First kidney grown from stem cell


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Kidney grown from stem cells by Australian scientists - Telegraph

Scientists in Australia have grown the world's first kidney from stem cells – a tiny organ which could eventually help to reduce the wait for transplants.

The breakthrough, published in the journal Nature Cell Biology, followed years of research and involved the transformation of human skin cells into an organoid – a functioning "mini-kidney" with a width of only a few millimetres.

Scientists are hoping to increase the size of future kidneys and believe the resulting organs will boost research and allow cheaper, faster testing of drugs. Within the next three to five years, the artificial organs could be used to allow doctors to repair damaged kidneys within the body, rather than letting diseases develop before proceeding with a transplant.

"This is the first time anybody has managed to direct stem cells into the functional units of a kidney," Professor Brandon Wainwright, from the University of Queensland, told The Telegraph. ...

Professor Melissa Little, from the University of Queensland, said scientists could try to grow full-grown kidneys for transplants or even "clusters of mini kidneys" that could be transplanted to boost patients' renal functions. But she told The Australian she believed such developments were still more than a decade away.

I think the lady wrong; we will see full grown kidney transplant experiments by 2030, and in the market by 2035.
My son works at an iPSC Lab, it's science fiction. Because they use the donors own skin cells the manufactured kidney cells are an exact DNA match and shouldn't be rejected. However, what they've found instead is that the genetically engineered cells have an as yet unidentified fail safe system to prevent mutations and will spontaneously revert back to skin cells some not insignificant percent of the time
My son works at an iPSC Lab, it's science fiction. Because they use the donors own skin cells the manufactured kidney cells are an exact DNA match and shouldn't be rejected. However, what they've found instead is that the genetically engineered cells have an as yet unidentified fail safe system to prevent mutations and will spontaneously revert back to skin cells some not insignificant percent of the time

I have heard that, but from what I have read over the last year or so, they have ways of making the changes permanent or starting with different stem cells, like stem cells of that particular tissue and these have no issues of reverting.
Aren't they making kidneys with 3D printers now?

3D-printed kidneys take small steps toward organ replacements | Fox News

Atala helped pioneer the idea of building artificial scaffolds in the shapes of organs and seeding them with living cells in the lab. That allowed his team to create and implant tissue-engineered bladders into seven young volunteers in 1999. Now he has set his sights on the more challenging task of building more complex organs such as kidneys with the help of 3D printing the process he demonstrated with the 3D-printed model in the shape of a kidney in front of the TED crowd in 2011. [7 Cool Uses of 3D Printing in Medicine]

But the hype surrounding the futuristic idea of bioprinting can prove misleading. News headlines mistakenly reported that Atala had held up a real living kidney on the TED stage in 2011. This year, breathless news reports also overhyped the work of a Chinese team at Hangzhou Dianzi University of Electronic Science and Technology that had 3D-printed a mass of living cells in the shape of a miniature kidney.

"They printed the shape of it, but they're not printing at the level of individual cells yet," said Stuart Williams, executive and scientific director of the Cardiovascular Innovation Institute in Louisville, Ky. "That's one of the limitations of 3D printing."
Very good progress, really, being made on all fronts for organ replacements. Who knows, if I can make it another 20 years, I can get a few worn out parts replaced, and harrass you 'Conservatives' for another 30 years.
Very good progress, really, being made on all fronts for organ replacements. Who knows, if I can make it another 20 years, I can get a few worn out parts replaced, and harrass you 'Conservatives' for another 30 years.

We'll use atmospheric CO2 to manufacture the organs. 2 Birds, 1 stone
Very good progress, really, being made on all fronts for organ replacements. Who knows, if I can make it another 20 years, I can get a few worn out parts replaced, and harrass you 'Conservatives' for another 30 years.

More like 130, OR.

And you have been harassing conservatives?

All this time now I thought you merely had a drinking problem, now I know it was deliberate! lolol
2035 errr maybe as usual. And we'll all be dead.

I'll take two.

If you can afford it. Otherwise:

[ame=]Repo Men clip: Frank Sells a Pancreas - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds like a business opportunity.
I'm an organ donor. Sez so on my drivel's licensee.

I know I am a debil for suggesting this, but you might want to look at the dark side of organ donation.

By being a donor you are giving the hospitals, which make a lot of money on your organs, an incentive to let you die or even kill you in the harvesting procedure itself, ALL THE TIME WITH NO PAIN KILLERS. Think about that a moment. You could be conscious but unable to open your eyes, feeling all the pain of the harvesting or your organs till you finally die. I think I would rather munch on broken glass.

Organ Donation Did a Doctor Speed a Patient's Death? - Scandals & Feuds, Real People Stories :

St. Joe's "dead" patient awoke as docs prepared to remove organs |

Alliance for Human Research Protection - US Organ Harvesting in "Not Yet Dead" patients

Mother speaks out against organ harvesting - (Organ Donation & Transplant Facts)

Just Before Organ Harvesting, Comatose Patient Recovers | Daily News |
I'm an organ donor. Sez so on my drivel's licensee.

I know I am a debil for suggesting this, but you might want to look at the dark side of organ donation.

By being a donor you are giving the hospitals, which make a lot of money on your organs, an incentive to let you die or even kill you in the harvesting procedure itself, ALL THE TIME WITH NO PAIN KILLERS. Think about that a moment. You could be conscious but unable to open your eyes, feeling all the pain of the harvesting or your organs till you finally die. I think I would rather munch on broken glass.

Organ Donation Did a Doctor Speed a Patient's Death? - Scandals & Feuds, Real People Stories :

St. Joe's "dead" patient awoke as docs prepared to remove organs |

Alliance for Human Research Protection - US Organ Harvesting in "Not Yet Dead" patients

Mother speaks out against organ harvesting - (Organ Donation & Transplant Facts)

Just Before Organ Harvesting, Comatose Patient Recovers | Daily News |

All reasons why I would not be an organ donor.

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