CDZ Feminism - An American Issue

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I ve been reading another thread on the CDZ about feminism and prostitution.

And Ive seen feminism mentioned many times on here over the past year.

I tend to skip those threads because I dont see what the problem is.

Its not a debate we have over here. Women are entitled to equality and there is still a struggle for them to get there.

But feminism itself is not controversial.

So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?
Feminism and the destruction of the family unit as it has been for millions of years is the single biggest reason for income inequality. Corporations love it as it has too slaves to use and both don't nearly have the power unions gave the one 60 years ago.

We'd be wise to go back to economic liberalism and rebuild the family.
I think
I ve been reading another thread on the CDZ about feminism and prostitution.

And Ive seen feminism mentioned many times on here over the past year.

I tend to skip those threads because I dont see what the problem is.

Its not a debate we have over here. Women are entitled to equality and there is still a struggle for them to get there.

But feminism itself is not controversial.

So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?
I think it has become an issue because there has been a rebranding of feminism by the right. Instead of being a movement towards equality of the sexes, they focus on the weirder fringier elements, and lump all feminists into that pile. Much like how the left lumped all trump voters into the basket of deplorables.
Girlies have been working men's jobs for the past 45 years or more.

This way they make a lot of money and don't need a hubby to have a house to live in.

The birth rate goes down too. Some of these libby girlies don't even have kids at all.

With a 7+ billion population less is better than more.

Given time, genetically they will extinguish themselves however.
Girlies have been working men's jobs for the past 45 years or more.

This way they make a lot of money and don't need a hubby to have a house to live in.

The birth rate goes down too. Some of these libby girlies don't even have kids at all.

With a 7+ billion population less is better than more.

Given time, genetically they will extinguish themselves however.
Girlies?!?! Lol
Girlies have been working men's jobs for the past 45 years or more.

This way they make a lot of money and don't need a hubby to have a house to live in.

The birth rate goes down too. Some of these libby girlies don't even have kids at all.

With a 7+ billion population less is better than more.

Given time, genetically they will extinguish themselves however.
Women have been in the workplace for ever.
it became an issue because someone wrote a book. do not trouble your limited mind
I think
I ve been reading another thread on the CDZ about feminism and prostitution.

And Ive seen feminism mentioned many times on here over the past year.

I tend to skip those threads because I dont see what the problem is.

Its not a debate we have over here. Women are entitled to equality and there is still a struggle for them to get there.

But feminism itself is not controversial.

So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?
I think it has become an issue because there has been a rebranding of feminism by the right. Instead of being a movement towards equality of the sexes, they focus on the weirder fringier elements, and lump all feminists into that pile. Much like how the left lumped all trump voters into the basket of deplorables.

Nobody lumped Trump voters into baskets of deplorables. They freely voted for deplorable Trump as they jumped into those baskets. Supporting someone that deplorable makes you deplorable.
I think
I ve been reading another thread on the CDZ about feminism and prostitution.

And Ive seen feminism mentioned many times on here over the past year.

I tend to skip those threads because I dont see what the problem is.

Its not a debate we have over here. Women are entitled to equality and there is still a struggle for them to get there.

But feminism itself is not controversial.

So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?
I think it has become an issue because there has been a rebranding of feminism by the right. Instead of being a movement towards equality of the sexes, they focus on the weirder fringier elements, and lump all feminists into that pile. Much like how the left lumped all trump voters into the basket of deplorables.

Nobody lumped Trump voters into baskets of deplorables. They freely voted for deplorable Trump as they jumped into those baskets. Supporting someone that deplorable makes you deplorable.
I guess I am deplorable. What will you do about it?

If one is deplorable for voting Trump, then what is one who voted for the lying criminal bitch?
I think
I ve been reading another thread on the CDZ about feminism and prostitution.

And Ive seen feminism mentioned many times on here over the past year.

I tend to skip those threads because I dont see what the problem is.

Its not a debate we have over here. Women are entitled to equality and there is still a struggle for them to get there.

But feminism itself is not controversial.

So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?
I think it has become an issue because there has been a rebranding of feminism by the right. Instead of being a movement towards equality of the sexes, they focus on the weirder fringier elements, and lump all feminists into that pile. Much like how the left lumped all trump voters into the basket of deplorables.

Nobody lumped Trump voters into baskets of deplorables. They freely voted for deplorable Trump as they jumped into those baskets. Supporting someone that deplorable makes you deplorable.
I guess I am deplorable. What will you do about it?

If one is deplorable for voting Trump, then what is one who voted for the lying criminal bitch?
I ve been reading another thread on the CDZ about feminism and prostitution.

And Ive seen feminism mentioned many times on here over the past year.

I tend to skip those threads because I dont see what the problem is.

Its not a debate we have over here. Women are entitled to equality and there is still a struggle for them to get there.

But feminism itself is not controversial.

So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?

My thoughts.

The thing was, in principle, feminism won the important arguments about equal pay for equal work and opportunity. IN principle (Reality is, women still make less then men, and we could spend a lot of time discussing why that is.)

I think what makes conservatives and even some liberals uneasy about feminists is their anti-male rhetoric and their unabashed love for abortion on demand.

Take Hillary. Her argument was that it was time for a woman. Why? It seemed like her biggest problem was that she never gave us a reason why she was running other than she deserved it, and I think that did put a lot of people off.

