Five pali's Killed, Another Critically injured, No Israeli's Casualties

Israeli settlements, by their very existence, have caused – and continue to bring about – untold pain and suffering to the Jewish People....These Jews are making a life-changing decision - surely, if one were to succeed in at least introducing doubt into their minds, they might think twice.

Nice unquoted, unlinked garbage. So you're claiming the arab muslims weren't attacking jews before 1967? Is that really your claim, idiot chimp?
The Current Violence in the Holy Land, and the Path to Peace | True Torah Jews
Um , its from a Jewish faith website. Stick that up your arse you stupid fucker.
Israeli forces on Sunday shot and injured a 14-year-old Palestinian girl near Hebron city's Ibrahimi Mosque after an alleged attempted stabbing attack in the southern occupied West Bank, an Israeli police spokesperson said.

Local Palestinian sources provided a conflicting report, and told Ma'an the 14-year-old was with her sister, and neither had attempted an attack when the girl, identified as Yasmin Rashad al-Zarou was shot.

Um. Isn't that the knife under the wheel of the vehicle in the video?
The Current Violence in the Holy Land, and the Path to Peace | True Torah Jews
Um , its from a Jewish faith website. Stick that up your arse you stupid fucker.

Never claimed it wasn't, mentally ill turd.

Re-read my post, idiot. As I said, the VAST majority of jews are NOT anti-zionist, and the few morons that you found that are anti-zionist:

1-are countered by the 99% of other jews
2-are using an out-dated persepctive on the commandments
3-live in Israel and are welfare recipients, which eliminates their credibility to where it almost reaches yours - NONE.

It has not gone unnoticed how you keep changing the topic; it shows what a weak, unintelligent piece of shit you are as you are totally incapable of defending your claims, which crumble EVERY TIME they are challenged. You in way over your head, dogshit.

In addition, I read that webpage link, and there are so many lies/falsehoods I wouldn't even know where to start, and here is a particularly stupid one:

"All of this changed with the advent of Zionism. Zionism brought heartbreak for Jews in all places where peace once reigned between Jew and Arab, like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. And certainly in Palestine, the situation changed to one of tension and hatred, occasionally erupting into actual bloodshed."

This is ABSOLUTELY FALSE, and anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the mideast knows that there have been relentless attacks on jews by arab muslims for over 1,000 years. This site is so full of shit I wonder if that group is actually arab muslims pretending to be jews - it wouldn't be the first time that the arab filth has done something like that.

And you are a stupid, lazy, worthless, cu-t for even trying to use it as a supportive link. What an idiot.
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The Current Violence in the Holy Land, and the Path to Peace | True Torah Jews
Um , its from a Jewish faith website. Stick that up your arse you stupid fucker.

Never claimed it wasn't, mentally ill turd.

Re-read my post, idiot. As I said, the VAST majority of jews are NOT anti-zionist, and the few morons that you found that are anti-zionist:

1-are countered by the 99% of other jews
2-are using an out-dated persepctive on the commandments
3-live in Israel and are welfare recipients, which eliminates their credibility to where it almost reaches yours - NONE.

It has not gone unnoticed how you keep changing the topic; it shows what a weak, unintelligent piece of shit you are as you are totally incapable of defending your claims, which crumble EVERY TIME they are challenged. You in way over your head, dogshit.

In addition, I read that webpage link, and there are so many lies/falsehoods I wouldn't even know where to start, and here is a particularly stupid one:

"All of this changed with the advent of Zionism. Zionism brought heartbreak for Jews in all places where peace once reigned between Jew and Arab, like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. And certainly in Palestine, the situation changed to one of tension and hatred, occasionally erupting into actual bloodshed."

This is ABSOLUTELY FALSE, and anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the mideast knows that there have been relentless attacks on jews by arab muslims for over 1,000 years. This site is so full of shit I wonder if that group is actually arab muslims pretending to be jews - it wouldn't be the first time that the arab filth has done something like that.

And you are a stupid, lazy, worthless, cu-t for even trying to use it as a supportive link. What an idiot.
Ok - you must be correct cos you are REALLY ANGRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sad but true Israel.

Its a start. Israel as a country needs to stop playing nice guy and put an end to nonsense.

28 shot just today. How much longer is Israel going to let this go on.
The Current Violence in the Holy Land, and the Path to Peace | True Torah Jews
Um , its from a Jewish faith website. Stick that up your arse you stupid fucker.

Never claimed it wasn't, mentally ill turd.

Re-read my post, idiot. As I said, the VAST majority of jews are NOT anti-zionist, and the few morons that you found that are anti-zionist:

1-are countered by the 99% of other jews
2-are using an out-dated persepctive on the commandments
3-live in Israel and are welfare recipients, which eliminates their credibility to where it almost reaches yours - NONE.

It has not gone unnoticed how you keep changing the topic; it shows what a weak, unintelligent piece of shit you are as you are totally incapable of defending your claims, which crumble EVERY TIME they are challenged. You in way over your head, dogshit.

