Fentanyl as an WMD: Mexican National Busted at Border with enough to KILL 57 Million Americans!

When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

This story gives credence to investing money into more technology and more guards with training at the entry ports.
When drugs come into the US in places other than the port of entries, it is a majority of the time, through tunnels, under the walls.
This story does nothing for building a wall. It actually backs up what opponents of the wall have been saying all along.
Thanks, Tree.

According to DHS 2018 seizures of Fentanyl, more than 500 pounds, were seized between the ports of entry. An all of the above approach is required.

"Fentanyl seizures are rapidly increasing, and most occur at ports of entry."

My mistake, I quoted 2017 numbers, not 2018.

Hundreds of pounds of fentanyl smuggled into the U.S. last year and seized by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) came directly from Mexico.

Customs authorities seized a total of 1,188 pounds of the synthetic opioid in fiscal year 2017, a 150 percent increase over the previous year.

“Half of the total seizures in term of weight happened at the U.S. Mexico border,” a CBP spokesman told CNSNews.com.

CBP: Fentanyl Seizures up 150% in FY2017; Half at US-Mexico Border

From wola.org? Lol

Dec. 20, 2018
Border Patrol Hinders Smuggling Attempts in the Rio Grande Valley | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Monday afternoon, Harlingen agents working near Bluetown, Texas, observed four subjects carrying bundles of marijuana north of the Rio Grande. As agents responded, the subjects entered a cane field in an attempt to hide. Agents, along with a Border K-9 team, entered the cane field and located four illegal aliens. A continued search of the area led to the discovery of the narcotics weighing over 190 pounds, worth an estimated $155K. The Border Patrol turned over the narcotics to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Tuesday, Fort Brown agents responded to the report of several subjects carrying bundles of narcotics near Brownsville, Texas. As mobile units responded, agents observed a Jeep leave the area at a high rate of speed. After a brief pursuit, agents lost sight of the vehicle and requested assistance from Texas Department of Public Safety troopers. The troopers located the vehicle and advised it had collided with another vehicle at the intersection of Security Drive and Boca Chica Boulevard. After a brief foot pursuit, troopers and agents apprehended the driver and passenger of the Jeep. A search of the vehicle revealed over 360 pounds of marijuana, worth an estimated $291K. This incident remains under investigation by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Wednesday morning, Rio Grande City agents observed several subjects carrying narcotic bundles north of the Rio Grande. As agents encountered the smugglers, they abandoned the narcotics and fled to Mexico.

On January 29, 2019, at approximately 9:30 p.m., a Lordsburg Border Patrol Agent operating infrared surveillance equipment observed four subjects walking northbound near the smelter on Highway 1113, approximately 8 miles south of Playas. Border Patrol All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Units along with a National Guard Helicopter responded to the area.

Release Date:
January 30, 2019
EDINBURG, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents continue to encounter narcotic smuggling attempts
in the nation’s busiest sector.

Late Sunday evening, McAllen Border Patrol agents working near Havana, Texas, responded to a report of several subjects carrying bundles of narcotics along the Mexican riverbank. Agents continued to watch the smugglers as they crossed illegally into the United States. Shortly after the smugglers made landfall on the U.S. riverbank, agents moved in to intercept the group. As agents made contact with the group, the smugglers abandoned the marijuana and fled to Mexico. Agents seized over 230 pounds of marijuana worth over $186K.

Over the past three days, Rio Grande Valley Sector agents have disrupted a total of nine narcotic smuggling attempts resulting in the seizure of 1,500 pounds of marijuana.

Not to mention-

Convicted and Previously Deported Felon Caught at Border | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Smuggling Attempt Stopped by Yuma Sector Border Patrol | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol arrests Gang Member and Criminal Alien | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
BP Agents Arrest Sex Offender, MS-13 Gang Member | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Border Patrol Agent Assaulted by Illegal Alien | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Border Patrol Arrests MS-13 Gang Member | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Del Rio Border Patrol Arrests Sex Offender | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Previously Deported 18 Street Gang Member Arrested | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Border Patrol Hinders Smuggling Attempts in the Rio Grande Valley | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

All in the last month, not at ports of entry.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

This story gives credence to investing money into more technology and more guards with training at the entry ports.
When drugs come into the US in places other than the port of entries, it is a majority of the time, through tunnels, under the walls.
This story does nothing for building a wall. It actually backs up what opponents of the wall have been saying all along.
Thanks, Tree.

