
  1. The Original Tree

    Fentanyl as an WMD: Mexican National Busted at Border with enough to KILL 57 Million Americans!

    I am calling on THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, CONGRESS, DEA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, THE US MILITARY, AND PRESIDENT TRUMP to declare Fentanyl as a Weapon of Mass Destruction and as a Dangerous Chemical Weapon! When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course...
  2. The Original Tree

    Texas Cops Shot Up By Mexican Drug Cartels: Lefty Laughs & then gets Measels

    Do you think it's funny Nancy Pelosi? Do you Socialist DemNazis think increasing numbers of cops being shot and murdered is pleasurable, and gratifying to you? After all, you marched in front of the cameras, telling us what you really wanted. Dead Cops and Right Now! Do you find it amusing...
  3. The Original Tree

    What is Schummer & Pelosi's Plan to deal with Fentanyl, Heroin, and Illegal Immigration Epidemic?

    Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006...
  4. The Original Tree

    The Democrat Party's Problematic Alliances With Radical Islam and Illegal Aliens

    The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump. America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all. From their continual insistence in importing...
  5. The Original Tree

    Why Does The Democrat Party Piss on Americans & tell us its Raining?

    Their stance on Illegal Immigration is completely unreasonable, and dangerous. They are willing to sacrifice American Security just to get a few more federal dollars by counting Illegals in the Census. They are importing morons and idiots with 5th grade educations, criminal records and placing...
  6. The Original Tree

    Why Does The Democrat Party Piss on Americans & tell us its Raining?

    Their stance on Illegal Immigration is completely unreasonable, and dangerous. They are willing to sacrifice American Security just to get a few more federal dollars by counting Illegals in the Census. They are importing morons and idiots with 5th grade educations, criminal records and placing...
  7. The Original Tree

    Why Does The Democrat Party Piss on Americans & tell us its Raining?

    Their stance on Illegal Immigration is completely unreasonable, and dangerous. They are willing to sacrifice American Security just to get a few more federal dollars by counting Illegals in the Census. They are importing morons and idiots with 5th grade educations, criminal records and placing...

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