In addition, I read that webpage link, and there are so many lies/falsehoods I wouldn't even know where to start, and here is a particularly stupid one:

"All of this changed with the advent of Zionism. Zionism brought heartbreak for Jews in all places where peace once reigned between Jew and Arab, like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. And certainly in Palestine, the situation changed to one of tension and hatred, occasionally erupting into actual bloodshed."

This is ABSOLUTELY FALSE, and anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the mideast knows that there have been relentless attacks on jews by arab muslims for over 1,000 years. This site is so full of shit I wonder if that group is actually arab muslims pretending to be jews - it wouldn't be the first time that the arab filth has done something like that.

And you are a stupid, lazy, worthless, cu-t for even trying to use it as a supportive link. What an idiot.
Ok - you must be correct cos you are REALLY ANGRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's not anger, that's reality.
I dont advocate killing anybody. Why would you assume that ?

You support those who are trying to do just that and then turn around and try to claim you aren't supporting it?

It never fails to amaze me how the illiberal portion of the left can advocate one thing and in the next breath deny they have just done so. The stupid double talk is so ingrained, it is like some giant assembly line is producing clone after clone of utterly vapid automatons programmed to say the same stupid things.

If Israelis were killed this Prick would be handing out the Candy !
Damn! You are like that Sirloin Steak that keeps on giving!
I love it!

I am like a hammer, whose sole existence is to crush and destroy the jew-hating filth and shit that permeates this forum, and elsewhere on the internet - and I am not even jewish.

You see my sig?

Most of the scum listed there who made a habit of attacking Israel has either left the forum due to my withering attacks or were banned because they could not handle my firepower and stay within the rules. Looks like there are a few new heads for the guillotine showing themselves in this thread.
You have names of Banned members in your sig, thats against the rules
Unlike yourself I can see both sides to the story.Palestinians will have to compromise to reach a settlement.It would also be better for them to sit down and talk because a few kids throwing rocks is no match for a well armed and trained modern army.
On the other hand you are happy to see people killed as some sort of macho,sicko ideology.

Do you actually think anybody is going to buy this? Talking out of both sides of your mouth is hardly the same as seeing both sides of the story.

Some day, perhaps you can learn the relationship between cause and effect. Palestinians trying to kill Jews using any means at their disposal is the cause. Taking action against such attempts is the effect.

The true sickness lies in the pathology of these Arabs who view the murder of Jews as their highest achievement in life.
Not even Jewish people believe your nonsense.

The People of Israel oppose the so-called "State of Israel" for four reasons:

FIRST -- The so-called "State of Israel" is diametrically opposed and completely contradictory to the true essence and foundation of the People of Israel, as is explained above. The only time that the People of Israel were permitted to have a state was two thousand years ago when the glory of the creator was upon us, and likewise in the future when the glory of the creator will once more be revealed, and the whole world will serve Him, then He Himself (without any human effort or force of arms) will grant us a kingdom founded on Divine Service. However, a worldly state, like those possessed by other peoples, is contradictory to the true essence of the People of Israel. Whoever calls this the salvation of Israel shows that he denies the essence of the People of Israel, and substitutes another nature, a worldly materialistic nature, and therefore sets before them, a worldly materialistic "salvation," and the means of achieving this "salvation" is also worldly and materialistic i.e. to organize a land and army. However, the true salvation of the People of Israel is to draw close to the Creator. This is not done by organization and force of arms. Rather it is done by occupation to Torah and good deeds.

SECOND -- Because of all of this and other reasons the Torah forbids us to end the exile and establish a state and army until the Holy One, blessed He, in His Glory and Essence will redeem us. This is forbidden even if the state is conducted according to the law of the Torah because arising from the exile itself is forbidden, and we are required to remain under the rule of the nations of the world, as is explained in the book VAYOEL MOSHE. If we transgress this injunction, He will bring upon us (may we be spared) terrible punishment.

THIRD -- Aside from arising from exile, all the deeds of the Zionists are diametrically opposed to the Faith and the Torah. Because the foundation of the Faith and Torah of Israel is that the Torah was revealed from heaven, and there is reward for those who obey it and punishment for those who transgress it. The entire People of Israel is required to obey the Torah, and whoever doesn't want to, ceases to be part of the congregation of Israel.

FOURTH -- Aside from the fact that they themselves do not obey the Torah they do everything they can to prevent anyone they get under their power from fulfilling the commands of the Torah, the claims to freedom of religion are lies. They fight with all of their strength to destroy the Faith of Israel.

Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to the Zionist State

Oh, that's rich -- the 100 lunatics of the Neturei Karta represent the opinion of 16 million Jews, now.

The utter desperation of useful idiots like Tommy is utterly laughable.

Who cares what this Pricksays? Just one more reason why there will Never be " The two State Solution"
Earlier, the Israeli army said troops shot and killed two Palestinian teenagers who were throwing stones at cars in the occupied West Bank after coming under fire from one of them. Reuters

Killed for throwing stones at cars.What a proud day for the Israeli state.

