First report: Terror attack against Jewish civilians near Itamar

Two Dual citizens America/Israeli moved to the occupied territories, they must have known the risks involved

RACIST TROLLING again you have no proof that they were dual nationality apart from your own RACIST HATRED
Eitam was a son of Rabbi Yehuda and Chana Henkin, who moved to Eretz Yisroel from the United States in the 1970s
TERROR RETURNS: Harav Eitam and Naama Henkin Hy”d: Couple Shot Dead In Car In Northern Samaria, Four Children Rescued | Matzav
Two Dual citizens America/Israeli moved to the occupied territories, they must have known the risks involved

RACIST TROLLING again you have no proof that they were dual nationality apart from your own RACIST HATRED
Eitam was a son of Rabbi Yehuda and Chana Henkin, who moved to Eretz Yisroel from the United States in the 1970s
TERROR RETURNS: Harav Eitam and Naama Henkin Hy”d: Couple Shot Dead In Car In Northern Samaria, Four Children Rescued | Matzav

So where does it say they had dual nationality then ?
Here’s how Israeli justice works. Extremist settlers set a Palestinian family’s home ablaze, immolate three of its members in cold blood, seriously burn a fourth, and remain free to kill again because they’re not arrested - despite Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon admitting authorities know who’s responsible.

Settlers terrorize Palestinians daily, commit violence and vandalism, desecrate Islam’s third holiest site (the Al Aqsa Mosque) at their discretion, aided by rampaging soldiers and police, and remain free to commit more criminal acts.

Palestinian children throwing stones in self-defense, responding to Israeli security forces or settlers’ violence, face up to 20 years in prison, their families subject to stiff fines they can’t afford to pay.

On Thursday, a shooting incident killed two settlers, a husband and wife in their car. Their children with them at the time weren’t harmed. They’re orphaned like countless nameless, faceless Palestinian children no one gives a damn about, many of them maimed by Israeli aggression.

One or more assailants responsible for Thursdays incident remain unknown - Palestinians automatically blamed despite no evidence proving it or the precise motive for the attack.

Was it a random crime? Were both parents targeted? If so, why? Whenever an incident like this happens, Israeli hysteria follows. Security forces rampage through Palestinian communities violently, making random arrests, imposing curfews and lockdowns, terrorizing thousands of innocent people. - See more at: Israel Terrorizes Palestinians After Two Settlers Shot
I guess you meant, Coyote, the reaction in which Palestinian glorify and praise this murder compared to when Jews condemned the other....?

No. Just tired of the way stuff gets commented on. I deleted my comment because it doesn't add anything beneficial to the conversation. When something horrible happens to a Palestinian there seems little sympathy, as is portrayed in this thread. I could just be my perspective which is rather jaded. I don't think any of it should be glorified, there is no glory in killing civilians and children. There is no compassion in blaming the victims who had nothing to do with what happened, like the horrible arson that claimed 3 innocent people and there are still no arrests. I am sure this case will be cleaned up much faster and likewise, we will now see more Palestinians shot for throwing stones but not Jews even though they both hurt and injure innocent people. That is what I'm guessing.

On one point, I think you are very, very right: there is no glory in murdering anyone, especially civilians, especially children.

There is probably less sympathy for palestinians because the sheer number of palestinian attacks against Israeli Jews so very much outnumbers anything that anyone could ever accuse the IDF of. And when a palestinian dies, Israeli Jews don't go dancing in the streets. Palis do. One system teaches pure, unbridled hatred of "the other", while "the other" defends itself.
Here’s how Israeli justice works. Extremist settlers set a Palestinian family’s home ablaze, immolate three of its members in cold blood, seriously burn a fourth, and remain free to kill again because they’re not arrested - despite Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon admitting authorities know who’s responsible.

Settlers terrorize Palestinians daily, commit violence and vandalism, desecrate Islam’s third holiest site (the Al Aqsa Mosque) at their discretion, aided by rampaging soldiers and police, and remain free to commit more criminal acts.

Palestinian children throwing stones in self-defense, responding to Israeli security forces or settlers’ violence, face up to 20 years in prison, their families subject to stiff fines they can’t afford to pay.

On Thursday, a shooting incident killed two settlers, a husband and wife in their car. Their children with them at the time weren’t harmed. They’re orphaned like countless nameless, faceless Palestinian children no one gives a damn about, many of them maimed by Israeli aggression.

One or more assailants responsible for Thursdays incident remain unknown - Palestinians automatically blamed despite no evidence proving it or the precise motive for the attack.

Was it a random crime? Were both parents targeted? If so, why? Whenever an incident like this happens, Israeli hysteria follows. Security forces rampage through Palestinian communities violently, making random arrests, imposing curfews and lockdowns, terrorizing thousands of innocent people. - See more at: Israel Terrorizes Palestinians After Two Settlers Shot

And still no evidence to prove this is the case, yet you constantly push the racist claim as if it was fact. Knowing and proving are two different things.

