Fired lesbian police chief gets her job back

The queers demand everyone stay out of their bedroom, but then they have parades and celebrations to make sure everyone knows they're perverse sick creatures.
Fags & lesbos need to make a living too. And if they're doing their job right, who they sleep with shouldn't concern us. Individuals Sex lives shouldn't be a public matter either way.

That's the problem with BLTBBQ's, they just HAVE to make it our business, most of us wish they would shut the fuck up about don't need to go back in the closet. Just keep your business in YOUR bedroom, okay fags & dykes?
said he fired Moore after giving her seven reprimands for questioning authority, failing to maintain order, and other reasons

Wonderful! An idiot who can't follow the rules as police chief! I would love to live there!

That was an excuse. He fired her because she was gay.
This story is hardly newsworthy. Gays, Backs, Muslims, and other minorities are fired daily on trumped up charges of poor performance. I remember years ago being forced by my boss to write up a black kid so he could fire him. He was no better or worst than the other employees. He just happened to be black and the boss didn't want any blacks working for him.

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