According to DHS 2018 seizures of Fentanyl, more than 500 pounds, were seized between the ports of entry. An all of the above approach is required.

"Fentanyl seizures are rapidly increasing, and most occur at ports of entry."
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
You've heard of Appalachia, right?

Lot of doper Democrats in Appalachia. The truth is, very few if any of the ghetto drug dealers and those people cruising around at 3:00 AM looking for drugs, and card-carrying Republican pro-life anti-immigrant NRA-joining legal gun-owning church-going John Bitch Society conservatives.

It's liberals/progressives/Democrats who want drug decriminalization, and those are basically the same people who are the primarily the dopers in this country. Look at your heros and role models: Even they're dropping like flies from drug overdoses. Do ya'll want fentynal? Well hell, ya'll should have all the free fentynal, meth, heroin, and crack you can do and let's see what happens to the political makeup of this country. If the Democrat Party happens to come up short 57 million votes, well it's all gravy to me.
Lol @ you saying "the truth is".

The truth is that if you cared more for your brothers and sisters of your own political ilk, you'd want even more to stop the flow of drugs into this country. That would also include a wall on our southern border, as well as ya'll's idiotic pipe-dream of "decriminalization."
You said it again!

Prince Died of Fentanyl that he was told was OxyContin which he took for a chronic injury.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
You've heard of Appalachia, right?

Lots of doper Democrats in Appalachia. The truth is, very few if any of the ghetto drug dealers and those people cruising around at 3:00 AM looking for drugs, are card-carrying Republican pro-life anti-immigrant NRA-joining legal gun-owning church-going John Birch Society conservatives.

It's liberals/progressives/Democrats who want drug decriminalization, and those are basically the same people who are the primarily the dopers in this country. Look at your heroes and role models: Even they're dropping like flies from drug overdoses. Do ya'll want fentynal? Well hell, ya'll should have all the free fentynal, meth, heroin, and crack you can do and let's see what happens to the political makeup of this country. If the Democrat Party happens to come up short 57 million votes, well it's all gravy to me.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

At a crossing point. The Fat ass's wall would have done nothing.

A wall will help to maximize the man power available. Border patrol agents have already agreed a wall will help.

Here's a past quote from Schummer.

"The American people need to know that, because of our efforts in Congress, our border is far more secure today than it was when we began debating comprehensive immigration reform in 2005," Schumer stated. "Between 2005 and 2009, a vast amount of progress has been made on our borders and ports of entry. This progress includes ... construction of 630 miles of border fence that create a significant barrier to illegal immigration on our southern land border."

And then there was this from Schummer...

"The first of these seven principles is that illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. When we use phrases like 'undocumented workers,' we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration, which the American people overwhelmingly oppose," Schumer explained.

"People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the United States legally," Schumer said. "Any immigration solution must recognize that we must do as much as we can to gain operational control of our borders as soon as possible."

Of course, now that Trump is president, the Democrats want to appeal to their voter base in Los Angeles. You notice you rarely hear them refer to illegal immigrants as Illegal. They are simply called Immigrants. You cant insult one of your voting blocks
Yeah, here is his border fence-

View attachment 243341

View attachment 243343

which goes to show a wall, along with technology would be a vast improvement over Schumer's fence

From wola.org? Lol

Dec. 20, 2018
Border Patrol Hinders Smuggling Attempts in the Rio Grande Valley | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Monday afternoon, Harlingen agents working near Bluetown, Texas, observed four subjects carrying bundles of marijuana north of the Rio Grande. As agents responded, the subjects entered a cane field in an attempt to hide. Agents, along with a Border K-9 team, entered the cane field and located four illegal aliens. A continued search of the area led to the discovery of the narcotics weighing over 190 pounds, worth an estimated $155K. The Border Patrol turned over the narcotics to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Tuesday, Fort Brown agents responded to the report of several subjects carrying bundles of narcotics near Brownsville, Texas. As mobile units responded, agents observed a Jeep leave the area at a high rate of speed. After a brief pursuit, agents lost sight of the vehicle and requested assistance from Texas Department of Public Safety troopers. The troopers located the vehicle and advised it had collided with another vehicle at the intersection of Security Drive and Boca Chica Boulevard. After a brief foot pursuit, troopers and agents apprehended the driver and passenger of the Jeep. A search of the vehicle revealed over 360 pounds of marijuana, worth an estimated $291K. This incident remains under investigation by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Wednesday morning, Rio Grande City agents observed several subjects carrying narcotic bundles north of the Rio Grande. As agents encountered the smugglers, they abandoned the narcotics and fled to Mexico.

