Fighting Nazis doesn’t make ‘antifa’ the good guys (article worth reading).


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Wow, well written and a similar opinion that many of us have. Please click the link and click again, Mr. Goldberg deserves some hits on this article as it is so accurate and something far too many; particularly on the left, are not confronting.

To hell with Communists and supremists. Neither of them are good for America or liberty. History has shown this as this article explains.

Fighting Nazis is a good thing, but fighting Nazis doesn’t necessarily make you or your cause good. By my lights this is simply an obvious fact.

The greatest Nazi-killer of the 20th century was Josef Stalin. He also killed millions of his own people and terrorized, oppressed, enslaved or brutalized tens of millions more.

Nazism was evil. Soviet Communism was evil. It’s fine to believe that Nazism was more evil than Communism. That doesn’t make Communism good.

Yet confusion on this point poisoned politics in America and abroad for generations.

Part of the problem is psychological. There’s a natural tendency to think that when people, or movements, hate each other, it must be because they’re opposites. This assumption overlooks the fact that many — indeed, most — of the great conflicts and hatreds in human history are derived from what Sigmund Freud called the “narcissism of minor differences.”

Most tribal hatreds are between very similar groups. The European wars of religion were between peoples who often shared the same language and culture but differed on the correct way to practice the Christian faith. The Sunni-Shia split in the Muslim world is the source of great animosity between very similar peoples.

The young Communists and fascists fighting for power in the streets of 1920s Germany had far more in common with each other than they had with decent liberals or conservatives, as we understand those terms today.

The second part of the problem wasn’t innocent confusion, but sinister propaganda. As Hitler solidified power and effectively outlawed the Communist Party of Germany, the Communist International abandoned its position that socialist and progressive groups that were disloyal to Moscow were “fascist” and instead encouraged Communists everywhere to build “popular fronts” against the common enemy of Nazism.

These alliances of convenience were a great propaganda victory for Communists around the world because they bolstered the myth that Communists were just members of the left coalition in the fight against Hitler, bigotry, fascism, etc.

This obscured the fact that whenever the Communists had a chance to seize power, they did. Often, the first people they killed, jailed or exiled were former allies. That’s what happened in Eastern Europe, Cuba and other places of Communist success.

This history is relevant today because of the depressingly idiotic argument about whether it’s OK to equate “antifa” — left-wing radicals — with the neo-Nazi and white supremacist rabble that recently descended on Charlottesville, Va. The president claims there were “very fine people” on both sides of the protest and that the “anti-fascist” radicals are equally blameworthy. He borrowed from Fox News’ Sean Hannity the bogus term “alt-left” to describe the antifa radicals.

The term is bogus because, unlike the alt-right, nobody calls themselves “the alt-left.” That’s too bad. One of the only nice things about the alt-right is that its leaders are honest about the fact that they want nothing to do with traditional American conservatism. Like the original Nazis, they seek to replace the traditional right with their racial hogwash.

The antifa crowd has a very similar agenda with regard to American liberalism. These goons and thugs oppose free speech, celebrate violence, despise dissent and have little use for anything else in the American political tradition. But many liberals, particularly in the media, are victims of the same kind of confusion that vexed so much of American liberalism in the 20th century. Because antifa suddenly has the (alt-)right enemies, they must be the good guys.

They’re not. And that’s why this debate is so toxically stupid. Fine, antifa isn’t as bad as the KKK. Who cares? Since when is being less bad than the Klan a major moral accomplishment?

In these tribal times, the impulse to support anyone who shares your enemies is powerful. But it’s a morally stunted reflex. This is America. You’re free to denounce totalitarians wherever you find them — even if they might hate the right people.
Everyone should stand up to nazis.
Imagine having to say that in 2017.
Thus the Trump effect.
Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.
Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.

Blame then for what exactly?

A violent racist March where one of them killed a person while trying to kill many others?

I blame the guy who drove the car... was he part of the rally? I dunno. So, now you, you gonna blame Antifa for attacking the protesters? They did just that.

Yes there are pictures of him in the March. When one side is racist and kills a person where to put the blame should be easy...

I dont support any violence.
Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.

Blame then for what exactly?

A violent racist March where one of them killed a person while trying to kill many others?

I blame the guy who drove the car... was he part of the rally? I dunno. So, now you, you gonna blame Antifa for attacking the protesters? They did just that.

Yes there are pictures of him in the March. When one side is racist and kills a person where to put the blame should be easy...

I dont support any violence.
Why was the purported antifa/blm crowd cheering when the car supposedly slammed into the protestors? Curious minds wanna know.

Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.

Blame then for what exactly?

A violent racist March where one of them killed a person while trying to kill many others?

Did that happen before or after they were confronted and attacked by the left? Sometimes the best course of action is taking no action at all, if the left had stayed home there would have been no violence, and if there was there would have been no question who was responsible.

Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.

Blame then for what exactly?

A violent racist March where one of them killed a person while trying to kill many others?

Did that happen before or after they were confronted and attacked by the left? Sometimes the best course of action is taking no action at all, if the left had stayed home there would have been no violence, and if there was there would have been no question who was responsible.

So protesting racism justifies murder? You aren't sounding any better.
Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.

Blame then for what exactly?

A violent racist March where one of them killed a person while trying to kill many others?

Did that happen before or after they were confronted and attacked by the left? Sometimes the best course of action is taking no action at all, if the left had stayed home there would have been no violence, and if there was there would have been no question who was responsible.

So protesting racism justifies murder? You aren't sounding any better.

Violent confrontation can cause people to do things they wouldn't ordinarily do, the left came armored and armed, they weren't there to just protest. That is fact, you can deny it all you want, it won't change reality.

Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.

Blame then for what exactly?

A violent racist March where one of them killed a person while trying to kill many others?

Did that happen before or after they were confronted and attacked by the left? Sometimes the best course of action is taking no action at all, if the left had stayed home there would have been no violence, and if there was there would have been no question who was responsible.

So protesting racism justifies murder? You aren't sounding any better.

Violent confrontation can cause people to do things they wouldn't ordinarily do, the left came armored and armed, they weren't there to just protest. That is fact, you can deny it all you want, it won't change reality.


So again you are justifying a racist murdering a person and trying to kill many.
Why are you guys trying so hard to not blame racist kkk and Nazis? It really does not look good.

Who is trying so hard to not blame the racists? To hell with these sob's. Obviously they are not great guys, but, to pretend that these ANTIFA are super heroes, and even some bastardizing the sacrifices of men storming the beaches of Normandy in WW2. It's absurd and dare I say offensive.

It's a fallacy trying to be perpetuated by some as they think it will draw sympathy for anyone but Trump. No easier method than to have these confrontations play out in the media and I hope the average voter sees through this bs as their job is exported to China.

To hell with these fake, wannabe, "play dress up" neo-nazis and to hell with the protesting ANTIFA, some who were paid quite well for their participation I'm sure. The bottom line is, neither side should be celebrated as both represent a threat to the United States as far as I am concerned.

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