FIVE % growth 3rd quarter- Want to act like Americans yet, haters?

The Dishonest and Lying Leftists, and a corrupt and Manipulating government IS the new normal under the Obamanation!

Here Is The Reason For The "Surge" In Q3 GDP

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/23/2014 09:25 -0500

Back in June, when we were looking at the final Q1 GDP print, we discovered something very surprising: after the BEA had first reported that absent for Obamacare, Q1 GDP would have been negative in its first Q1 GDP report, subsequent GDP prints imploded as a result of what is now believed to be the polar vortex. But the real surprise was that the Obamacare boost was, in the final print, revised massively lower to actually reduce GDP!
This is how the unprecedented trimming of Obamacare's contribution to GDP looked like back then.

Of course, even back then we knew what this means: payback is coming, and all the BEA is looking for is the right quarter in which to insert the "GDP boost". This is what we said verbatim:
Don't worry thought: this is actually great news! Because the brilliant propaganda minds at the Dept of Commerce figured out something banks also realized with the stub "kitchen sink" quarter in November 2008. Namely, since Q1 is a total loss in GDP terms, let's just remove Obamacare spending as a contributor to Q1 GDP and just shove it in Q2.
Stated otherwise, some $40 billion in PCE that was supposed to boost Q1 GDP will now be added to Q2-Q4.
And now, we all await as the US department of truth says, with a straight face, that in Q2 the US GDP "grew" by over 5% (no really: you'll see).
Well, we were wrong: it wasn't Q2. It was Q3, albeit precisely in the Q2-Q4 interval we expected.
Fast forward to today when as every pundit is happy to report, the final estimate of Q3 GDP indeed rose by 5% (no really, just as we predicted), with a surge in personal consumption being the main driver of US growth in the June-September quarter. As noted before, between the second revision of the Q3 GDP number and its final print, Personal Consumption increased from 2.2% to 3.2% Q/Q, and ended up contributing 2.21% of the final 4.96% GDP amount, up from 1.51%.
So what did Americans supposedly spend so much more on compared to the previous revision released one month ago? Was it cars? Furnishings? Housing and Utilities? Recreational Goods and RVs? Or maybe nondurable goods and financial services?
Actually no. The answer, just as we predicted precisely 6 months ago is... well, just see for yourselves......

Here Is The Reason For The Surge In Q3 GDP Zero Hedge


Most useless.



Is that your way of saying "damn it, they have the facts straight."
Zero Hedge is a financial news website. The writers all write under the pseudonym of "Tyler Durden", Brad Pitt's character from Fight Club. Each post comes with a little black and white icon of Brad Pitt's head. On Zero Hedge you can read news, rumors, facts, figures, off-the-cuff analysis, and political screeds (usually anti-Obama, anti-government, and pro-hard money). On the sidebars, you can click on ads for online brokerages, gold collectibles, and The Economist.

The site is a big fat hoax. And if you read it for anything other than amusement, you're almost certainly a big fat sucker.
Noahpinion How Zero Hedge makes your money vanish
It ain't happening and it's got nothing to do with partisan bullshit...both statist parties and their corporate cronies are responsible for this mess. If you want to see, you have to either open your eyes, pull your head out of your ass, or at least install a plexiglass belly button.
You bet it is. I'm going to take a big fat nap right now and sleep so good that I'll probably have a wet dream. Good nite and stop the drugs.

We had a record year last year and again this year...yet I can still see there is no overall recovery, that the "markets" and the numbers are rigged more than ever and that our current course is unsustainable. Enjoy your nap in Uranus.
Hey asshole! I fucking agree with you. Are you on your fucking period? Shit.

No you don't, you seem to think that we are on the cusp of some economic good times that have only been stopped by Obama and his BS. That is incorrect. We are on the cusp of disaster and Obama is just the latest in moron to oversee our journey there. Pull your head out of your ass and take off the partisan blinders...they are not helpful.

You'll find that most of the turds in here just want to say "republicans" or Obama or "liberal" etc... That's what most of the posters here are - relentless partisan hacks that have no substance to their stance.

Just take a look at rightwinger, there. Perfect example of a moron that runs his fingers nonstop here on the board and hasn't said shit worth reading yet.

But I'm the most popular poster on USMB
The big mistake the opening post made was not whining. The new Right only likes whining. So when there is good news, they still have to whine.

Oh, awesome. A smear tactic for lack of being able to rebuttal the information at hand.

Where have I seen that before?

"Information at hand?" BWA-HA-HA!
I guess you should have thought twice about trying to blame anything and everything bad in the last 6 years on Obama.

Now you either have to apply your same standard to the good news, which is to credit Obama with all of it, or,

you can add to your image as a two-faced partisan imbecile.

This pretty much wins the thread.

The hacks have been attributing way too much power to Obama all these years. Whenever anything anywhere went wrong, it was always somehow Obama's fault.

