Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light

So I was drawing up my one way magnetic field and all the arrows pointed away from the nucleus towards where its colder. This didn't make any sense. So I conclude that the one way energy in the electric shell points from the south end to the north end instead of outwards. Why it does this has to be related to the nucleus shape. The north end is where all the arrows are pointing and it squeezes the electricity out and back in to the south end.

The direction of the magnetic field from the north end to the south end cancels the loss of heat from the north end with the gain of heat at the south end. A magnetic field is similar to a gravity field in that the heat they originate from is static and doesn't extend outside the field it creates. So a magnetic field may be electricity that isn't flowing and is static energy just like that of the electric shell.
I was thinking about it more in my original picture I was drawing a spherical elecrtic shell around the nucleus where the arrows of force were all pointing out towards colder aether. This may be correct that the force of the inner shell is pointing outwards, but there is also the force of the outer shell which is the force of momentum in on the shell. So the two forces squeeze against each other and end up pointing towards a north pole and away from a south pole, again probably dependent on the shape of the nucleus.

Also the two forces squeezing in on the electric shell could vary and create a frequency to the shell that makes color. Like I 've said a lot of elements are grey from black to white and that is the black nucleus and the white electric shell tinting each other.
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Copper and gold which are conductive have the same color, I wonder if the two forces of the electric shell and the frequency they produce are what causes electric flow when the poles shift in AC current.
From Ken Wheeler's Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism:


You're looking at actual lines of magnetic force. Now picture that yellow donut actually squeezing itself against a tiny hole pierced by an axis. Picture the donut then extending just as far outward as needed for the axial field pressure to match that of the field pressure upon its periphery. Now you have a useful model for the atom, galaxies, black hole event horizons, the magnetic portion of space itself.

The white line bisecting the purple donut on the left is the dielectric or counterspatial plane from which energy emerges and where matter (space) (magnetism) goes to "die" (get recycled into energy). When you break what we commonly refer to as a "magnet" into pieces, you just end up with more of the exact same thing, only smaller.
The white line bisecting the purple donut on the left is the dielectric or counterspatial plane from which energy emerges and where matter (space) (magnetism) goes to "die" (get recycled into energy). When you break what we commonly refer to as a "magnet" into pieces, you just end up with more of the exact same thing, only smaller.
Do you disagree with the two force theory I'm proposing? It makes logical sense.
The almost cubic shape of iron may be why it is so magnetic, the weak corner of the cube with the absent nuclei would make up the south end while the opposite nuclei place in the cube would be filled and make the north end, this shape to the nucleus makes a powerful magnetic field that iron magnets display.
Do you disagree with the two force theory I'm proposing? It makes logical sense.
Can't really say. We clearly share some notions but not the same language.

Rust is the +++ oxidized isotope of iron and non-magnetizable. Iron ++
comes in many forms, each varying in both magnetic retention and strength. Mild steel of various carbon content has generally been used to manufacture permanent magnets. More recently neodymium alloys have taken over the market.

More from Ken Wheeler relating to iron:
If you were to tell someone close to you that ‘there is utterly no such thing as magnetic attraction’, they would inquire as to your medication or wonder what the punch line is. The very premise, from countless thousands of years past to the present, as evidenced from ‘magnets’ accelerating nails, iron bits, and ferrous objects to the ‘magnet’, and ‘opposite poles attracting/accelerating towards each other’, is as deeply ingrained in the human consciousness as the Sun rising in the East every morning. The ancient lie, this perceptual titanic error is as innate as breathing. As is the case, all attraction (and ‘repulsion’) is governed by dielectricity, not magnetism, which is the ‘dielectric field’ -Faraday, which in discharging, is the radiation Ether-modality we call magnetism. That magnetism is reaching out in space is not in question, however radiation only displaces things, as in the case of magnetism, causes an inductive reaction at the interatomic magneto-dielectric of ferrous objects, thereby causing dielectric coherency from magnetic displacement and resultant acceleration to the ‘magnet’ as the act of dielectric voidance. Radiation attracts nothing.
The Aether is a field. What we call magnetism, regardless of the physical form of its source, is really just dielectricity (an Aether created field modality, as is normal "light" or transversely propagated electromagnetic energy) radiating both bidirectionally and radially (outward) from its (often momentary or instantaneous) dielectric plane's core .