The article didn't make it clear how they (the Palestinians) "opened fire" on the troops. Usually, that expression means that the assailants had guns. BTW, huge rocks thrown at cars can make them swerve and crash, causing bodily injury and/or death.
Some kids throwing stones were gunned down by soldiers.They realised it might look bad and invented a story about the teenagers shooting at them. FACT.

And the truth is they were shot in self defence when they opened fire on the Israelis. So the Israeli's didn't need to invent anything at all as the truth comes out eventually
I dont advocate killing anybody. Why would you assume that ?

You support those who are trying to do just that and then turn around and try to claim you aren't supporting it?

It never fails to amaze me how the illiberal portion of the left can advocate one thing and in the next breath deny they have just done so. The stupid double talk is so ingrained, it is like some giant assembly line is producing clone after clone of utterly vapid automatons programmed to say the same stupid things.
Unlike yourself I can see both sides to the story.Palestinians will have to compromise to reach a settlement.It would also be better for them to sit down and talk because a few kids throwing rocks is no match for a well armed and trained modern army.
On the other hand you are happy to see people killed as some sort of macho,sicko ideology.

So you still peddle the islamonazi propaganda version of what happened, even after being shown the real story. You know what this tells the rest of the world, that you will use any LIE to demonise the Jews.
Damn! You are like that Sirloin Steak that keeps on giving!
I love it!

I am like a hammer, whose sole existence is to crush and destroy the jew-hating filth and shit that permeates this forum, and elsewhere on the internet - and I am not even jewish.

You see my sig?

Most of the scum listed there who made a habit of attacking Israel has either left the forum due to my withering attacks or were banned because they could not handle my firepower and stay within the rules. Looks like there are a few new heads for the guillotine showing themselves in this thread.
You have names of Banned members in your sig, thats against the rules

You go off topic and deflect every time another story is shown to be islamonazi propaganda, isnt this also against the rules. Now get back on track and discuss the killing of Palestinian terrorists and what Israel should be doing when faced with increasing attacks.
Sad but true Israel.

Its a start. Israel as a country needs to stop playing nice guy and put an end to nonsense.

28 shot just today. How much longer is Israel going to let this go on.
israel shoots 28 people and you feel bad for israel?
israel shoots 28 people and you feel bad for israel?

Oh i get it, the scumbag thinks that the number of injured/killed/casualties is an indicator of which side is in the right/wrong, got it...

So according to this moron, in WW2 Germany lost millions while the US only 400,000, so Germany was the real victim there as compared to the US.

I am sure your deep intelligence brought you many accolades during your formative years; it is reflected here with your fantastic posts which add so much depth to the conversation.
israel shoots 28 people and you feel bad for israel?

Oh i get it, the scumbag thinks that the number of injured/killed/casualties is an indicator of which side is in the right/wrong, got it...

So according to this moron, in WW2 Germany lost millions while the US only 400,000, so Germany was the real victim there as compared to the US.

I am sure your deep intelligence brought you many accolades during your formative years; it is reflected here with your fantastic posts which add so much depth to the conversation.
you find it morally acceptable to kick people off their land? morally acceptable to enter that camp for an unknown reason, disrupt the lives of people there, and fire live ammunition at people because rocks are thrown?
israel shoots 28 people and you feel bad for israel?

Oh i get it, the scumbag thinks that the number of injured/killed/casualties is an indicator of which side is in the right/wrong, got it...

So according to this moron, in WW2 Germany lost millions while the US only 400,000, so Germany was the real victim there as compared to the US.

I am sure your deep intelligence brought you many accolades during your formative years; it is reflected here with your fantastic posts which add so much depth to the conversation.
you find it morally acceptable to kick people off their land? morally acceptable to enter that camp for an unknown reason, disrupt the lives of people there, and fire live ammunition at people because rocks are thrown?

It looks like you've bought into the pali diatribe hook line and sinker.

The only people kicked off their land was the Jews, both in Europe and in the Arab world. Millions were forced to leave their homes.

The Arabs within the mandate area however, if they left their homes at all, did so because of a war the Arab League started and as a response to Arab League warnings to do so. Possibly as many as 100,000 were forced to leave and another 400,000 Arabs within the mandate area voluntarily did so.


The Israeli's are well within their rights to enter any pali enclave and conduct security sweeps. They are actually slacking on their obligation to segregate combatants from protected persons. Something the UNWRA should have done in accordance with UN protocols of neutrality but has refused to do.


Something else that seems to be a point of confusion is that the host nation is not required to cede land to those its offering aid to. Israel is under no restraints from entering its own land.

According to the mandate, everything west of the Jordan is available for the creation of a national Jewish homeland.


Also see
Palestine Mandate - Wikisource, the free online library

So while the emotional response does tend to lend itself to the immediate situation a more rational understanding of events leads to an entirely different conclusion.

The Arab Muslims are simply continuing a war THEY STARTED in 1948 and as such MUST be treated as a hostile force until such time as all if any civilian elements can be segregated from combatants in accordance with the Geneva conventions.


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