Fellow GOPers: Let's not vote for establishment Republicans in 2022


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
Just because libs are stupid dont think conservatives are too

your bs is very transparent

yes we should vote for new candidates in GOP primaries to sweep out as many swamp rats as possible

but when that does not work out we also know that the worst republican is better than any democrat who takes their place
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.

You're a Nazi.

You have no "fellow" GOP. You serve Xi and the CCP.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
Yea. The trumpkins are about the intellectual equivalent of dough. Keep voting for the scum who cost you the White House, the senate and the house.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
Yea. The trumpkins are about the intellectual equivalent of dough. Keep voting for the scum who cost you the White House, the senate and the house.

Oh, Nazi Jill want's to tell the Juden what to think. :thup:

How cute.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
I think it's almost as a grand idea as starting a Patriot Party for all the purloined fascist of the Trump cult.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
So let me see if I have this right. You a stanch democrat are trying to pretend that you are a Republican. I realize that democrats are not very smart but this goes to a whole new level of stupid.
the funny thing is we don’t need to worry about Russia or China trying to take down the U.S. we have the democrats that are doing a better job of that then any country ever could.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.

If you needed further proof Trumpism is a cult, start here.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
You mean "fellow QOPers".
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
Yea. The trumpkins are about the intellectual equivalent of dough. Keep voting for the scum who cost you the White House, the senate and the house.

Oh, Nazi Jill want's to tell the Juden what to think. :thup:

How cute.
You're not jewish.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.

When will you finally realize dumb Donald Trump is a RINO; he is an authoritarian/megalomaniac and disrespects The Congress and the Judiciary. Our nation was built on the Separation of Power, Trump ignores this basic guiding principle!
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.

When will you finally realize dumb Donald Trump is a RINO; he is an authoritarian/megalomaniac and disrespects The Congress and the Judiciary. Our nation was built on the Separation of Power, Trump ignores this basic guiding principle!

They're too dumb to know any of that.
There are bad GOP representatives that don't do what they promise....and there are true scary nut jobs on the left that will point me to the GOP candidate every time....
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.

When will you finally realize dumb Donald Trump is a RINO; he is an authoritarian/megalomaniac and disrespects The Congress and the Judiciary. Our nation was built on the Separation of Power, Trump ignores this basic guiding principle!

They're too dumb to know any of that.
Its not stupidity that is the driving force here. This may sound crazy but loneliness and disconnection is the driving force. This is the lonely persons way of feeling to be a part of something larger than themselves and feel as though they have some power to effect the world around them. This makes them stupid as if their paradigm crashes around them they would have to make change in their own life. When you lie to yourself about why you are alone other lies become more appealing. Trumps blame every thing on every one else philosophy is very appealing to them. They would have to realize that they drove people away from themselves or are to lazy to maintain a relationship. This is the person every cult targets.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.

When will you finally realize dumb Donald Trump is a RINO; he is an authoritarian/megalomaniac and disrespects The Congress and the Judiciary. Our nation was built on the Separation of Power, Trump ignores this basic guiding principle!

They're too dumb to know any of that.
Its not stupidity that is the driving force here. This may sound crazy but loneliness and disconnection is the driving force. This is the lonely persons way of feeling to be a part of something larger than themselves and feel as though they have some power to effect the world around them. This makes them stupid as if their paradigm crashes around them they would have to make change in their own life. When you lie to yourself about why you are alone other lies become more appealing. Trumps blame every thing on every one else philosophy is very appealing to them. They would have to realize that they drove people away from themselves or are to lazy to maintain a relationship. This is the person every cult targets.

Absolutely, 100% spot on. The GOP has created this, not by lying prostate in front of Trump, but by ignoring their working class base for three decades. They say all the right things at political rallies and on Fox News but have done nothing else but the bidding of their corporate donors. Someone like Trump comes along and these folks feel like they have someone who cares about them, when in reality, he could give two shits about working people.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.

When will you finally realize dumb Donald Trump is a RINO; he is an authoritarian/megalomaniac and disrespects The Congress and the Judiciary. Our nation was built on the Separation of Power, Trump ignores this basic guiding principle!

They're too dumb to know any of that.
Its not stupidity that is the driving force here. This may sound crazy but loneliness and disconnection is the driving force. This is the lonely persons way of feeling to be a part of something larger than themselves and feel as though they have some power to effect the world around them. This makes them stupid as if their paradigm crashes around them they would have to make change in their own life. When you lie to yourself about why you are alone other lies become more appealing. Trumps blame every thing on every one else philosophy is very appealing to them. They would have to realize that they drove people away from themselves or are to lazy to maintain a relationship. This is the person every cult targets.

Absolutely, 100% spot on. The GOP has created this, not by lying prostate in front of Trump, but by ignoring their working class base for three decades. They say all the right things at political rallies and on Fox News but have done nothing else but the bidding of their corporate donors. Someone like Trump comes along and these folks feel like they have someone who cares about them, when in reality, he could give two shits about working people.
It is that non care about working people that drives the loneliness also. When a good percentage of the people out there have to work two and three jobs just to make ends meet, they do not have the time nor energy to maintain relationships. They collapse when they get off work and have no patience for the type of give and take required to maintain relationships . That is before even calculating in the pain they are in from being over worked. This is what is driving the opioid crisis also. Get hurt at work, doc gives you opioid. Opiod makes you tired but no pain. Tired veg on couch, do not interact with loved ones. Need opioid to make it through work and pain. Opiods cost. Need to work more, more work need more opiates, need more money, loved ones ditch you. Now mental physical pain need more opiates. Vicious freeking cycle.
If any RINO defeats a pro-Trump primary opponent in 2022, we should not reward said RINOs by voting for them in November of 2022.
Mitch McConnell is an a****** who disrespected our leader Donald Trump. He lied about Trump being responsible for the Capitol riots. Establishment rhinos won't admit that it was BLM folks (including the guy with the horns) who did it.
Yea. The trumpkins are about the intellectual equivalent of dough. Keep voting for the scum who cost you the White House, the senate and the house.
Massive fraud cost Republicans the WH.

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