A puppy got run over in Peoria! Our crack team of investigators have found the driver once attended an Al Gore rally 14 years ago. Therefore, Obama ordered him to run over that puppy!

Now that something good happens, it can't possible be attributable to Obama in any way.

The hypocrisy just screams at you.

No denying that PCE is up. What the article fails to highlight, though, is the significance of gov't deficit spending on GDP. In 1900, government spending accounted for about 7% of GDP. Now, it's pushing toward 40%.

$trillion deficits automatically raise GDP, even if that spending is wasteful and inefficient. The latest spending bill, passed by the Senate, gives the Pentagon a $64 billion raise. Big banks got big gifts. Seemingly, everyone in government got piles of Xmas presents, and cash for pet projects in the bill. Whether that's good or bad, it will fuel GDP growth.

GDP is a tricky stat. It can rise due to inflation, gov spending, or any number of reasons, not all of them good. The devil is in the details.
You bet it is. I'm going to take a big fat nap right now and sleep so good that I'll probably have a wet dream. Good nite and stop the drugs.

We had a record year last year and again this year...yet I can still see there is no overall recovery, that the "markets" and the numbers are rigged more than ever and that our current course is unsustainable. Enjoy your nap in Uranus.
Hey asshole! I fucking agree with you. Are you on your fucking period? Shit.

No you don't, you seem to think that we are on the cusp of some economic good times that have only been stopped by Obama and his BS. That is incorrect. We are on the cusp of disaster and Obama is just the latest in moron to oversee our journey there. Pull your head out of your ass and take off the partisan blinders...they are not helpful.

You'll find that most of the turds in here just want to say "republicans" or Obama or "liberal" etc... That's what most of the posters here are - relentless partisan hacks that have no substance to their stance.

Just take a look at rightwinger, there. Perfect example of a moron that runs his fingers nonstop here on the board and hasn't said shit worth reading yet.

But I'm the most popular poster on USMB
Sorry dude after tonight I took that title.

Oh, awesome. A smear tactic for lack of being able to rebuttal the information at hand.

Where have I seen that before?

"Information at hand?" BWA-HA-HA!

Yes, as in the BEA final tally which is cited in the piece. The fact that you have nothing, isn't really all that shocking though, g5000. You spend most of your time here trying to make yourself look intelligent. Once again, it has failed you miserably.
You bet it is. I'm going to take a big fat nap right now and sleep so good that I'll probably have a wet dream. Good nite and stop the drugs.

We had a record year last year and again this year...yet I can still see there is no overall recovery, that the "markets" and the numbers are rigged more than ever and that our current course is unsustainable. Enjoy your nap in Uranus.
Hey asshole! I fucking agree with you. Are you on your fucking period? Shit.

No you don't, you seem to think that we are on the cusp of some economic good times that have only been stopped by Obama and his BS. That is incorrect. We are on the cusp of disaster and Obama is just the latest in moron to oversee our journey there. Pull your head out of your ass and take off the partisan blinders...they are not helpful.

You'll find that most of the turds in here just want to say "republicans" or Obama or "liberal" etc... That's what most of the posters here are - relentless partisan hacks that have no substance to their stance.

Just take a look at rightwinger, there. Perfect example of a moron that runs his fingers nonstop here on the board and hasn't said shit worth reading yet.

But I'm the most popular poster on USMB

Oh, sure. Among the bottom feeders you're a very popular bottom feeder. I'm sure of it.
Lefties think we worship Putin because THEY worship Obama. It aint like that at all.
Better article at ZeroHedge:
Fed Tightening On Deck After Q3 GDP Soars To 5 On Revisions Highest Since 2003 Zero Hedge
The drivers: unprecedented revisions to Personal Consumption which supposedly rose by 3.2% in Q3 as opposed to the 2.2% prior reported, and 2.5% expected. Consumption accounted for 2.21% of the final 5.0% GDP print: this was the highest since Q4 2010 when it rose 2.8%. In fact, everything was revised higher: fixed investment rose 1.21% compared to the 0.97% reported previously; private inventories were virtually unchanged after allegedly subtracting 0.6% from growth in the original Q3 GDP estimate; net trade was unchanged adding 0.77% to GDP and finally the government boosted GDP a little as well, contributing 0.8%.

In other words, it is all downhill from here.

ZeroHedge is the most useless "financial" web site around.

Just sayin'.
What are the Financial Websites you go to or use? (If any)

One question...answer this and you can claim this is a good thing for ALL Americans.
All of the "growth" that has occurred in the past 6 years...where did the monetary benefit of that growth go? Who has benefited?
Where is all of the money from all of this seemingly fantastic growth??
From 2009-2014..........
The top 7% wage earners in America have seen an AMAZING 33% increase in income. Unbelievable growth.
The rest of us...that is the remaining 93% of people who have jobs mind you - working Americans...have suffered a 5% decline in wages. At the same time healthcare cost has soared. the same time, the welfare numbers have grown by 43,000,000 people!!
See this is the problem with you Obama cheerleaders. You guys are not smart enough to realize, or stuck so far up his ass you can't see, that virtually all of the growth that has occurred is NOT BENEFITING 98% of the population.
There has never been a time in American history where it is this good to be rich. They are enjoying phenomenal economic times.
We are not.
Liberals are supposed to be for the little people think Republicans are for "big business" and don't care about the little guy.
Proof is in the pudding - there has never been a better friend to Wall Street and super corporations than Barrack Obama.

