Firing Mueller would be the ultimate obstruction of justice act....

Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
Yeah, and we all know trump would never lie.


Dickless wonder. After eight years of Obama, suddenly this is a standard for you. Grow up, little boy. The partisan hackery is pathetic. A standard is something you apply to yourself first. You don't apply this to your side at all.

The last President who was mostly truthful was Reagan. The best you can say for Trump is he probably means what he says when he says it. The rest in both parties just lied
GOP frauds need to make up their minds...

did the previous administration not do enough to protect the country from russia?

or did the previous administration overstep their bounds by warranted surveillance of russians...?

Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

You thought Trump was going to release his tax returns? Why would he do that?

Try reading my post again

I read your post. He said he would. Of course, as much as he lies, I guess it is silly to believe anything he might say.
He doesn't have to fire anyone, just call for a Second Special Counsel to investigate what Obama and some party members were doing during the last administration, oh, and only hire lawyers who are Trump loyalists, and you will see their backs to the wall.
Oh, you mean form a Putin style authoritarian oligarchy and prosecute phantom crimes against "Enemies of the State" ?

The Clown-in-Chief already has a 1+ year start on that type of "freedom"!
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

You thought Trump was going to release his tax returns? Why would he do that?

His voters released him from that promise
Releasing tax returns is a campaign ploy and those of us who supported Trump told him not to release them.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.

Since Trump has done everything he said he wouldn't do, and has now recorded over 3000 lies since taking office, there is nothing that is fake news regarding this grifter.
Exactly who is recording these lies? Can you list them and prove each was a lie or are you just pooping stuff out yer butt?

2000 in less than a year - adding 4 months would indeed make it around 3000.

The clip is a prolific 5.6 a day!

347 days. 1,950 misleading or outright false claims. 1 Donald Trump. - CNNPolitics
We readily see our beloved Trump "floating" the idea of his firing Mueller and gauging what the popular reaction would be.......

Confidants of Trump tacitly acknowledge that such an action is being contemplated, while Trump's lawyers label such an action as false.

DiGenova's appointment partially supports the idea of firing the special counsel since, DiGenova is a big advocate of the "deep state" mantra.

Bear in mind that democrats would scream bloody murder is Mueller was indeed fired, that Mueller could actually sue the government over his firing, and that several states would appoint Mueller to pursue (and fund) the on-going investigation.

Firing Mueller would indeed precipitate a constitutional challenge.....What do you think?
Forget about firing Mueller, we need to dismantle the FBI in general. Smoke out the democratic rats nest that it has become.

You mean the investigation being led by a Republican who was appointed by another Republican who had to do so because the other guy who was investigating that was also Republican was fired?

Do you people think anything through, ever?
I read it loud and clear when the Memo was released. Short term memory you have.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

You thought Trump was going to release his tax returns? Why would he do that?

His voters released him from that promise
Releasing tax returns is a campaign ploy and those of us who supported Trump told him not to release them.

He's president of the entire country, not just the 30% who support him.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

EXACTLY - I'm looking for the first move by Friday or Saturday to steal Stormy's interview thunder.
I hope Donny fires Mueller...but only because if he did so, you guys on the Left would go full blown bat shit CRAZY. I think that would be fun to watch.

I hope he does too - it will signal the beginning of his mercifully early departure.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

You thought Trump was going to release his tax returns? Why would he do that?

His voters released him from that promise
Releasing tax returns is a campaign ploy and those of us who supported Trump told him not to release them.

He's president of the entire country, not just the 30% who support him.

Where you get your stats, CNN?
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

You thought Trump was going to release his tax returns? Why would he do that?

His voters released him from that promise
Releasing tax returns is a campaign ploy and those of us who supported Trump told him not to release them.

He's president of the entire country, not just the 30% who support him.

And his tax returns while he is president will be released.
The first one's aren't due until next month.
We readily see our beloved Trump "floating" the idea of his firing Mueller and gauging what the popular reaction would be.......

Confidants of Trump tacitly acknowledge that such an action is being contemplated, while Trump's lawyers label such an action as false.

DiGenova's appointment partially supports the idea of firing the special counsel since, DiGenova is a big advocate of the "deep state" mantra.

