Finally! - A Social Media App For Disenchanted White Men To Meet Each Other


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Right-wing [pastor] Rick Wiles is launching a social media platform exclusively for disenchanted white men who feel that society is being unfair to them. Wiles revealed on Thursday’s TruNews broadcast that the digital space is designed to “minister to young men, to disciple them, and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe, because especially here in America, a lot of young men feel like they’re under attack, and they are under attack.”

“Where do young men turn to be affirmed in their identity as a male – a straight male living for Christ in a Pagan world – where do they go right now?” It’s a place for other Christian men to congregate with other Christian men -- where there’s nobody attacking them. There’s nobody coming in there calling them a white racist.”

Translation: Wiles’s flock of medieval-minded males feels victimized by social progress and instead of adapting and growing they would rather stew in their own miserable, outdated beliefs.

Finally, a safe space for Christian men.....away from the nagging women, the gays, muslims, Jews, uppity darkies, basically people who aren't real know what I mean -- wink wink, nudge nudge...

For those unfamiliar with Rick Wiles previous work....he is the creator of the far-right Christian news network; TruNews.....He is the same guy who claims Jews want to kill millions of Christians and that the last Trump impeachment was a Jew coup....and sometimes, when you say dumb shit like that; I suppose you need a safe space to go to so you can say dumb like that with other morons who believe dumb shit like that....However, it will only be a matter of time before that site turns into Grindr for Neo-Nazis.
“Where do young men turn to be affirmed in their identity as a male – a straight male living for Christ in a Pagan world – where do they go right now?” It’s a place for other Christian men to congregate with other Christian men -- where there’s nobody attacking them. There’s nobody coming in there calling them a white racist.”
Somebody better keep an eye on this dude. He sounds like he agrees with the ancient Greeks and their practice of taking advantage of young men.

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