FISA court blocks FBI agents linked to Carter Page probe from seeking wiretaps

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
You guys can hope it goes away, but the fun is just starting.

FISA court blocks FBI agents linked to Carter Page probe from seeking wiretaps, other surveillance

FBI officials involved in the wiretapping of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page have been blocked, at least temporarily, from appearing before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in regard to other cases, in rebuke that exceeded the remedial recommendations made by the independent monitor recently appointed by the court.


Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence to support a slew of Steele dossier claims, including that ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen traveled to Prague as part of a conspiracy with Russian hackers, that Page had received a large payment relating to the sale of a share of a Russian oil giant, that Russia was running a disinformation campaign through a nonexistent consulate in Miami, or that Russians possessed lurid blackmail material on the president.

"Omissions of material fact were the most prevalent and among the most serious problems with the Page applications," Boasberg wrote. The judge pointed out that the inspector general had found that the FBI did not disclose to the court that it knew Page had a prior relationship with another intelligence agency from 2008 to 2013 -- a period in which Page had voluntarily told the agency that he had contacts with Russians.

Instead, the FBI's FISA application made Page's Russian contacts seem furtive and undisclosed, even though Page had reported them.

Most egregiously, Boasberg noted, "when pressed by the FBI declarant about the possibility of a prior relationship between Page and the other agency during the preparation of the final application in June 2017, the FBI OGC [Office of General Counsel] attorney added text to an email from the other agency stating that Page was not a source."


The last sentence here is interesting-
"FBI personnel under disciplinary review in relation to their work on FISA applications accordingly should not participate in drafting, verifying, reviewing, or submitting such applications to the Court while the review is pending," Boasberg wrote. "The same prohibition applies to any DOJ attorney under disciplinary review, as well as any DOJ or FBI personnel who are the subject of a criminal referral related to their work on FISA applications."
They only blocked it because the FISC knows we are on to them!

At least one FISA judge was in on the coup attempt and they are going to be exposed whether they like it or not!
So, does this mean they are admitting all four fisc’s should have never been issued? I know there was news on the last two. Does this include the first two they still had to review?
Wonder who has criminal referrals? Obviously more than one.
This is interesting, from the report-
FBI also said that it would require "all information known at the time of the request and bearing on the reliability of a CHS whose information is used to support the FISA application is included in the FISA Request Form and verified by the CHS handler." OIG Rpt. app. 2 at 428. Yet the revised request form does not include these requirements.

same ol, same ol...
Wonder who has criminal referrals? Obviously more than one.
You could take your pick of about a dozen names, starting with the
attorney who altered the email and under who's request he did it. You've got Comey up to his neck in all of it, Brennan and Clapper.... and how soon did Mueller know before he launched a 2 year bogus investigation that hurt many people ?? Then there's Stzrok, Ohr, McCabe, Lynch, Rice, even Obama himself could be in some hot water , which for obvious national security reasons, etc, won't likely amount to much. He's awfully quiet lately though.
I’m surprised there seems to be so little interest in this. Sad, really.
I just wish the Durham report would come out soon.
(From October, 2019)
A new question about the mysterious Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud is: What did he say on a taped deposition handed to the team of special Justice Department investigator John Durham?

Mr. Mifsud is a subject on Mr. Durham’s agenda. The Washington Times reported that Mr. Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, obtained two Mifsud BlackBerry cellphones. Stephan Roh, Mr. Mifsud’s attorney, told The Times he provided the deposition recording to Mr. Durham’s team in midsummer.

Mr. Mifsud’s April 2016 conversation with a Trump associate ignited the FBI’s long Trump-Russia probe. In May 2018, Mr. Mifsud sat in Mr. Roh’s law office in Zurich recounting his time as an academic traveling in Europe, from London to Rome to Paris to Moscow.
I’m surprised there seems to be so little interest in this. Sad, really.
I just wish the Durham report would come out soon.
It's not too surprising with all the other stuff going on, which only makes it easier
for the media to downplay it when it does come down. You can imagine how anxious the president is to be truly fully exonerated in all this.
I just wish the Durham report would come out soon.

Me too...But if arrests begin before the election I'm afraid the MSM could spin it & hurt repub's in the election.


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