First grader sent to office for 'misgendering' fellow student


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Just what in the hell is going on with this world? China must be laughing their asses off, this is just absurd.

The school should be called out for the insensitive nature in which they a grade one student who wouldn't know any better. As for the kid who ratted her out, I smell a future lifetime of weak character and cowardice due to their upbringing of manufactured victimhood. You can be sure the parents encouraged their kid to rat out anyone who dare call him (her?) by his former gender name.

Sent to the principals office? :ack-1:

First grader sent to office for 'misgendering' fellow student

A first grader at a California charter school was sent to the principal’s office this week after she accidentally “misgendered” a classmate in what’s being called a “pronoun mishap.”

The incident occurred at Rocklin Academy, a school roiled by controversy after a kindergarten teacher led an in-class discussion on transgenderism that included a “gender reveal” for a little boy who was transitioning to a little girl.

For kindergartners.

Parents were furious because they were not informed in advance and were not given the chance to opt their five-year-olds from the classroom transgender activity. However, school leaders informed moms and dads – they were not allowed to opt-out – and the state did not require them to notify parents.

The latest incident occurred during the first week of school when a first grader came across a classmate on the playground. She called the student by his given name – apparently unaware that the boy now identified as a girl.

“This innocent little first grader sees a classmate, calls him by the name she knew him last year and the boy reports it to a teacher,” Capitol Resource Institute’s Karen England told me. “The little girl gets in trouble on the playground and then gets called out of class to the principal’s office.”

Capitol Resource Institute is a California-based public policy group that specializes in strengthening families. And they are working with a number of parents at Rocklin Academy upset about the LGBT agenda being forced on their children.

I reached out to Rocklin Academy numerous times, but they did not return my calls.
It's a charter school. It's a PRIVATELY run school.

obviously a PROGRESSIVE one.

If you don't like their ideals then don't send your kids to it. Send them to a NORMAL STATE school or a religious private school, or a CHARTER SCHOOL who's ideals YOU AGREE WITH.


My guess is that it's a petty, in-community drama. Either some of the mothers are Terfys (feminists who hate transgendered females) OR it's a squabble over the harshness of the treatment of the student who misgendered.

It has nothing to do with conservative people or values. It's a far left internal VERY LOCAL, slight drama.

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