of disapproval, no markings of “factually incorrect” warnings. Clearly, Twitter took no offense to potential lies coming from liberal or Democrat accounts.
Fast forward to 2020 and the content of Pelosi’s tweet is exactly what Democrats, liberals and big tech are silencing. There is just one difference: conservative voices. Pelosi herself has thwarted all acts of Congress to protect election integrity; the very thing she herself asked for in 2017 stating very clearly “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy.”Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord
Twitter Suspends ‘Expert Witness’ Same Day As Testimony in Arizona Election Integrity Hearing | The Jeffrey Lord

Twitter’s fake and disingenuous excuse that Trump was “inciting violence” as the justification to shut him down is quite obvious when you look at some of the accounts they did not suspend. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei who has countless times called for the literal destruction of Israel and repeatedly threatened western nations did not make Twitter’s list of “inciting violence” list.[/b][/indent]

Pelosi's comments had the added benefit of being truthful. As was born out in the Mueller and Senate reports.
She was not truthful which is not to say trump was either. They both lied.

The mueller and senate reportts proved the collusion story was false

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