Five minutes of hate on NPR radio “Tribal News”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.
No idea what triggered you.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.
Do you know why the reservations suck so bad? Its the same reason any community sucks anywhere in the world... its because their culture sucks. Sucky cultures produce sucky people, consistently.
The world is full of countries that were founded by conquerors and invaders. The same is true of the indigenous people who preceded the Europeans in the America's. These people were engaged in hunting and primitive farming; when the soil was exhausted and the game became rare, they moved someplace and tried to conquer the people who lived there. They either were defeated, they conquered, or they combined and inter-bred. The Europeans merely carried out the program that had existed here previously, albeit with better weapons.

When you are conquered you can either assimilate, leave, or remain and try to be a thorn in the side of the conquerors. There is nothing noble about refusing to assimilate. Your life usually ends up a shit-show (e.g., the Palestinians and the Native Americans and the indigenous people in Canada).

In the U.S. and Canada, many good Christian people tried to force assimilation on unwilling populations, and "we" are supposed to feel "bad" about that. I refuse. It was well-intended and probably brought about more good than bad. "Indian" casino's aside, somebody please point me to a successful community of indigenous people. There are none, and there is a good reason for that. Their culture was garbage, and produces nothing but superstitious fools who never accomplish anything.

Oops. Did that sound "racist"? Sorry.
Indigenous populations can't be allowed to thrive, thus the conditions that lead to early mortality.
Do you know why the reservations suck so bad? Its the same reason any community sucks anywhere in the world... its because their culture sucks. Sucky cultures produce sucky people, consistently.
Most NDN cultures/economies were subsistence, or 'hand-to-mouth'. That won't work today.
The world is full of countries that were founded by conquerors and invaders. The same is true of the indigenous people who preceded the Europeans in the America's. These people were engaged in hunting and primitive farming; when the soil was exhausted and the game became rare, they moved someplace and tried to conquer the people who lived there. They either were defeated, they conquered, or they combined and inter-bred. The Europeans merely carried out the program that had existed here previously, albeit with better weapons.

When you are conquered you can either assimilate, leave, or remain and try to be a thorn in the side of the conquerors. There is nothing noble about refusing to assimilate. Your life usually ends up a shit-show (e.g., the Palestinians and the Native Americans and the indigenous people in Canada).

In the U.S. and Canada, many good Christian people tried to force assimilation on unwilling populations, and "we" are supposed to feel "bad" about that. I refuse. It was well-intended and probably brought about more good than bad. "Indian" casino's aside, somebody please point me to a successful community of indigenous people. There are none, and there is a good reason for that. Their culture was garbage, and produces nothing but superstitious fools who never accomplish anything.

Oops. Did that sound "racist"? Sorry.
Not racist at all that’s common sense and a quality understanding of history.

Most of us, Americans care deeply about our fellow Americans. And the far left wing like Kamala Harris engages in division of racism all the time. They get up in front of the camera and these are millionaires by the way, and they are trying to divide Americans by race. But we the American people will not stand for it

We oppose racism and except common sense.

What is multi millionaire politicians in celebrities want are for the working class whites and blacks to hate each other so they can keep the middle class down and enslaved. It’s modern day slavery. That’s a form of modern day slavery notice how I use the term modern day because when you have a working class, Mom, working three jobs supporting for kids at home because there’s a deadbeat piece of you know what dad. And she have to rely on government assistance. That’s a modern day slavery right there.

There are white people, Black people, immigrants in Native Americans in this country who have to work three even for jobs and they have to rely on government assistance like food stamps, and all that stuff that’s a form of slavery. This wasn’t like this in the 1950s even the 1970s.

I can see that the far left wing never has any solutions. All they ever do is complain. Complaining and more complaining. How about bring for some solutions. Be proud of where you come from. Be respectful to other people. This idea that BLM wants is for all white people to hate themselves and feel bad for Black people. That’s a disgrace to the great honorable history of Africa.

the fact is that the African, the Indian in the European built their own societies. This was a beautiful thing. But the far left Democrats want to say something else and their neoconservative Ally’s want to say “ the white man oppressed.”





You for know what I’m talking about. These damn politicians trying to divide us. We won’t let it happen.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.
Actually the vast majority of NPR is funded by donations from people like me, as well as those of much greater wealth. I didn't hear the little 5 minute segment, but doubt it was anything earth-shattering, and yes, Native American tribes and that their people have suffered at the hands of our government, is true.

That said, my only gripe is the control and manipulation that has made the repeated attacks on sports team's historic names, use of which has always been honoring proud heritage, not belittling a conquered people.
The world is full of countries that were founded by conquerors and invaders. The same is true of the indigenous people who preceded the Europeans in the America's. These people were engaged in hunting and primitive farming; when the soil was exhausted and the game became rare, they moved someplace and tried to conquer the people who lived there. They either were defeated, they conquered, or they combined and inter-bred. The Europeans merely carried out the program that had existed here previously, albeit with better weapons.

When you are conquered you can either assimilate, leave, or remain and try to be a thorn in the side of the conquerors. There is nothing noble about refusing to assimilate. Your life usually ends up a shit-show (e.g., the Palestinians and the Native Americans and the indigenous people in Canada).