Bear in mind that democrats would scream bloody murder is Mueller was indeed fired, that Mueller could actually sue the government over his firing, and that several states would appoint Mueller to pursue (and fund) the on-going investigation.

Firing Mueller would indeed precipitate a constitutional challenge.....What do you think?
Trump should fire him just to watch leftard heads explode.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

"You can keep your doctor, keep your plan". "ISIS is a JV team". "Tell Vladimir I can be more flexible after the election". "Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate to be president we've ever had".
'Firing Mueller would be the ultimate obstruction of justice act....'



NO EVIDENCE of a crime committed warranting an investigation.

NO EVIDENCE of Illegal Collusion ... by TRUMP, his team, and / or the GOP

NO EVIDENCE of helping Russians interfere in 2016

NO EVIDENCE of taking direct payments from Russia (like Hillary from the KGB Bank)

NO EVIDENCE of Crimes committed by Trump


- Protected Hillary from Russian Bribery Indictment
- Best Buds with and Mentor of Comey, Fired FBI Director...involved/involvement in the case

- Handpicked DNC / Hillary Donors
- Handpicked Pro-Hillary Lawyers, 1 is the Clinton Foundation's lawyer
- Not 1 Republican / Un-Biased member

Mueller and his team PROVEN to be ignoring exposed crimes committed by Democrats

-- Leaked classified Info
-- 'Exonerated' Hillary before investigation interviewed witnesses (Obstruction)
-- Ran corrupt / exposed treasonous FBI effort to take Trump down
-- Wife took cash from Hillary (Conflict of Interest)

-- Sedition / Treason exposed (Insurance policy)
-- Wife took Cash rom Hillary
-- Oversaw Clinton Investigation until pressured to step down due to exposed Conflict of Interest

-- Criminal bias and treasonous intent revealed in exposed e-mails to adulterous co-conspirator FBI agent Lover
-- Protected Hillary from Indictment
-- Protected Abedin and mills from Indictment


...and desperate Democrats cling desperately to the hope the President will JUSTIFIABLY fire Mueller and end the political, partisan butt-hurt motivated witch they can hilariously claim it was 'Obstruction'.

'Obstruction' is what DNC Leader Chucky Schumer vowed the Democrats were 100% committed to on Day 1 of Trump
s Presidency. Mueller's witch hunt isn't JUST 'Obstruction', it is an 'organized coup attempt' by seditious, butt-hurt, treasonous Democrats who want to subvert the will of the people because they hate Trump and would rather have a FELON - the worst / most criminal politician in US history as their President because she is a DIMOCRAT.

(If Trump was a Democrat they would be hugging his jock and singing his praises right now. :p )
We readily see our beloved Trump "floating" the idea of his firing Mueller and gauging what the popular reaction would be.......

Confidants of Trump tacitly acknowledge that such an action is being contemplated, while Trump's lawyers label such an action as false.

DiGenova's appointment partially supports the idea of firing the special counsel since, DiGenova is a big advocate of the "deep state" mantra.

Bear in mind that democrats would scream bloody murder is Mueller was indeed fired, that Mueller could actually sue the government over his firing, and that several states would appoint Mueller to pursue (and fund) the on-going investigation.

Firing Mueller would indeed precipitate a constitutional challenge.....What do you think?
I don't see the constitutional challenge unless the dems win the House in Nov. And imo Trump doing this would pretty much insure the dems win the House, and perhaps take the Senate as well, but certainly hold some of those vulnerable seats in red states. I do think that a maj in the Senate would seek disclosure of Mueller's information.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.
trump says a lot of he's gonna release his tax returns......only a sucker believes him.

You thought Trump was going to release his tax returns? Why would he do that?

Try reading my post again

I read your post. He said he would. Of course, as much as he lies, I guess it is silly to believe anything he might say.

What a terrible example of that. If that's true, why can't you give a better example than that? The only people who care about the tax thing are his enemies.

And another dickless leftist who sits through eight years of Obama lies and suddenly this becomes a standard for you.

A real standard is one you apply to your own side first. Your concern over lies is zero. It's just another get Trump thing for you.

Funny, you want to get Trump, and you want to get his daughter ...

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