First travel ban Jan 27th, raid on Yemen Jan 28th, Ryan Owens killed


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
(Trump is ultimately responsible. He was Commander in Chief at the time. Obviously the Al Qaeda knew the attack was coming. Maddow talked about the link on last night MSNBC, did someone pissed about the travel ban alert the Al Qaeda compound? How did they know? )

US official told ABC News that SEAL Team Six members took a Marine MV-22 from a Gulf of Aden-based ship, the USS Makin Island, to get to the compound on a moonless night.

SEAL Team Six is the US Navy's special forces team that gained worldwide fame for killing Osama bin Laden.

That source told ABC that with armed drones above, the SEALs got to the compound where they were instantly met with heavy fire - and it was obvious that al Qaeda compound fighters had been expecting the Americans.

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(Trump is ultimately responsible. He was Commander in Chief at the time. Obviously the Al Qaeda knew the attack was coming. Maddow talked about the link on last night MSNBC, did someone pissed about the travel ban alert the Al Qaeda compound? How did they know? )

US official told ABC News that SEAL Team Six members took a Marine MV-22 from a Gulf of Aden-based ship, the USS Makin Island, to get to the compound on a moonless night.

SEAL Team Six is the US Navy's special forces team that gained worldwide fame for killing Osama bin Laden.

That source told ABC that with armed drones above, the SEALs got to the compound where they were instantly met with heavy fire - and it was obvious that al Qaeda compound fighters had been expecting the Americans.

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Anyone who has been specially picked and specially trained knows that bullets fly both ways.

It is just as Herodotus said --

In peacetime sons bury their fathers.

In war fathers bury their sons.
(Trump is ultimately responsible. He was Commander in Chief at the time. Obviously the Al Qaeda knew the attack was coming. Maddow talked about the link on last night MSNBC, did someone pissed about the travel ban alert the Al Qaeda compound? How did they know? )

US official told ABC News that SEAL Team Six members took a Marine MV-22 from a Gulf of Aden-based ship, the USS Makin Island, to get to the compound on a moonless night.

SEAL Team Six is the US Navy's special forces team that gained worldwide fame for killing Osama bin Laden.

That source told ABC that with armed drones above, the SEALs got to the compound where they were instantly met with heavy fire - and it was obvious that al Qaeda compound fighters had been expecting the Americans.

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The question is: How did they know an attack was coming?
Libs dismissed this as fiction when I posted cause most likely they are connected to the treason
(Trump is ultimately responsible. He was Commander in Chief at the time. Obviously the Al Qaeda knew the attack was coming. Maddow talked about the link on last night MSNBC, did someone pissed about the travel ban alert the Al Qaeda compound? How did they know? )

US official told ABC News that SEAL Team Six members took a Marine MV-22 from a Gulf of Aden-based ship, the USS Makin Island, to get to the compound on a moonless night.

SEAL Team Six is the US Navy's special forces team that gained worldwide fame for killing Osama bin Laden.

That source told ABC that with armed drones above, the SEALs got to the compound where they were instantly met with heavy fire - and it was obvious that al Qaeda compound fighters had been expecting the Americans.

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The question is: How did they know an attack was coming?

Democrat voters are too dumb to connect the dots, Duke.....tell 'em: the Obama government is infected with pro-Islamist, just as he is.
"A U.S. Official told ABC news"....what's wrong with that statement? It's an example of either fake news or treason lite. Bill Clinton's splendid little war in Bosnia in the late 90's, after he was literally caught with his pants down and while 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the U.S., met with little scrutiny from the MSM and no unidentified or unverified "informants". Bill Clinton's authorization to bomb a defenseless country in Europe resulted in anywhere from a low estimate of 500 civilians killed by horrific "daisy cutter bombs" to a high estimate of 5,000. Nobody in ABC or NBC or CBS or MSNBC or CNN or PBS criticized president Clinton's reckless "wag the dog" military adventure at the time.

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