On January 29, 2019, at approximately 9:30 p.m., a Lordsburg Border Patrol Agent operating infrared surveillance equipment observed four subjects walking northbound near the smelter on Highway 1113, approximately 8 miles south of Playas. Border Patrol All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Units along with a National Guard Helicopter responded to the area.

Release Date:
January 30, 2019
EDINBURG, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents continue to encounter narcotic smuggling attempts
in the nation’s busiest sector.

Late Sunday evening, McAllen Border Patrol agents working near Havana, Texas, responded to a report of several subjects carrying bundles of narcotics along the Mexican riverbank. Agents continued to watch the smugglers as they crossed illegally into the United States. Shortly after the smugglers made landfall on the U.S. riverbank, agents moved in to intercept the group. As agents made contact with the group, the smugglers abandoned the marijuana and fled to Mexico. Agents seized over 230 pounds of marijuana worth over $186K.

Over the past three days, Rio Grande Valley Sector agents have disrupted a total of nine narcotic smuggling attempts resulting in the seizure of 1,500 pounds of marijuana.

Not to mention-

Convicted and Previously Deported Felon Caught at Border | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Smuggling Attempt Stopped by Yuma Sector Border Patrol | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol arrests Gang Member and Criminal Alien | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
BP Agents Arrest Sex Offender, MS-13 Gang Member | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Border Patrol Agent Assaulted by Illegal Alien | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Border Patrol Arrests MS-13 Gang Member | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Del Rio Border Patrol Arrests Sex Offender | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Previously Deported 18 Street Gang Member Arrested | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Border Patrol Hinders Smuggling Attempts in the Rio Grande Valley | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

All in the last month, not at ports of entry.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

This story gives credence to investing money into more technology and more guards with training at the entry ports.
When drugs come into the US in places other than the port of entries, it is a majority of the time, through tunnels, under the walls.
This story does nothing for building a wall. It actually backs up what opponents of the wall have been saying all along.
Thanks, Tree.

According to DHS 2018 seizures of Fentanyl, more than 500 pounds, were seized between the ports of entry. An all of the above approach is required.

"Fentanyl seizures are rapidly increasing, and most occur at ports of entry."
Prince Died of Fentanyl that he was told was OxyContin which he took for a chronic injury.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
You've heard of Appalachia, right?

Lots of doper Democrats in Appalachia. The truth is, very few if any of the ghetto drug dealers and those people cruising around at 3:00 AM looking for drugs, are card-carrying Republican pro-life anti-immigrant NRA-joining legal gun-owning church-going John Birch Society conservatives.

It's liberals/progressives/Democrats who want drug decriminalization, and those are basically the same people who are the primarily the dopers in this country. Look at your heroes and role models: Even they're dropping like flies from drug overdoses. Do ya'll want fentynal? Well hell, ya'll should have all the free fentynal, meth, heroin, and crack you can do and let's see what happens to the political makeup of this country. If the Democrat Party happens to come up short 57 million votes, well it's all gravy to me.

Tom Petty, Mac Miller, Lil Peep, Anthony Durante, Jay Bennett from Wilco, Paul Gray from Slipknot, all died from fentynal.
Prince Died of Fentanyl that he was told was OxyContin which he took for a chronic injury.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
You've heard of Appalachia, right?

Lots of doper Democrats in Appalachia. The truth is, very few if any of the ghetto drug dealers and those people cruising around at 3:00 AM looking for drugs, are card-carrying Republican pro-life anti-immigrant NRA-joining legal gun-owning church-going John Birch Society conservatives.

It's liberals/progressives/Democrats who want drug decriminalization, and those are basically the same people who are the primarily the dopers in this country. Look at your heroes and role models: Even they're dropping like flies from drug overdoses. Do ya'll want fentynal? Well hell, ya'll should have all the free fentynal, meth, heroin, and crack you can do and let's see what happens to the political makeup of this country. If the Democrat Party happens to come up short 57 million votes, well it's all gravy to me.
Prince was not taking illegal Mexican painkillers.
Prince Died of Fentanyl that he was told was OxyContin which he took for a chronic injury.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
You've heard of Appalachia, right?