In the U.S. and Canada, many good Christian people tried to force assimilation on unwilling populations, and "we" are supposed to feel "bad" about that. I refuse. It was well-intended and probably brought about more good than bad. "Indian" casino's aside, somebody please point me to a successful community of indigenous people. There are none, and there is a good reason for that. Their culture was garbage, and produces nothing but superstitious fools who never accomplish anything.

Oops. Did that sound "racist"? Sorry.
The Seneca tribal casino here in Buffalo is a disgrace. So check this out they have a Union but they don’t let black Americans and white American workers join the union. You have to be a part of the Seneca nation. Straight up racism and discrimination.

And the Seneca tribe leaders (multi millionaires, ) bitch and moan when a non-native tries to open the casino. Our government lets This happen. Republicans let this happen Democrats let this happen.

If a white man or black man want to open a casino next-door to an Indian casino, they should be allowed to, …this ain’t a free country like it used to be
Actually the vast majority of NPR is funded by donations from people like me, as well as those of much greater wealth. I didn't hear the little 5 minute segment, but doubt it was anything earth-shattering, and yes, Native American tribes and that their people have suffered at the hands of our government, is true.

That said, my only gripe is the control and manipulation that has made the repeated attacks on sports team's historic names, use of which has always been honoring proud heritage, not belittling a conquered people.
Thanks for the response as always hope you’re doing well because I respect you. Here in America white people suffered, Black people suffered, immigrant suffered Native American suffered. The struggle is real. We’re all equal.

NPR still have some good segments and I support them because they had some amazing documentaries from the 1980s and 1990s.

Recently, NPR has turned to the far left material…many of their hosts have, and it’s anti-Americanism. It’s creating hatred and division in this country riling people up for no good reason. We need to help uplift every American talk about the struggle that whites, blacks, immigrants, the Native Americans go through.
NPR is in Part funded by the US government. They are to be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this one’s great program.

NPR used to be this amazing thing where you got to hear from all Americans now it is a far left wing rag and it is rightfully labeled as state propaganda by Twitter. They are to be ashamed of themselves. God bless all the people who work at NPR in the 1980s and 1990s.

Let’s make NPR great again
NPR is in Part funded by the US government.

In other words, us suckers.

NPR used to be this amazing thing where you got to hear from all Americans


I had to stop listening to it even before I got MAGA redpilled.

NPR became unlistenable pretty much once Trump became President.

OK, probably long before that - but they weren't doing the fucking BIPOC/LGBTQ+ "reimagining" shit yet.

All you have to do to be an NPR anchor is have excellent diction, clear your throat or mumble every few moments - and then talk absolute nonsense.

Oh, but they sound so smart. The content of what they're saying is secondary!

Just intolerable (and intolerant) pablum.

Let’s make NPR great again

Or we could just pull the proverbial plug.
How's that democrat inflation working our for them?

As good as obamacare? :dunno:
Good point whatever happened to Obamacare?

Just as RhodyPatriot said NPR is unbearable. Hit the nail on the head. They literally have segments where they bring on trans people to talk about how men can breast-feed and all this other garbage. Now even in the 90s and early 2000s we had equal rights for everyone in this country. NPR was making some good segments back then

One segment NPR recently did was total made up propaganda about “hatred against trans people”. How does that make any sense when celebrities and major corporations in other words multi millionaires are going way out of their way to give jobs to people not based on merit, but based on their sexuality how they look. With NPR it’s not about equal rights they are engaging in propaganda talking about things that make no sense.
Good point whatever happened to Obamacare?

Just as @rowdypatriot said NPR is unbearable. Hit the nail on the head. They literally have segments where they bring on trans people to talk about how men can breast-feed and all this other garbage. Now even in the 90s and early 2000s we had equal rights for everyone in this country. NPR was making some good segments back then but now from N

One segment NPR recently did was total made up propaganda about hatred against trans people. How does that make any sense when celebrities and major corporations in other words multi millionaires are going way out of their way to give jobs to people not based on merit, but based on their sexuality how they look. With PR it’s not about equal rights they are engaging in propaganda talking about things that make no sense.
Maybe we can have a mass euthanization of liberals. Problem solved.
Maybe we can have a mass euthanization of liberals. Problem solved.
I hear your frustration, and I have seen the far left wing say much more controversial things than you said above.

I would not wish Harm upon my worst enemy. Going by the teachings of Jesus

To your point, I still believe that it’s only a small portion of Democrats in America that support the far left iow..that support the racism that Kamala Harris, BLM, the multi millionaire politicians and celebrities, engage in to try and divide us. They’re trying to divide the working class people of America. And I don’t think we’re gonna let it happen.

You know this country’s been through a lot of challenges, the dust bowl two bloody world wars, the great depression we got through all of them. I think we will get past this cancel culture thing this racism from Democrats in America, the insanity from the media and from NPR, for example….

The challenge that today’s population is facing tho is quite different from that of the 1940s, there’s antidepressants there’s legalized marijuana today there’s Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. …all this poses a challenge to overcome these obstacles, but I think we the American people can overcome the obstacles and we will come out ahead.

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