How is it self defence to initiate violence by throwing stones and petrol bombs, the laws of the occupied territories rulers are in place and that is the punishment for throwing stones. Would you prefer hamas justice and have them beaten sodomised with metal poles dragged behind motorbikes and finally cut into pieces and thrown out with the rubbish

Yes a terrorist attack and the children were injured, the scum that did this will face life in prison if they are ever caught, and their families will be paid a "pension" from my taxes. It was not Israeli aggression that has injured Palestinians but Palestinian aggression that has been responded to. What parent would send their children out to defend rocket launchers knowing that they might never see them again.

Palestinian area that no Jew would be allowed to even walk through, so the chances they are Palestinian is about 100%.

No it was a planned terrorist murder, the reason they were Jews and so should be killed. I agree that the security forces should rampage through Palestinian communities, should impose curfews with a shoot to kill policy in place for those breaching the curfew. There should be a total lockdown and again a shoot to kill policy. The Palestinians terrorise themselves all the time so they are used to it.

I guess you meant, Coyote, the reaction in which Palestinian glorify and praise this murder compared to when Jews condemned the other....?

No. Just tired of the way stuff gets commented on. I deleted my comment because it doesn't add anything beneficial to the conversation. When something horrible happens to a Palestinian there seems little sympathy, as is portrayed in this thread. I could just be my perspective which is rather jaded. I don't think any of it should be glorified, there is no glory in killing civilians and children. There is no compassion in blaming the victims who had nothing to do with what happened, like the horrible arson that claimed 3 innocent people and there are still no arrests. I am sure this case will be cleaned up much faster and likewise, we will now see more Palestinians shot for throwing stones but not Jews even though they both hurt and injure innocent people. That is what I'm guessing.

On one point, I think you are very, very right: there is no glory in murdering anyone, especially civilians, especially children.

There is probably less sympathy for palestinians because the sheer number of palestinian attacks against Israeli Jews so very much outnumbers anything that anyone could ever accuse the IDF of. And when a palestinian dies, Israeli Jews don't go dancing in the streets. Palis do. One system teaches pure, unbridled hatred of "the other", while "the other" defends itself.

I would implement the bible/torah and have an eye for an eye and for every shot fired at Israel one would be fired back. No more ceasefires until the P.A. sits down and talks peace and mutual borders. Any outward show of unbridled pleasure at the deaths of innocents should result in the ICC/ICJ dishing out fines and prison sentences for the culprits, and it should be made a war crime to do so.
I wish israeli's the same "measured term's" in the near future

That is if the Palestinian can manage to get the weapons to do so, at the moment they struggle with out of date semi automatics and suitcase bombs past their sell by date.
Devil's Advocate but isn't every Israeli future military, current military, ex-military, or current reserves? Israeli 'civilian' is something of a misnomer.

Tinmore would have agreed with that self-loathing comment.
Well, the fourth Geneva Convention says that the nationals of an occupying power are not considered civilians.


No it doesn't say that at all, want to post the section in full so we can all see how you LIE ?
I have many times but Zionists have this inherent ability to never learn anything.

That said, why would anyone move into Israel's war zone and expect to be safe?

That's stupid.

In other words you cant find those exact words in G.C. 4 so instead you make a childish attack to hide your abject failure
Oh jeese, if it is not Israeli Propaganda you people don't know anything about it.

Even when the definition of protected persons is set out in this way, it may seem rather complicated. Nevertheless, disregarding points of detail, it will be seen that there are two main classes of protected person: (1) ' enemy nationals ' within the national territory of each of the Parties to the conflict and (2) ' the whole population ' of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power).
Tinmore would have agreed with that self-loathing comment.
Well, the fourth Geneva Convention says that the nationals of an occupying power are not considered civilians.


No it doesn't say that at all, want to post the section in full so we can all see how you LIE ?
I have many times but Zionists have this inherent ability to never learn anything.

That said, why would anyone move into Israel's war zone and expect to be safe?

That's stupid.

In other words you cant find those exact words in G.C. 4 so instead you make a childish attack to hide your abject failure
Oh jeese, if it is not Israeli Propaganda you people don't know anything about it.

Even when the definition of protected persons is set out in this way, it may seem rather complicated. Nevertheless, disregarding points of detail, it will be seen that there are two main classes of protected person: (1) ' enemy nationals ' within the national territory of each of the Parties to the conflict and (2) ' the whole population ' of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power).

Still cant see where it says that Israeli civilians are not civilians and protected by the GC 4 articles as you claimed. In fact in your cut and paste there is no sign of the word CIVILIAN in any context.

Caught out again
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
Thank you. It is not rocket science.
I suspect there are many things you cant see or understand, but reality wont change just for you

  • B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.

Do you have a problem in reading English, there is no mention of the word CIVILIAN

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