Fitness/Physique DeLorean?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Depictions of humanoids in fantastic or expressive poses have reflected a social interest in the experience of vitality and fitness.

In modern times, we see consumerism culture imprinted onto fitness-lifestyle merchandise/gear companies such as Fabletics and Lady Foot Locker.

Folk tales about incredible creatures/beings in expressive stance or adventurous humans in meditative symbolic body positions/orientations (e.g., Peter Pan, RoboCop) signify a social appreciation of physique imagination.

Such imagination is important in our modern age of electronic living and tech-dependency.

The characterizations of beautiful mermaids (e.g., Ariel) and isolated jungle explorers (e.g., Tarzan) equally represent storytelling investments in civilization characterizations of physique primal vitality.

How can we therefore coordinate yoga-like wisdom with modernism fitness? The answer to such a question can help us appreciate the modern intellectual value of relevant 'perfectionism-gymnasium' films such as Johnny Mnemonic and The Abyss.


ARIEL: The human body is a symbol of praise.
TARZAN: It is also a symbol of strength.
ARIEL: The fluidity of the oceans reminds us of the dynamic quality of evolution.
TARZAN: The density of the jungle reminds us of the appeal of primalism.
ARIEL: We see beauty in the skyline of impressive cities...
TARZAN: We see wonders in the architecture of Olympics stadiums...
ARIEL: We must be wary of the 'serpent of steroids.'
TARZAN: Yes, we must avoid the dangers of synthetics.
ARIEL: There's nothing wrong with herbal medicine and even virtual reality technologies!
TARZAN: I myself am a big fan of IMAX movie theaters and 3D viewing experiences!
ARIEL: There is a 'dark side' to physique conditioning.
TARZAN: Yes, there is a 'vanity' to the meditation on physical experience (relevant to modernism!).
ARIEL: That's why we should appreciate the spiritual value of Facebook and Starbucks.
TARZAN: Yes, certain consumerism-lifestyle 'conveniences' afford us wiggle-room to appreciate the 'grid.'
ARIEL: That's why I like the Woody Allen futurama film Sleeper.
TARZAN: That's why I like the Ridley Scott creature-condition film Alien.



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