Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

Sotomayor wrote the dissent that boils down to the ruling allows people to discriminate against LGBTQX+ etc.

But no, it does not. Gays or anybody else can still walk into any place of business and expect to buy anything the proprietor has for sale.

What it does is protect the proprietor from having to offer products for sale or provide services that are against his/her religious/moral beliefs and he/she does not wish to provide. And hopefully it means that nobody is required to provide products and services that are deeply offensive to them or immoral or improper to them.
Fascism discriminates against minorities.

And the fascist will have a convincing argument to support the discrimination. Eventually there will be no minorities left to discriminate against.

Surely everyone has heard: .................. and then they came for me, and nobody was left................

Sadly, extreme right Americans are making the case against themselves.
Fascism discriminates against minorities.

And the fascist will have a convincing argument to support the discrimination. Eventually there will be no minorities left to discriminate against.

Surely everyone has heard: .................. and then they came for me, and nobody was left................

Sadly, extreme right Americans are making the case against themselves.

Talk about hyperbole.

They can still get websites made, it's not like all website designers are Christian.

This doesn't target actual public accommodations, or point of sale items, just contracted expressions of someone's labor.
Tell us more about why it's just fine to discriminate. Christianity is as good a reason as any!

Tell me why government can force a web designer to either design a website they don't agree with or go out of business.

SSM is against many religious people's beliefs. It's also a new concept that shouldn't be forced on people to this degree.
Talk about hyperbole.

They can still get websites made, it's not like all website designers are Christian.

This doesn't target actual public accommodations, or point of sale items, just contracted expressions of someone's labor.
That's exactly the point. There is no constitutional right to have somebody else design a website for you. Or provide any other product or service for you that would not normally be provided.

A Christian bookstore should not be required to stock books and products promoting or affirming the gay lifestyle or anything else that a particular Christian might not condone. Every person has a constitutional right to believe what they believe so long as they don't force their belief on anybody else in a way that harms that other person. Whether they are right or wrong in their belief is immaterial. They have a right to it.

The gay website designer should not be required to design a website that declares homosexuality a sin either.

Proprietors should be able to offer whatever products and services they choose to offer to ALL customers and should not be required to offer products and services they do not want to offer.
Just in. The Supreme Court just ruled that a Christian graphic artist was not required to work with same sex couples. Does that mean the baker no longer has to bake a wedding cake with designs for a same sex couple?
Means you can put up….We don’t serve gays here signs
Further Satan worshipes have their own religion that is constitutionally protected as much as the Constitution protects the right to Christian beliefs. If the Satanists cannot find anybody to design a website for them, well too bad. They need to get somebody in their group trained to do it themselves or do without.

I hope SCOTUS will stay true to the Constitutional principle that nobody has the right to demand anybody else's time, space, or resources unless that person gives consent.
This doesn't target actual public accommodations, or point of sale items, just contracted expressions of someone's labor.
Most of the leftists here are too stupid to understand the distinction and too dishonest to admit that they would not want to be forced to express opinions they did not support, either.
Tell me why government can force a web designer to either design a website they don't agree with or go out of business.

SSM is against many religious people's beliefs. It's also a new concept that shouldn't be forced on people to this degree.
What it means is that same sex couples can be denied wedding related services by bigoted Conservatives hiding under their Christianity.

No reception hall, invitations, cake, limo, hotel room ….…all in the name of Jesus
Tell us more about why it's just fine to discriminate. Christianity is as good a reason as any!
People discriminate all the time.
If you choose 1 brand over another, have a favorite sport or prefer an orange ot an apple, you have used your own discrimination.

The idea that we are not allowed to discriminate according to our own beliefs/tastes/preferences is the exact slippery slope you are on.
I don't agree with the homo agenda & no one has the right to force me to work for something I oppose
What it means is that same sex couples can be denied wedding related services by bigoted Conservatives hiding under their Christianity.

No reception hall, invitations, cake, limo, hotel room ….…all in the name of Jesus

Again, not like those services are unique, or timely, or only provided by Christians who would deny the work.

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