^First read deliberately ignoring all that added mumbo jumbo contained within the parentheses.
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Can't really say. We clearly share some notions but not the same language.
Yes I'm less of a physicist technical writer and more of a science fiction writer, always have been, and always heard complaints about it. What do you thin about the word static for heat that creates gravity and electricity? or does the word have some other meaning you already associate it with?
So the electricity shell around the nucleus is composed of three parts: energy that flows away from the nucleus, energy that is flowing in towards the nucleus, and a center that is electricity that can't point out or in so it points towards its north pole. When the first two regions are in balance they create a white color. Oxygen must have a powerful energy storage capacity in its shell being white compared to carbon which must have a low energy capacity in its shell.
Jupiter and Saturn currently remain quite bright and close on the western horizon here.

I don't associate static with heat at all. I normally think of static as a built up electric charge, either positive or negative, producing a static or self-perpetuating electric field of significant duration. Static electricity is then any DC discharge of of that field's energy, especially any quick (disruptive) discharge resulting in visible sparking akin to that produced by a spark plug.
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So the electricity shell around the nucleus is composed of three parts: energy that flows away from the nucleus, energy that is flowing in towards the nucleus, and a center that is electricity that can't point out or in so it points towards its north pole. When the first two regions are in balance they create a white color. Oxygen must have a powerful energy storage capacity in its shell being white compared to carbon which must have a low energy capacity in its shell.
Nope, can't really relate to any of that. Sorry.
Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light
To be crystal, "space" or the grandest, magnetic modality or manifestation of the Aether, accomplishes nothing by definition. It is just the null state or voidance of matter, allowing us room to distinguish matter (weighable stuff with non-relativistic mass) from energy and other matter. The Aether is the necessary medium of all energy transfer through space, not just that of light energy.
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So I was drawing up my one way magnetic field and all the arrows pointed away from the nucleus towards where its colder. This didn't make any sense. So I conclude that the one way energy in the electric shell points from the south end to the north end instead of outwards. Why it does this has to be related to the nucleus shape. The north end is where all the arrows are pointing and it squeezes the electricity out and back in to the south end.

The direction of the magnetic field from the north end to the south end cancels the loss of heat from the north end with the gain of heat at the south end. A magnetic field is similar to a gravity field in that the heat they originate from is static and doesn't extend outside the field it creates. So a magnetic field may be electricity that isn't flowing and is static energy just like that of the electric shell.
The nucleus at 1 has a temperature of 10 degrees. The gravity field at 2 tapers off from the nucleus to .5 degrees. Energy represented by the small grids at 3 and 4 has a temperature of 1 degree. The energy at 4 has stopped and is pointing away from the nucleus. The energy at 3 has a greater temperature then the aether it is in and the slight speed of the energy expanding in towards the shell is canceled by the force of the energy at 4 pushing out and all the energy between 3 and 4 is stuck. So between 3 and 4 is electricity that makes a magnetic field.



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To be crystal, "space" or the grandest, magnetic modality or manifestation of the Aether, accomplishes nothing by definition. It is just the null state or voidance of matter, allowing us room to distinguish matter (weighable stuff with non-relativistic mass) from energy and other matter. The Aether is the necessary medium of all energy transfer through space, not just that of light energy.
Nuts, would you say the ubiquitous nature of the aether and that it is light bearing are the same thing? and that it is energy heat and nucleus heat that create the light bearing nature which is the single quality that makes it?
Nuts, would you say the ubiquitous nature of the aether and that it is light bearing are the same thing? and that it is energy heat and nucleus heat that create the light bearing nature which is the single quality that makes it?
No, I would not. The Aether transports every day light energy through itself in one way vs. transporting sound energy through itself and the air via another, for example.
Wow, it's the Circular Reasoned News!
A measurement that exacting is a complicated task. “It’s so challenging that nobody except the Gabrielse team dares to do it,” says physicist Holger Müller of the University of California, Berkeley.

A team of physicists stand behind their experimental apparatus which captured a single electron in a trap.
A team of physicists (pictured) captured a single electron in a trap (experimental apparatus shown) and studied it for months to measure a property called the electron magnetic moment. LAURA NEVINS

The new result is more than twice as precise as the previous measurement, which stood for over 14 years, and which was also made by Gabrielse’s team.
Gee, how convenient! How scientific! Having no pesky peers to worry about independently reviewing or testing:
Scientific Method – Why is it important?
The scientific method can be divided into two primary categories: (1) empirical science and (2) historical science. Empirical science entails a systematic approach to epistemology that uses observable, testable, repeatable, and falsifiable experimentation to understand how nature commonly behaves. It finds its implementation in such disciplines as immunology, rocket science, molecular biology, etc. Historical science involves the interpretation of evidence and the deduction of past occurrences, which is normally based upon an underlying supportive paradigm.

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