Lots of doper Democrats in Appalachia. The truth is, very few if any of the ghetto drug dealers and those people cruising around at 3:00 AM looking for drugs, are card-carrying Republican pro-life anti-immigrant NRA-joining legal gun-owning church-going John Birch Society conservatives.

It's liberals/progressives/Democrats who want drug decriminalization, and those are basically the same people who are the primarily the dopers in this country. Look at your heroes and role models: Even they're dropping like flies from drug overdoses. Do ya'll want fentynal? Well hell, ya'll should have all the free fentynal, meth, heroin, and crack you can do and let's see what happens to the political makeup of this country. If the Democrat Party happens to come up short 57 million votes, well it's all gravy to me.
Prince was not taking illegal Mexican painkillers.

Isn't fentynal an "illegal Mexican painkiller"? Did he mix it up himself in his kitchen sink or something?


57 April 21, 2016 Chanhassen, Minnesota, USA Fentanyl[108]
Prince Died of Fentanyl that he was told was OxyContin which he took for a chronic injury.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
You've heard of Appalachia, right?

Lots of doper Democrats in Appalachia. The truth is, very few if any of the ghetto drug dealers and those people cruising around at 3:00 AM looking for drugs, are card-carrying Republican pro-life anti-immigrant NRA-joining legal gun-owning church-going John Birch Society conservatives.

It's liberals/progressives/Democrats who want drug decriminalization, and those are basically the same people who are the primarily the dopers in this country. Look at your heroes and role models: Even they're dropping like flies from drug overdoses. Do ya'll want fentynal? Well hell, ya'll should have all the free fentynal, meth, heroin, and crack you can do and let's see what happens to the political makeup of this country. If the Democrat Party happens to come up short 57 million votes, well it's all gravy to me.
Prince was not taking illegal Mexican painkillers.

Isn't fentynal an "illegal Mexican painkiller"? Did he mix it up himself in his kitchen sink or something?


57 April 21, 2016 Chanhassen, Minnesota, USA Fentanyl[108]
It's a prescription pain killer, not just a recreational drug.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

At a crossing point. The Fat ass's wall would have done nothing.

A wall will help to maximize the man power available. Border patrol agents have already agreed a wall will help.

Here's a past quote from Schummer.

"The American people need to know that, because of our efforts in Congress, our border is far more secure today than it was when we began debating comprehensive immigration reform in 2005," Schumer stated. "Between 2005 and 2009, a vast amount of progress has been made on our borders and ports of entry. This progress includes ... construction of 630 miles of border fence that create a significant barrier to illegal immigration on our southern land border."

And then there was this from Schummer...

"The first of these seven principles is that illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. When we use phrases like 'undocumented workers,' we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration, which the American people overwhelmingly oppose," Schumer explained.

"People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the United States legally," Schumer said. "Any immigration solution must recognize that we must do as much as we can to gain operational control of our borders as soon as possible."

Of course, now that Trump is president, the Democrats want to appeal to their voter base in Los Angeles. You notice you rarely hear them refer to illegal immigrants as Illegal. They are simply called Immigrants. You cant insult one of your voting blocks
Yeah, here is his border fence-

View attachment 243341

View attachment 243343

which goes to show a wall, along with technology would be a vast improvement over Schumer's fence
We don't need a 40' concrete wall.
Prince Died of Fentanyl that he was told was OxyContin which he took for a chronic injury.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
You've heard of Appalachia, right?

Lots of doper Democrats in Appalachia. The truth is, very few if any of the ghetto drug dealers and those people cruising around at 3:00 AM looking for drugs, are card-carrying Republican pro-life anti-immigrant NRA-joining legal gun-owning church-going John Birch Society conservatives.

It's liberals/progressives/Democrats who want drug decriminalization, and those are basically the same people who are the primarily the dopers in this country. Look at your heroes and role models: Even they're dropping like flies from drug overdoses. Do ya'll want fentynal? Well hell, ya'll should have all the free fentynal, meth, heroin, and crack you can do and let's see what happens to the political makeup of this country. If the Democrat Party happens to come up short 57 million votes, well it's all gravy to me.
Prince was not taking illegal Mexican painkillers.

Isn't fentynal an "illegal Mexican painkiller"? Did he mix it up himself in his kitchen sink or something?


57 April 21, 2016 Chanhassen, Minnesota, USA Fentanyl[108]
No No and No.

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