feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

Okay, listen to a real feminist:

Feminism is not ‘for the equality of all people’. Feminism is not ‘the belief that women should be treated the same as men.’ Feminism is not ‘the movement to make women equal to men in society.’ Feminism is not equalism.

Feminism is the liberation of women and girls all over the world from the patriarchy and misogyny that continues to harm and oppress them as a class of people. Feminism centres women unflinchingly and unapologetically. Feminism is the conversation about women’s issues in the world; without having to add some tokenistic sentence at the end acknowledging that men also experience some things too. Yah, we know. But we are talking about women right now, so hush.

The problem with saying that we are working towards women becoming equal to men is that it frames men and male cultures as being the optimum culture or the ideal goal that women should reach to become equal.

I’m here to say: what a crock of shit.
For women to be valid, whole human beings in society – feminism has got to move beyond this notion that women are striving for what men already have. I don’t want anything men already have. None of it. It’s a mess.

Why I don’t want women to become ‘equal to men’

Is the entire post a quote? Or is there anything from you there?
Okay, listen to a real feminist:

Feminism is not ‘for the equality of all people’. Feminism is not ‘the belief that women should be treated the same as men.’ Feminism is not ‘the movement to make women equal to men in society.’ Feminism is not equalism.

Feminism is the liberation of women and girls all over the world from the patriarchy and misogyny that continues to harm and oppress them as a class of people. Feminism centres women unflinchingly and unapologetically. Feminism is the conversation about women’s issues in the world; without having to add some tokenistic sentence at the end acknowledging that men also experience some things too. Yah, we know. But we are talking about women right now, so hush.

The problem with saying that we are working towards women becoming equal to men is that it frames men and male cultures as being the optimum culture or the ideal goal that women should reach to become equal.

I’m here to say: what a crock of shit.
For women to be valid, whole human beings in society – feminism has got to move beyond this notion that women are striving for what men already have. I don’t want anything men already have. None of it. It’s a mess.

Why I don’t want women to become ‘equal to men’

Is the entire post a quote? Or is there anything from you there?
It's all by Jessica Eaton. I found it quite interesting and thought it might give you--and some of the others here--a different perspective on things.
Anita Hill and PRINCESS FORD, as well as the four PRINCESSES who falsely accused black Republican Herman Cain for being black and not a Democrat...
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
Right bro, and blacks and LGBT folks don't want equal rights either, we all know that they want special rights just like the feared femi-nazis Sounds like you have some issues with women bro.
i prefer men over women. that's my issue.

the horror.
In what way?
i'm gay. is that what you want me to say. FUCK YOU.

No, it is not what I wanted you to say. I don't give a fuck about that. Geeeeze!!
It's all by Jessica Eaton. I found it quite interesting and thought it might give you--and some of the others here--a different perspective on things.

Doesn't it seem to confirm what OP is saying?

It was a huge wall of text, I chose not to read.

Update: Okay so I read it, but it still seems to confirm what the OP is saying that feminism wants supremacy.

Feminists have been saying things like dismantling patriarchy from ages, if it exists it hasn't happened till now. Why would they be able to achieve it now?

If Patriarchy exists it is only helping women and not men, if anything it promotes misandry.
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Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.
Dude, you're not a monster. You're more like the crazy little guy running around with a diaper on his head squeaking, "THE END IS COMING!"
Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.

You're no monster. You're still a child hurt by something and you need help.
The only help he needs is an icepick lobotomy.
If you are so concerned about "right and wrong," this is totally WRONG. Selling OTHER people for their sexual parts is TOTALLY WRONG.

The sexual part was an after thought in both cases. It was the ability to cook, clean, launder and milk cows that was the primary concern.

Total cost of both women $0. Simply getting the mouth that needed to be fed and the body that needed to be clothed out of the house was payment enough in both cases. 1 in Europe and the other in New England.

No, still true in a lot of places. I worked a case with a family from Mexico, and the Dad had exactly that frame of mind when we gently broke it to him that his fifteen year old daughter could not be living with and sexually active with a 22 year old. They had hooked up in Mexico before coming here, when she was 13, and her Dad's first reaction was "who is going to feed her, then?" My answer had to be "you." He was not impressed.

I know its true, but it's still lunacy.
It's hard economics, IM2. Happily, in this country we have gone way beyond having to make those kind of hard decisions.
Which is why, someplace deep in my heart, I still hope that Anathema is a mod's sock, because all I can do is deeply pity him if he is for real.
No, he is for real. I pity anyone who has to interact with that nut.

I wonder if his coworkers have a betting pool as to when he will leave in either handcuffs or a straitjacket.
Anita Hill and PRINCESS FORD, as well as the four PRINCESSES who falsely accused black Republican Herman Cain for being black and not a Democrat...

When did that happen? Cain was outed by Rick Perry.
we have become a society where someone can be criminalized by the public due to an allegation. no evidence under oath is required. it should disturb the hell out of everyone
Cain was outed by Rick Perry

All four of his FemiNazi extortionists were PRINCESSES....

Whole life - no accusations

Goes to DC to work for NRA (R=restaurant) and wham-o for being black and not Dem... by the ruthless enforcers of PC in the Dem party, the FemiNazi Zionists.... same demographic as Ford...
Cain was outed by Rick Perry

All four of his FemiNazi extortionists were PRINCESSES....

Whole life - no accusations

Goes to DC to work for NRA (R=restaurant) and wham-o for being black and not Dem... by the ruthless enforcers of PC in the Dem party, the FemiNazi Zionists.... same demographic as Ford...
Princesses? What kingdom(s)?
we have become a society where someone can be criminalized by the public due to an allegation. no evidence under oath is required. it should disturb the hell out of everyone

You conservatives live in a fact less world where you accuse everybody of things they don't do then start crying when one of yours gets the same medicine.
Cain was outed by Rick Perry

All four of his FemiNazi extortionists were PRINCESSES....

Whole life - no accusations

Goes to DC to work for NRA (R=restaurant) and wham-o for being black and not Dem... by the ruthless enforcers of PC in the Dem party, the FemiNazi Zionists.... same demographic as Ford...

The Rick Perry campaign put the names of these women out there. And you republicans decided he could no longer be nominated.
the gop is the party of justice for all. the democrats are the party for women only segregation.

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