(Still doesn't excuse letting Trump be president, that's like cutting off your nose and gouging out your eyeballs to spite your face.)
As far as feminism is concerned, this new age of identity politics has resulted in it being entirely situational. The fear of being considered racist has resulted in people acting as apologists for all manner of repulsive misogyny as long as it arises from a group that isn't white.

Heck, I even know a Welshman who routinely defends the rape of children as long as it involves Muslim perps. His politically correct Islamophilia trumps any concern for the rights of girls.
As far as feminism is concerned, this new age of identity politics has resulted in it being entirely situational. The fear of being considered racist has resulted in people acting as apologists for all manner of repulsive misogyny as long as it arises from a group that isn't white.

Heck, I even know a Welshman who routinely defends the rape of children as long as it involves Muslim perps. His politically correct Islamophilia trumps any concern for the rights of girls.

No you don't. RWNJs make that accusation all the time. It isn't true.
As far as feminism is concerned, this new age of identity politics has resulted in it being entirely situational. The fear of being considered racist has resulted in people acting as apologists for all manner of repulsive misogyny as long as it arises from a group that isn't white.

Heck, I even know a Welshman who routinely defends the rape of children as long as it involves Muslim perps. His politically correct Islamophilia trumps any concern for the rights of girls.

No you don't. RWNJs make that accusation all the time. It isn't true.

It must be comforting for you to live in a world so extremely simplified that you call anybody who does not march in lockstep with leftist orthodoxy a "RWNJ"

It's a good thing liking dogs isn't identified as some sort of right wing trait. I'm sure you would kick some puppies to the curb just to make sure.
So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?

It's an issue here because we haven't "evolved" or become so "open minded" that our brains gave ceased working.

Here in the US, we still have real, traditional women who know, accept and embrace their proper place in Society. A place that is not LESS than a Man's place but is entirely different.than His.

The phrase Gender Complementarity has been coined for this type of relationship philosophy. This philosophy is not compatible with the ideas or ideals of Feminism.

Obviously the US has it's share of mindless, brainwashed, Feminist ***** but nowhere near as many (percentagewise) as Europe does.
As far as feminism is concerned, this new age of identity politics has resulted in it being entirely situational. The fear of being considered racist has resulted in people acting as apologists for all manner of repulsive misogyny as long as it arises from a group that isn't white.

Heck, I even know a Welshman who routinely defends the rape of children as long as it involves Muslim perps. His politically correct Islamophilia trumps any concern for the rights of girls.

No you don't. RWNJs make that accusation all the time. It isn't true.

It must be comforting for you to live in a world so extremely simplified that you call anybody who does not march in lockstep with leftist orthodoxy a "RWNJ"

It's a good thing liking dogs isn't identified as some sort of right wing trait. I'm sure you would kick some puppies to the curb just to make sure.

Not my fault if your lies are just too outrageous.
So why is it an issue in the States ? Are American women less deserving of equal rights ? Is this a partisan issue between the sexes or between political standpoints, or both ?

It's an issue here because we haven't "evolved" or become so "open minded" that our brains gave ceased working.

Here in the US, we still have real, traditional women who know, accept and embrace their proper place in Society. A place that is not LESS than a Man's place but is entirely different.than His.

The phrase Gender Complementarity has been coined for this type of relationship philosophy. This philosophy is not compatible with the ideas or ideals of Feminism.

Obviously the US has it's share of mindless, brainwashed, Feminist ***** but nowhere near as many (percentagewise) as Europe does.
Im reading here that its the change from what you grew up with that upsets you. Do women who "dont know their place" cause you any problems ?
Trying to understand why its an American issue. Working women in the UK are no a contentious issue.
I'm not sure "feminism" is a big issue in the States. You might be mislead if you are basing that on what you read here, which is not how things stand irl.
Ultra feminist scholars and such give women's rights a bad name for being so extreme, but I don't know that most people actually read that shit.

We're not done, that's for sure. Look at the RW reaction to Bill O'Reilly's firing, and the man we elected President. But like I said, we have to remind ourselves that USMB is not a bellwether of American thought.
What I hear from Gender Traditionalists is that the roles of the sexes are what they are. What's interesting is that they are happy with their assigned gender role. Great! Now, what do they tell people who are not happy with their tradition-assigned gender role. They tell them too bad, suck it up.

It's self-serving. And it's a system designed by the group in power that, hey, look, tells us that it's right and good (or "normal" or "God's will") that they stay in power.
I'm not sure "feminism" is a big issue in the States. You might be mislead if you are basing that on what you read here, which is not how things stand irl.
Ultra feminist scholars and such give women's rights a bad name for being so extreme, but I don't know that most people actually read that shit.

We're not done, that's for sure. Look at the RW reaction to Bill O'Reilly's firing, and the man we elected President. But like I said, we have to remind ourselves that USMB is not a bellwether of American thought.

But it kind of helps expose what people don't feel comfortable in saying out loud in public. The big battles are won, but there's this residue of misogynist thought left. As much as I hate the term micro-aggressions, that's what they are. When a guy at the hardware store talks down to me, refusing to let me even finish telling him what I'm doing, when the mechanic clearly resents my questions about the work, it's probably because I'm a woman. When a strange man tells a woman that she should "smile," would he say that to a guy? I don't complain about those attitudes (why bother?) but I also know that being a woman changes how men, who don't know me, relate to me.

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