One question...answer this and you can claim this is a good thing for ALL Americans.
All of the "growth" that has occurred in the past 6 years...where did the monetary benefit of that growth go? Who has benefited?
Where is all of the money from all of this seemingly fantastic growth??
From 2009-2014..........
The top 7% wage earners in America have seen an AMAZING 33% increase in income. Unbelievable growth.
The rest of us...that is the remaining 93% of people who have jobs mind you - working Americans...have suffered a 5% decline in wages. At the same time healthcare cost has soared. the same time, the welfare numbers have grown by 43,000,000 people!!
See this is the problem with you Obama cheerleaders. You guys are not smart enough to realize, or stuck so far up his ass you can't see, that virtually all of the growth that has occurred is NOT BENEFITING 98% of the population.
There has never been a time in American history where it is this good to be rich. They are enjoying phenomenal economic times.
We are not.
Liberals are supposed to be for the little people think Republicans are for "big business" and don't care about the little guy.
Proof is in the pudding - there has never been a better friend to Wall Street and super corporations than Barrack Obama.

But look at the jobs data. It's been good, right? Once again, the devil is in the deets. Hospitality and restaurant jobs aren't much to get excited over, even if they bring the unemployment figure down.
We're watching Russia collapse but the RWs still worship Pootin.

Thank you Mr President.
The collapsing ruble and the rising dollar are going to have far reaching fallout that may be very negative for a lot of countries, and probably not a few hedge funds and other financial institutions. Hopefully none of them are systemic risks.
Do you guys have zero hedge bookmarked so you can go there ASAP to get your marching orders every time the GDP and jobs numbers are released?

Better to be like you and swallow what is fed to you by the corporate media hook, line and sinker, right?
Better than some dude writing a blog from his bunker.

Thanks for showing the world that you have never been to zero hedge. Speaking from obvious ignorance makes you look dumber than the bunker.

I used to read it every day. They are a bunch of gold bug nutters who've been completely and spectacularly wrong about the market and the economy for years. They have been totally useless, and have lost people money during a powerful bull market.

ZeroMoney is what you'll have if you listen to them for too long.
We're watching Russia collapse but the RWs still worship Pootin.

Thank you Mr President.
The collapsing ruble and the rising dollar are going to have far reaching fallout that may be very negative for a lot of countries, and probably not a few hedge funds and other financial institutions. Hopefully none of them are systemic risks.

A strong dollar is good for the financial system. It means capital is flowing into the country.
We had a record year last year and again this year...yet I can still see there is no overall recovery, that the "markets" and the numbers are rigged more than ever and that our current course is unsustainable. Enjoy your nap in Uranus.
Hey asshole! I fucking agree with you. Are you on your fucking period? Shit.

No you don't, you seem to think that we are on the cusp of some economic good times that have only been stopped by Obama and his BS. That is incorrect. We are on the cusp of disaster and Obama is just the latest in moron to oversee our journey there. Pull your head out of your ass and take off the partisan blinders...they are not helpful.

You'll find that most of the turds in here just want to say "republicans" or Obama or "liberal" etc... That's what most of the posters here are - relentless partisan hacks that have no substance to their stance.

Just take a look at rightwinger, there. Perfect example of a moron that runs his fingers nonstop here on the board and hasn't said shit worth reading yet.

But I'm the most popular poster on USMB

Oh, sure. Among the bottom feeders you're a very popular bottom feeder. I'm sure of it.

My posts are celibrated far and wide
Do you guys have zero hedge bookmarked so you can go there ASAP to get your marching orders every time the GDP and jobs numbers are released?

Better to be like you and swallow what is fed to you by the corporate media hook, line and sinker, right?
Better than some dude writing a blog from his bunker.

Thanks for showing the world that you have never been to zero hedge. Speaking from obvious ignorance makes you look dumber than the bunker.

I used to read it every day. They are a bunch of gold bug nutters who've been completely and spectacularly wrong about the market and the economy for years. They have been totally useless, and have lost people money during a powerful bull market.

ZeroMoney is what you'll have if you listen to them for too long.

That has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the content regarding this thread holds merit. Anyone who takes advice from any one source in markets is looking to end up losing their ass.

It means nothing to say it in here. The reality of the situation regarding the 5% Q3 growth is that it's essentially an accounting trick. You can even see it in the BEA. If one chooses to do the work rather than try to shoot the messenger.

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